Design Museum exhibition features UK-built Mars rover

A model of the rover – named after British chemist and DNA pioneer Rosalind Franklin – is part of the museum’s Moving to Mars exhibition, which invites visitors to consider the design challenges of travelling to and living on another planet.

The exhibition, which runs until 23 February 2020, looks at the seven-month journey to Mars and what the first people to make the journey might wear, eat and live in once they arrive on the red planet.

The Rosalind Franklin rover is due to launch in 2020 and land on Mars in 2021 as part of the joint European Space Agency (ESA) and Roscosmos ExoMars mission. The rover will drill down two metres beneath the surface, analyse the soil and search for evidence of past – and perhaps even present – life.

Sue Horne, Head of Exploration at the UK Space Agency, said:

“With ESA and NASA due to launch missions to Mars next year, this exhibition comes at a time when our sights are firmly set on the red planet.

“Rovers like Rosalind Franklin will allow us to explore Mars and search for signs of life, potentially answering one of our greatest scientific questions. But it is also right to keep one eye on the future and consider the challenges that the first astronauts who land, and live, on Mars will face.”

The UK Space Agency is the second largest European contributor to the mission, with a number of UK companies and universities playing a leading role in the design and manufacture of the rover. After being shipped from the UK to France in August for environmental testing, it is expected to be integrated into the spacecraft that will transport it to Mars early next year.

Brendan Innis from Airbus on the design challenges of building a rover designed to search for signs of life on another planet

The UK is a founding member of ESA and will make ambitious new investments next month at the Ministerial Council meeting known as Space19+. This will strengthen national capabilities and ensure the UK plays a significant role in global efforts to return humans to the Moon, bring back the first samples from Mars and develop innovative new technologies for life on Earth.

The government has also announced plans for a national space strategy, supported by the establishment of a National Space Council. This will help maximise the benefits of space for the whole of the UK.

Elsewhere UKSEDS, the student body for the exploration and development of space, have launched a competition for teams of students to design, build and test a Mars rover.

The deadline to enter the Olympus Rover Trials challenge is 31 October 2019.

Minister for Women and Equalities Liz Truss speaking at the FT’s Women at the Top event

This is an issue that I have been passionate about since I was a girl and I was presented with a ‘Junior Air Hostess’ badge on the plane by KLM and my brothers were given ‘Junior Pilot Badges’ and I thought “that is unfair” and that is what radicalised me.

But what I want to talk about today is what I call the cult of female exceptionalism and you may not have read it yet, but in a biography of Margaret Thatcher, that was launched last week, Mrs Thatcher did not consider women to be the equal of men, but their superior. She said women “suffer from fewer illusions, they’re closer to reality, more conscientious, and more aware of the human factor, and less likely to be patronising, pompous and jargon-ridden.”

Well I don’t normally disagree with Mrs Thatcher but I do on this occasion. Because I think it’s very important that we reject the idea that women are superior. I don’t hold to the cult of female exceptionalism: that women are better than men; that women are more trustworthy, or more empathetic or make better bosses.

I think it’s just as bad as the cult of male exceptionalism: the idea that men are more decisive, mentally stronger or better leaders. And I hate the stereotypes of women bosses as being domineering and bitchy, like in Working Girl or The Devil Wears Prada.

Women aren’t devils, or angels – we are just real people. And I think if we want to have real conversations about the future and what is holding women back, it’s important we don’t replace one set of stereotypes with another.

What I believe – and we’ve just heard from the last speaker – is that more equality, more freedom to pursue our own future, is better for everybody – women, men, gay people, straight people – it’s better across the board.

There are some people who still claim that the inequality between sexes is down to biology as much as discrimination.

They claim that there are psychological differences in areas like spatial awareness, mathematical reasoning or verbal skills between women and men. And I’m sure you’ve all read the prize-winning book Inferior by Angela Saini. She shows that these myths are myths. The psychological differences between men and women are statistically insignificant. In terms of mental rotations, spatial visualisation, mathematical ability, or verbal skills. There is no scientific basis to the myth that women are better at multitasking. And the fact that men have on average slightly bigger brains than women does not make them more intelligent. Otherwise, as the public intellectual Helen Hamilton Gardener put it in the 19th century, “an elephant would be able to out-think all of us”.

