Transport update: M25 Junction 10 and A3 Wisley Interchange improvement

This statement concerns the development consent order (DCO) application for the M25 Junction 10 / A3 Wisley Interchange improvement made by Highways England under the Planning Act 2008,which had been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on 19 June 2019.

Under section 98(1) of the act the examining authority appointed to examine the application must complete its examination within 6 months. Under section 98(4) the examining authority must submit its recommendation report to the Secretary of State within 3 months of its completion of the examination. Under section 107(1) of the act, following receipt of the examining authority’s recommendation report, the Secretary of State must decide whether to grant development consent within 3 months.

Sections 98(4) and 107(3) of the act give the relevant Secretary of State power to set new deadlines in respect of the above which are later than the statutory maxima. For this application, the relevant Secretary of State is the Secretary of State for Transport. In exercising this power,the Secretary of State for Transport must, amongst other things, make a statement to Parliament announcing the new deadlines.

The examination for the M25 Junction 10 DCO began on 12 November 2019 and is due to close on 12 May 2020. The recommendation report would need to be sent to the Secretary of State on or before 12 August 2020. A decision in this case would therefore be made on or before 12 November 2020.

The deadline for the completion of the examination is to be extended to 12 July 2020 (an extension of 2 months) to enable examination hearings postponed in the light of government advice concerning coronavirus (COVID-19) to be rescheduled and held in a virtual forum. Consequently, the deadline for the examining authority to submit its recommendation report to the Secretary of State for Transport is amended to 12 October 2020 and the deadline for the Secretary of State for Transport to take his decision is amended to 12 January 2021.

The decision to extend the examination under the Planning Act 2008 regime is not taken lightly and reflects the exceptional public health circumstances the country finds itself in.

The decision to set new deadlines is without prejudice to the decision on whether to grant development consent.

We’re recruiting Investigators

News story

Are you interested in making a significant contribution to railway safety in the United Kingdom?

Dot matrix style departure board in black and orange advertising RAIB Inspector vacancies

We’re recruiting Inspectors – closing date for applications is 05/06/20

Are you looking for a job that enables you to travel and get out and about in the railway industry, as well as working in a highly collaborative and supportive office environment?

Do you have substantial experience at a senior level in one or more of the four following disciplines:

  • Human Factors
  • Railway or Tramway Operations
  • Railway Safety Assurance
  • Rail Vehicle Dynamics

If the answer to all of the above questions is yes, and you have the experience and knowledge we are looking for, then you might be interested in applying to be an inspector at the Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB).

Find out more at Civil Service Jobs

Closing date for applications is 05/06/20

Published 13 May 2020

Industry Qualifications surrender Ofqual recognition

News story

Industry Qualifications is no longer an Ofqual-recognised awarding organisation.


Industry Qualifications (IQ) has surrendered its status as an Ofqual-recognised awarding organisation. IQ informed us in January of its intention to surrender recognition as it intended to sell its assets, including all its regulated qualifications to another recognised awarding organisation, SFJ Awards.

The surrender took effect from 6 March 2020. From this date, no qualifications offered by IQ are regulated by Ofqual.

SFJ Awards bought IQ’s assets on 6 March 2020. It took on all IQ training centres and their registered learners. We understand no learners are affected by this surrender.

SFJ Awards is reviewing these qualifications and their long-term availability. Qualifications previously offered by IQ are now labelled as SFJ Awards IQ Level x in ‘qualification title’ on the Register of Regulated Qualifications.

When awarding organisations are considering surrendering their recognition, we stand ready to discuss the options for proceeding whilst ensuring learners are protected.

A full list of currently recognised awarding organisations and regulated qualifications can be found on the Register of Regulated Qualifications.

Published 13 May 2020

Egypt Prosperity Fund: Call for Bids

World news story

The Egypt Skills for Prosperity Programme is now open for the submission of programme proposals.


