Press statement by Security Council Members calling for the immediate cessation of hostilities in Yemen

The Members of the Security Council endorsed the Secretary-General’s call of 25 March for those fighting in Yemen to immediately cease hostilities, focus on reaching a negotiated political settlement, and to do everything possible to counter an outbreak of COVID-19.

They welcomed the announcement by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on behalf of the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen, of a unilateral ceasefire in Yemen in support of the UN’s peace process and the Secretary-General’s call. They welcomed the Government of Yemen’s positive response to the cease-fire call, and called on the Houthis to make similar commitments without delay.

The Members of the Security Council encouraged the parties to continue their cooperation with the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, in order to reach a Yemeni-led and owned, comprehensive and inclusive political settlement, which addresses the legitimate concerns of all Yemenis. They reaffirmed past Security Council resolutions, including resolution 2216 (2015), and underlined their support for the Gulf Cooperation Council initiative, its implementation mechanism, and the outcome of the National Dialogue Conference. They underlined the need for an inclusive political process to include the full and meaningful participation of women.

Noting the humanitarian crisis makes Yemen exceptionally vulnerable to an outbreak of COVID-19, the Members of the Security Council stressed that further military escalation in Yemen would hinder the access of humanitarian and healthcare workers and the availability of healthcare facilities necessary to tackle an outbreak.

The Members of the Security Council reiterated their call for an immediate cessation of hostilities, and for an urgent return to de-escalation. They reiterated their full support for the efforts of the UN Special Envoy and emphasised that no military solution can bring sustainable peace to Yemen. They reaffirmed their strong commitment to the unity, sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Yemen.

Troika Statement: Sudan One Year After Omar al-Bashir’s Ouster

The United States, the United Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Norway (the Troika) congratulate the civilian-led transitional government and the people of Sudan on the one-year anniversary of the ouster of Omar al-Bashir and his regime. This created the opportunity to forge a new political order and social contract in Sudan. We commend Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and the civilian-led transitional government, as well as others, especially those representing civil society, on their efforts to deliver peace, justice, and freedom to the Sudanese people. We recognize the efforts being made to ensure that the people of Sudan enjoy equality and respect for their human rights, including religious freedom. Sustainable progress in these areas reflects the values and fulfils aspirations of the Sudanese people. The Troika, as a witness to the Political Agreement between the Forces for Freedom and Change and the Transitional Military Council in August 2019, remains steadfast in supporting Sudan’s peaceful, democratic transition.

Sudan has an unprecedented opportunity to advance justice, peace and development for all Sudanese and to empower women, youth, and those from traditionally marginalized areas. Much urgent work remains to achieve the goals of the revolution. As an immediate next step, we look forward to seeing progress on forming the Transitional Legislative Council, appointing civilian governors, concluding peace agreements with armed opposition groups, undertaking serious, although initially painful, economic reforms, and increasing transparency of government finances, including those of the security institutions.

The way forward is more difficult because several of Sudan’s ongoing conflicts are unresolved. The transitional government’s commitment to the permanent cessation of hostilities it announced in October 2019, and the recent extensions to the unilateral cessations of hostilities declared by two rebel groups, are important signs of good will. We support the UN Secretary-General’s call for a global Coronavirus ceasefire and we call on all parties involved in Sudan’s armed conflicts to commit to permanent ceasefires and unhindered humanitarian access. Yet, peace is more than the absence of war, and it is urgent that all parties agree on the terms of a comprehensive peace. We welcome reports of progress in the peace negotiations in Juba. We call on all parties, especially those that so far have refused to engage in meaningful negotiations, to join in a comprehensive peace agreement.

We recognize the Covid-19 pandemic has brought significant additional challenges for Sudan and the Sudanese people. This a test for the all those working for the new Sudan. As well as responding to the pandemic, we recognize the significant economic problems that Sudan continues to face. Progressing a reform programme to help address these problems and help stabilise and stimulate the economy would allow the international community to work with and support the civilian led transitional government. It would also help in the response to the pandemic. The Troika countries are committed to helping Sudan in this time of need.

The Government is a strong supporter of free and competitive energy markets

I would like to thank the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and His Royal Highness for calling this extraordinary meeting of the G20 Energy Ministers.

I would also like to thank the International Energy Agency for its excellent analytical work on what’s current happening in the energy markets. This has been invaluable.

The global COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest public health emergency and greatest economic challenge we have face in a generation.

In the UK – as for us all – our primary goal is to protect people’s lives from this virus. At the same time, we have also taken decisive action to protect our economy and enable its rapid recovery, including by providing £330bn worth of Government backed and guaranteed loans.

COVID-19 has brought new challenges to the UK energy sector, and it has responded positively by implementing new measures and working practices to ensure reliable energy supply and a resilient energy sector. I commend those working within the energy sector for their efforts in the UK and abroad. We will continue to work closely with actors across the sector to ensure that our energy system remains secure and reliable, within a competitive market framework. This will support the whole UK economy, including of course those leading the fight back against the virus, to ensure we protect our fellow citizens and support our economy to thrive after this emergency.