So my fundamental philosophy is that we should not claim exceptional qualities for either women or men, we should give people the freedom to be the individuals they are. And I think that is what we need to do. We need to challenge our culture and we need to end damaging stereotypes about what women and men should be doing, whether at school, in their careers or in our society.

This means resisting the human urge to put people in boxes, to challenge damaging attitudes that dictate to young girls or young boys what is the right path for them or what’s expected of them.

So for example the gap between girls academic achievement in science and technology, engineering and mathematics, and the severe underrepresentation in those fields. A gap which is attributed to the lack of confidence putting women off entering those often well-paying careers. And what we know about this, is we know that gap opens up very early. By age nine girls, despite having the exact same ability, in mathematics as boys, are less confident about their own abilities. And there was a very good programme recently on TV talking about the impact of the way stereotypes in the classroom work, the way that teachers often unconsciously call on boys to answer questions, and make assumptions.

And I’ve met people who still argue that this is innate. That really there’s something about girls and boys, that they like different things, that girls will be girls and boys will be boys and we should just accept that. But first of all there’s no scientific basis, and secondly if you look across the world, in East Asia the expectation is all students do maths, and they achieve equally well. So we need to look at what it is in our culture that’s driving those decisions.

I’m a big fan of ‘Let toys be toys’, which is all about making sure that there aren’t stereotypes in what kids play with. And some people think this is trivial. But it’s the drip, drip, drip that starts in the culture from a very early age, that becomes harder to deal with later on.

And let’s talk about later on.

I think it’s incredibly important that people have an equal shot at starting their own business. But at the moment women are less than half as likely to start their own businesses as men. Only one in three UK entrepreneurs is female, and this is way behind countries like the US, Canada and Australia. If women started businesses at the same rate as men there would be 1.1 million more female-lead firms.

So how can we tackle this? How can we deal with this? Well first of all, culture is all-powerful, and I think politicians have a role in challenging that culture, I think teachers have a role in challenging that culture, and I think all of us have a role in challenging the culture.

I’m rather a fan of the Everyday Sexism hashtag, which captures culture and what the problem is. And it strikes me that even though we’ve made huge strides in the workplace, there are still some embedded cultural attitudes that we have to deal with.

When I started my career working for Shell and Cable & Wireless in the 1990s I remember that often I was the only woman around. It wouldn’t be unusual to be the only woman in the meeting and I was treated as a bit of a novelty. Whereas now, it’s much more common, we have a much wider variety. Although I have to say, as a government minister, I’ve never had another female minister in my team, apart from now that I’m the Minister for Women and Equalities. So I think it does show that we’ve got some way to go.

And if you look at the political culture and the government culture, there’s an assumption that people will be around to do dinners, and that’s the important place for networking and getting things done. There can be assumptions about your availability at weekends. There can be assumptions about the fact that you have somebody at home supporting you so you can go off and do things all hours of the day and night. And those things are not openly stated, but they’re assumptions in the culture, and I think all of us have to be more open about putting forward that as being a challenge for us.

And it’s always been difficult to be the person that says, ‘hands up I don’t actually like the way we’re working here, I want to do things differently’, but I think we all have to be prepared to be brave.

And I think in this battle, new technology is a massive ally. It means that you don’t have to be present at work, you can do things outside the normal office environment, it means that people are more valued for what they’re actually putting in, rather than their presenteeism, and it means that it’s easier to see the contribution people are making in the workplace.

I think it’s very interesting that e-commerce firms are twice as likely to be owned by women as bricks and mortar ones, and that the number of women who are self-employed has nearly doubled over the last twenty years. We really are seeing a shake-up in the workplace, and a shake-up in the way we’re doing things.

And what I want to do, as the Minister for Women and Equalities, apart from making speeches in London and talking to pipeline executives, but what I also want to do is get out around the country and look at the barriers people are facing in small businesses, in towns, in rural areas across the country, because we are the people with some of the best access to information and the most support, but how do we create a network of support to achieve a real culture change around Britain? And I think that means tackling it at a local level.

