Brexit and pensions uprating

The government is sending out letters outlining that even if we leave without a deal, pensions for those in the EU will be uprated for a further 3 years – an increase of at least 2.5% annually for the duration of this Parliament, worth up to £200 a year per person.

And pensioners will be told they do not need to do anything to continue receiving their State Pension.

During the 3-year period, the UK government plans to negotiate a new arrangement with the EU to ensure that uprating continues.

Work and Pensions Secretary Dr Thérèse Coffey said:

Pensioners in Europe who have paid into the system for years deserve peace of mind over their future finances.

Not only are we providing much-needed reassurance for hundreds of thousands of retirees, we’re ensuring we are fully prepared for leaving the EU on 31 October.

No matter the circumstances of Brexit, we’ve made sure that pensioners do not need to take any action to continue receiving their hard-earned State Pension.

A new dedicated call centre team based in Newcastle has also been established in order to answer any questions from those affected.

The uprating will also affect those living in the EEA states and Switzerland.

The letters will be sent next week.

Media enquiries for this press release – 020 3267 5144

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UN Human Rights Council 42 – UK Explanation of Vote

Julian Braithwaite

The UK would like to make an explanation of vote on Amendment L.40, proposed by Egypt, which seeks to add a new paragraph to draft resolution L.37.

We strongly oppose the incorporation of this Amendment on two grounds. The first is a question of efficiency. The Amendment suggests that states should exchange information on the impact of the abolition, or retention of the death penalty on crime rates. This concern was raised, and addressed more than two years ago by the main sponsors of this resolution. As a result, the upcoming biennial high-level panel discussion at the forty-sixth session of the Human Rights Council will specifically address human rights violations related to the use of the death penalty and if the use of the death penalty has a deterrent effect on crime rates.

Secondly, and more fundamentally, the drafting of Amendment L.40 suggests that the death penalty is an effective means of redress for victims of crime. We disagree. The taking of an individual’s life through capital punishment cannot be seen as redress for another life lost. It is neither an acceptable form of justice, nor reparation.

For these reasons, the UK will vote against this Amendment and call on all other members of the Human Rights Council to do the same.

Published 27 September 2019

Transforming the way we produce food: apply for business funding

World demand for food is expected to grow by 60 per cent to feed a rising and more prosperous global population.

Food producers need to supply what we eat in a more sustainable and efficient way, reducing pollution, minimising waste and improving soil conditions.

The UK is a global leader in the technologies that will help to achieve this, including in environmental management, earth observation, sensors, big data, artificial intelligence and robotics.

The UK Government’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund Transforming Food Production Challenge has up to £20 million from the fund to invest in large-scale and ambitious projects that help UK food production break out of a traditional land-based model and move towards a sustainable position of net-zero emissions.

Transforming food production

Areas of work could include new food sources

The competition is seeking projects either developing new and efficient low-emission food production systems or addressing technological and other bottlenecks holding back state-of-the art systems from supplying consumers.

Areas of work could include indoor growing systems, aquaculture, and new food sources such as insects and fermentation-based systems.

Projects must show how they will:

  • significantly contribute to achieving net-zero emissions across one or more food products
  • provide nutrient dense foods that are accessible to mainstream consumers
  • deliver other relevant benefits to society, such as reduced resource consumption and waste or improved animal welfare
  • apply a systems approach as opposed to working on a single technology

Competition information

  • UK-China: precision for enhancing agricultural productivity

We will fund projects to focus on autonomo*us technologies (sensors, systems, vehicles and robotics) and data-driven solutions to enhance productivity. Projects should include demonstration sites in China, in the UK, or both.

  • Science & technology into practice

Up to £15 million will support projects that either evaluate early stage feasibility or demonstrate the viability of precision solutions that will transform food production.

Case study: Improving potato yields

UKEF supports new Angolan power infrastructure and development of sustainable food supply

  • £83 million worth of government support announced for Glasgow-based IQA Group to install new electricity infrastructure in Northern Angola
  • £60 million worth of support will enable an agricultural project delivered by Cambridge based Incatuk, contributing to reducing Angola’s $1.5 billion annual spend on food imports
  • The projects are part of the Angolan government’s efforts to improve electricity supply and diversify economy

The UK government has provided £140 million to support development projects that will provide 7,000 homes with electricity and boost sustainable food supplies in Angola.

International Trade Secretary Rt Hon. Liz Truss MP said:

Secure power and sustainable food supplies will play an integral role in the future economic growth of Angola. I am delighted that UK expertise, supported by UK Export Finance, is playing such a direct and important role in accelerating this country’s development and ultimately improving the lives of its citizens.

Helping businesses seize trading opportunities that lie ahead is one of my key priorities. In its centenary year, UKEF continues to enable companies from across the UK like IQA and Incatuk expand their global reach by helping them succeed abroad. That’s why UKEF is at the heart of my plan to get businesses ready to trade as we leave the EU.