The British Embassy in Cairo is pleased to announce the opening of a call for bids for the Egypt Skills for Prosperity Programme. This programme is being delivered in eight countries, and is part of the Global Skills Programme under the UK Government’s Prosperity Fund.

The deadline to submit bids to Prosperity Programme Team is 31st May.


The Egypt Skills for Prosperity Programme provides £8 million in funding over 3-years, until 2023. The programme focuses on three strands of work:

  1. Equity – Promote equitable access to higher education particularly for low-income youth, young people with disabilities, and young women from poor communities who wish to pursue further studies at public universities in underrepresented subjects such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).

  2. Quality – Improve the soft skills ecosystem within public universities by equipping undergraduates, and post-graduates with in-demand and employability skills.

  3. Relevance – Work with the British and Egyptian industry to improve the pathways of transition from higher education to employment, particularly in STEM careers, for the target groups outlined above.

The proposed impact of Egypt Skills for Prosperity is increased capacity for inclusive economic growth due to improved employability skills, employment opportunities, labour market access and productivity of priority target beneficiaries. This impact is linked to the overall objectives of the UK Government’s Prosperity fund to reduce poverty and promote inclusive economic growth.

Interested organisations are expected to achieve three main interlinked outcomes: support equitable supply and access to higher education, improved skills set for target beneficiaries, and improved pathways of transition from higher education to employment corresponding to the three identified strands of work.

The Egypt Skills for Prosperity Programme, with its three strands of work, will be delivered by a consortium of partners with relevant expertise. All organisations are welcome to bid or form part of a bidding consortium. In particular, we encourage non-profit organisations and multilateral agencies to consider leading or joining a consortium. All lead organisations will need to clearly specify partner organisations within their consortium in the bid.

Bidders need to submit:

  1. Programme proposal with a maximum page limit of 30 pages – not including annexes and supporting documents – (enclosed is an example template (MS Word Document, 43KB), but bidders are welcome to use their own proposal templates)
  2. Activity based budget- ABB (enclosed budget template (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 476KB), cost guidance (PDF, 230KB, 10 pages), and Accountable Grant Costs (PDF, 206KB, 4 pages))
  3. For a full list and further information on requirements, eligibility, and evaluation criteria, please see the call for bids document (PDF, 502KB, 9 pages), which includes a bidding and evaluation process timeline.

All documents to be submitted to by 31 May.

For enquiries or information, please contact the Egypt Skills for Prosperity Programme Manager:

Published 13 May 2020

Garden centres reopen in England

Press release

All garden centres reopening should put in place social distancing and safety measures.

Image credit: Defra

Garden centres will be able to reopen to the public from today (Wednesday 13 May).

All garden centres reopening should put in place social distancing, cleaning and protective measures for both staff and customers. In particular, they should ensure that people can stay 2m apart wherever possible, as is already the case in supermarkets and other shops which have remained open in recent weeks. Further detailed guidance for businesses has been published by BEIS.

Biosecurity Minister Lord Gardiner said:

We know that this time of year is crucial for the horticulture industry and are very aware of the impacts of coronavirus on the sector.

Our decision to reopen garden centres and nurseries in a safe way, will allow businesses to sell their products directly to the public and in doing so bringing about wider benefits to consumers, especially for physical and mental wellbeing, which gardening can bring.

It is vital all garden centres implement strict social distancing and I urge businesses to use the Government’s extensive guidance and the Horticultural Trades Association’s Safe Trading Guidance when planning their reopening.

To help Garden Centres put in place appropriate measures, the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) has also produced Safe Trading Guidance, closely aligned to the Government’s guidance and specifically for garden centres, which includes a series of recommendations to protect customers.

The guidance document has been based on insight from leading HTA retailers, the British Retail Consortium, and from government advice as a recommendation of best practice regarding social distancing. Recommendations include advice on customer numbers in stores, entrance and exit protocols, and queueing and checkout procedures. It also contains practical advice on how to protect the health and wellbeing of staff.

Published 13 May 2020