It’s brilliant to be here at this conference with the FT. I was committed to fulfilling this engagement because I think it’s a really, really important area. I feel at the moment in Britain we are under-utilising our talent, and I do think it’s poor that in areas like women in entrepreneurship we’re not doing as well as some of our competitors.

I also see huge opportunities.

As Trade Secretary I’ll be striking the first deals for this country for 46 years. And those are new opportunities for entrepreneurs to get out and about around the world. And one of my focuses will be making sure it benefits entrepreneurs and small and medium sized enterprises, rather than just the big corporations.

I think there are opportunities in the massive wave of technology we’re seeing, to do things differently, and change our culture once and for all.

There’s absolutely nothing in the scientific evidence that shows that a more equal society isn’t possible. As Angela Saini has said: “These arguments matter personally, in terms of how we think about ourselves, but also politically. We cannot afford to be complacent.”

So let’s not be complacent. Let’s not allow these lazy stereotypes, whether it’s about male exceptionalism, female exceptionalism, or anything else. Let’s finally say we’re not going to put people in boxes, we are going to value people for the contribution they make, not all the hours they’re there, andI think we together can change society.

Thank you.

Solarplicity companies: information for customers


Active Solarplicity companies

There are a number of Solarplicity companies that remain active. To make a complaint about one of these active companies, you are advised to contact your supplier first before approaching Citizens Advice or the Extra Help Unit.

If you have previously approached these organisations, you have the option of contacting the Energy Ombudsman.

Note that OFGEM is not a central complaints body and recommends customers contact the organisations referred to above.

Solarplicity companies in Administration

A number of Solarplicity companies have formally entered into Administration. Below you will find a list of the various companies and information about how to make a complaint regarding these companies.

Solarplicity Utility Services Limited

Solarplicity Utility Services Limited (CRN 09415844) entered into Administration on 23 July 2019. The administrators are responsible for the affairs of the company.

To make a complaint about Solarplicity Utility Services Limited you should contact the administrators.

Solarplicity Energy Limited (CRN 06895776)

Solarplicity Energy Limited entered into Administration on 19 August 2019. The administrators are responsible for the affairs of the company.

To make a complaint about Solarplicity Energy Limited you should contact the administrators.

Solarplicity Supply Limited (CRN 08053210)

Solarplicity Supply Limited entered into Administration on 19 August 2019. The administrators are responsible for the affairs of the company.

To make a complaint about Solarplicity Supply Limited you should contact the administrators.

SPTMY Limited (CRN 07887237)

SPTMY Limited entered into Administration on 23 July 2019. The administrators are responsible for the affairs of the company.

To make a complaint about SPTMY Limited you should contact the administrators.

Gamma Ray AM Limited (CRN 09789415)

Gamma Ray AM Limited entered into Administration on 23 July 2019. The administrators are responsible for the affairs of the company.

To make a complaint about Gamma Ray AM Limited you should contact the administrators.

Subscription Energy Limited (CRN 11330170)

Subscription Energy Limited entered into Administration on 23 July 2019. The administrators are responsible for the affairs of the company.

To make a complaint about Subscription Energy Limited you should contact the administrators.

Published 5 September 2019
Last updated 17 October 2019 + show all updates

  1. A number of Solarplicity companies have entered into Administration. This update provides the latest info
  2. First published.

PM to chair new Cabinet Committee on Climate Change

The Prime Minister is announcing today, Thursday 17 October, that he will chair a new Cabinet Committee on Climate Change. This will drive further action across government to protect our environment, reduce emissions and improve air quality.

The first government committee of its kind, it will bring together ministers responsible for domestic and international climate change policy and provide a forum to hold departments to account for their actions to combat climate change.

This will ensure that the action we take here in the UK to deliver on our net zero commitment and our wider international effort to tackle climate change properly support and reinforce each other.

Getting to net zero emissions by 2050 will require profound change across government, and across society, and the Committee will play an essential role in co-ordinating this strategy.

The Committee will also oversee the UK’s preparations to host the UN’s major climate summit COP26, in November 2020.