We will also continue to work collaboratively across the G20. I welcome actions taken by G20 countries to mitigate the negative impact of COVID-19. We all recognise the valuable role that many of the broader economic and financial measures that have been introduced by G20 countries as part of the COVID-19 response will have great importance for the energy sector.

The UK is a strong supporter of free and competitive energy markets. Ensuring reliability, stability and security in supply during this global health emergency is vital importance. So we will continue to support stable, competitive markets to provide security in supply.

Beyond the current health emergency, the energy sector will have an important role to play in driving a clean and resilient global recovery. Through the ongoing transformation of our energy systems we can secure livelihoods, drive development, and deliver on the Paris Agreement. This sector we all know has a central role to play in raising global ambition on the clean energy transition.

Thank you.

Government sets out plan for national effort on PPE

  • To date, over 761 million pieces of PPE delivered across the UK
  • Full, 24/7 military operation underway to manage supply and demand right across the UK
  • New domestic PPE manufacturing effort with Rolls Royce and McLaren to make more protective equipment
  • Website launching to enable primary, social, and community care providers to request critical PPE

A UK-wide plan to ensure that critical personal protective equipment (PPE) is delivered to those on the frontline responding to coronavirus (COVID-19) has been published today by Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock.

The 3-strand plan launched today will provide clear guidance on who needs PPE and when they need it, ensure those who need it can get it at the right time and set out action to secure enough PPE to last through the crisis.

A full, 24/7 military operation is already underway to deal with the unprecedented, global demand for PPE as a result of this pandemic.

A new national supply and logistics network has been created from scratch in a matter of weeks to manage supply and demand across the UK, and to make sure appropriate PPE reaches those who need it.

A new website, developed with the help of the military, is being rolled out in the coming weeks to improve distribution and will enable primary, social and community care providers in England to order critical PPE.

In addition, a new PPE hub provides easy access to all the government’s guidance on PPE in one place – a one-stop shop people can visit to understand what PPE they need.

This is in addition to a 24-hour helpline that already allows providers to request emergency drops of PPE to meet immediate need.

Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock said:

I will stop at nothing to protect those on the frontline who are fighting this virus.

Our heroic health and care staff are working around the clock and my absolute priority is to support them. Our new online ordering tool for PPE is supported by a 24/7national supply and logistics network.

There is a herculean effort behind the scenes, supported by the military, to get the right kit to our frontline heroes. These new supply chains, matched with a call to arms for more businesses and organisations to join this national effort, will help save lives.

The 3-strand plan sets out:

  1. guidance: being clear who needs PPE and when, and who does not, based on UK clinical expertise and WHO standards. This will ensure workers on the front line are able to do their jobs safely, while making sure PPE is only used when clinically necessary and isn’t wasted or stockpiled
  2. distribution: making sure those who need PPE can get it and at the right time. The government will ensure those who need critical PPE receive it as quickly as possible by setting up a new national supply system
  3. future supply: taking action to secure enough PPE to see us through the crisis. The actions being taken to ensure we have enough critical PPE to last the UK through the pandemic, working alongside industry to boost future supply. The government has already co-ordinated deliveries of PPE directly to health and care providers and to 38 local resilience forums across England. These efforts are being co-ordinated across all 4 nations of the UK to ensure appropriate distribution of critical PPE

Since the beginning of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, over 761 million items of PPE have been delivered across the UK to 58,000 different settings, including hospitals, hospices, care homes, home care providers, GPs, pharmacists and dentists to ensure our frontline is protected. This includes 158 million masks, 135 million aprons and 360 million pairs of gloves.

The plan also emphasises the need to ramp up domestic production of PPE. The government is calling on industry to join forces to manufacture more protective equipment to support the national effort.

Already companies such as Burberry, Rolls-Royce, McLaren, Ineos and Diageo have started work to produce equipment including gowns, visors and hand hygiene products.

Last week, following extensive consultation with the Medical Royal Colleges, all 4 UK governments published updated guidance for PPE for health and care workers. This covers doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, social workers and social care staff.

Critical PPE guidance has also been published for cleaners, funeral directors and first responders. Beyond these roles in settings including supermarkets and public transport, the clinical evidence, which is kept under review, does not suggest widespread benefit from wearing PPE over and above social distancing, social isolation and good hand hygiene.

In addition to this a new dedicated team has been set up to focus on securing supplies and identifying PPE suppliers from across the globe to meet the increasing demand for a growing list of products, with a call to arms to businesses to turn their manufacturing efforts to this response to meet technical specifications published by government.

Businesses and organisations including Kingfisher Group, Apple, Huawei and BP have also stepped up to the plate to generously offer their own PPE for use by the NHS and public organisations.

Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration extends term

  • Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
  • If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
  • Wash your hands as soon as you get home

Do not meet others, even friends or family.

You can spread the virus even if you don’t have symptoms.