HM Ambassador to Angola, Jessica Hand, said:

Both of these projects will play a key role in Angola’s drive towards economic diversification. It is excellent to see UK exporter involvement in such important initiatives and particularly pleasing that they will enhance living conditions and stimulate the local economies of those living outside the capital, Luanda. I am delighted that, with support from UKEF and my team at the British Embassy Luanda, the UK is continuing to play a crucial role in Angola’s economic and social development.

Support from UKEF worth £82.6 million will connect around 7,000 homes to electricity through a project by the IQA Group. The company will upgrade sub-stations and build five new transmission lines in the Kwanza Norte Province of the country.

Antonio Henarejos, Managing Director, IQA Group, said:

This is second IQA contract in Angola supported by UKEF and their support is critical to our ambitious plans for international growth. We’re delighted to be delivering this project, which will improve power provision in Angola and support Scottish jobs.

UK Export Finance (UKEF) will also provide support worth £60 million for an agricultural project delivered by Incatuk, reducing Angola’s $1.5 billion annual spend on food imports. This project will include a range of activities including providing power distribution lines, training farmers, improving roads and rehabilitating farms neglected during the civil war.

José María Arribas, Director of INCATUK Ltd said

This project will not only contribute to the development of the cattle livestock sector and its value chain, but will also help to improve the rural development of the Camambatela Planalto region, by providing infrastructures that will benefit all the population. UKEF’s support has been crucial for turning this project into a reality.

  1. UK Export Finance is the UK’s export credit agency. It exists to ensure that no viable UK export should fail for want of finance or insurance from the private market. It provides finance and insurance to help exporters win, fulfil and ensure they get paid for export contracts.

  2. Sectors in which UKEF has supported exports include: aerospace, construction, oil and gas, mining and metals, petrochemicals, telecommunications, and transport.

  3. UKEF has a regional network of export finance managers supporting export businesses.

  4. Find the latest information on UKEF’s country cover positions

  5. UKEF supports exporters with a range of products that include:

    • Bond insurance policy
    • Bond support scheme
    • Buyer & supplier credit financing facility
    • Direct lending facility
    • Export insurance policy
    • Export refinancing facility
    • Export working capital scheme
    • Letter of credit guarantee scheme

126th Canton Fair, Guangzhou, China travel advice

Travel advice for visitors to the 126th Canton Fair that takes place from 15 October to 4 November in Guangzhou, China.

Travel advice for visitors to the 126th Canton Fair that takes place from 15 October to 4 November in Guangzhou, China.

Guangzhou, China

Advice for visitors travelling to Guangzhou for the 126th Canton Fair that takes place from 15 October to 4 November 2019

Date: 15 October to 4 November 2019

Main venue

China Import and Export Complex, known locally as the ‘Canton Fair’, on a large single site venue.

Passports, visa and travel insurance

  • Ensure that you comply fully with Chinese entry/exit requirements and register your temporary residence with the local public security bureau within 24 hours of arriving in the country.
  • If you stay in a hotel, registration is usually completed on your behalf as part of the check-in process.
  • Failing to register after arrival may mean that you could encounter issues when departing China.
  • Carry your passport for identification purposes at all time and keep copies of the data page separately, in case your passport is lost or stolen.

Transport in Guangzhou

  • Taxis are widely available in Guangzhou and it is worthwhile having the address of your accommodation and destination in Chinese to show to the driver.
  • Local companies in China offer a car service which can be booked through smart phone apps that are available in English.
  • Disputes over taxi fares can occur. Insist on paying the metered fare and ask for a receipt; this has the taxi number on it.
  • Many hotels run complimentary shuttle buses and boat transfers to the venue throughout the dates.
  • Guangzhou has an efficient and easy-to-use metro network. The nearest station to the venue is Xingang Dong (Line 2).

General Information for your visit

  • Prostitution in China is illegal and there have been instances where visitors have fallen victim to extortion associated with payment for sexual services.
  • Gambling is illegal in China.
  • There are extremely severe penalties for drugs offences in China, including the death penalty. The Chinese authorities can undertake random drug testing on foreign nationals including on entry to the country. There have been incidences of police raids on clubs, bars and homes, and these can include on the spot urine sampling.
  • You can find information on LGBT life in China on the British Embassy website. See our information and advice page for the LGBT community before you travel.
  • The typhoon season in China normally runs from May to November. You should monitor the progress of approaching storms and follow the advice of the local authorities. See Natural disasters on our travel advice pages.
  • High levels of air pollution can occur in the Guangzhou area which may aggravate bronchial, sinus or asthma conditions. You can check the pollution index levels for many cities in real time. See Health

For the latest information on safety and security, visit our travel advice pages for China

Contact the British Consulate-General in Guangzhou

Telephone + 86 (20) 8314 3000 (also for out of hours emergencies)

Office hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00am to 17:00pm

Our on line contact for – GOV.UK

Emergency Service numbers

  • 110 – Police
  • 12110 – Police text service
  • 120 – Ambulance service
  • 119 – Traffic accidents

Published 27 September 2019