The Committee will include representation from the departments responsible for taking this agenda forward including the Foreign Secretary, the Chancellor, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, the Business Secretary, the Environment Secretary, the Transport Secretary, the International Development Secretary and the Housing Secretary.

The Prime Minister said:

I want us to become the cleanest, greenest society on earth, and inspire countries around the world to follow our lead so that our children can breathe clean air and benefit from the wonderful flora and fauna of this earth. We know that people across the UK are passionate about protecting our planet, and we need to continue building on the excellent progress this government has made in tackling climate change and improving our environment.

That’s why I’m announcing today that I will personally chair a new cross-government Committee on Climate Change, bringing together my ministers to galvanise action to tackle the great environmental challenges we face.

Safeguarding in the aid sector: Written Ministerial Statement

This week marks one year on since the UK Department for International Development hosted the 2018 Safeguarding Summit, Putting People First: tackling sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment in the aid sector.

In early 2018 the aid sector’s failure over many years to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation, abuse and sexual harassment (SEAH) came into sharp relief.

The shocking stories that emerged exposed how aid workers had been allowed to get away with sexual misconduct. Their actions undermined trust in the whole sector and all the positive work that it does.

So from February 2018 DFID set out to work with others to change the way the aid sector tackles SEAH, from root to branch.

The October 2018 summit in London was an important milestone. More than 500 organisations came together to make commitments for change. This included 22 donors – who provide 90% of global ODA. We committed to global standards on prevention and improved processes covering ethical behaviour, robust recruitment and complaints processes.

These were not empty promises. Work is ongoing to put victims and survivors first and drive real culture change across the aid sector. This includes:

DFID’s £10 million project with INTERPOL to help stop perpetrators of SEAH moving around the aid sector by strengthening criminal record checks and information sharing between countries. Regional hubs are being set up and priority countries have been identified.

The Misconduct Disclosure Scheme, which means employers can share data on conduct and disciplinary records related to sexual misconduct with greater confidence. It is still early days, but the over 1,500 requests for information since January have prevented the hiring of at least 10 individuals.

Awarding the contract this month for DFID’s £10 million Resource and Support Hub to provide guidance, support and training to NGOs and others and access to independent investigators for smaller charities.

Today, DFID is publishing three reports showing some of the progress made and the challenges remaining.

The first has updates from each of the eight groups which made commitments at the summit: donors, UK NGOs, private sector suppliers, the United Nations, International Financial Institutions, CDC, research funders, and Gavi and the Global Fund. Initiatives include new tools and guidance for NGOs; mechanisms to collaborate and learn lessons among private sector suppliers; a new reporting tool for United Nations staff; the development of a Good Guidance Note by International Financial Institutions and CDC; an evidence review of safeguarding challenges by research funders; and the rollout of new training by Gavi and the Global Fund.

The second covers how donors are meeting their commitments. This includes the adoption of a new OECD Development Assistance Committee recommendation on ending SEAH in the aid sector; work to align donor SEAH clauses in funding agreements with multilateral agencies; and collective leverage to drive change across the UN. Donors are continuing to strengthen accountability, build more robust systems and drive culture change across the whole international system.

The third gives more details about what DFID has done. We have been clear that any sexual misconduct is totally unacceptable. But we know that sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment in the aid sector still happens far too often.

The international work led by DFID over the last year has generated good momentum and is starting to deliver results. But we must collectively keep working until every individual feels able to speak up and challenge abuses of power wherever they occur.

We must continue to do all we reasonably can to make zero tolerance a reality, by which we mean responding appropriately to every single report or case.

We must prevent SEAH from happening, listen to those affected, respond appropriately when allegations are made, and learn from every single case.

This is just the beginning of a long-term process.

I will build on the work of my predecessors to maintain momentum, to ensure the failings of the past do not happen again and to deliver better results for the people we serve.

If we do not get things right on safeguarding, and ensure the protection of the most vulnerable, then we fail in our ultimate goal to support the world’s poorest and jeopardise all the positive work aid does.

The commitments made at the London summit are having a positive impact. But more is required by every organisation and every programme if we are going to stop sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment in the aid sector. Something which we must achieve.