Transport Secretary’s statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 14 May 2020

Good afternoon and welcome to today’s Downing Street press conference.

I’m pleased to be joined by Professor Jonathan Van-Tam.

Latest data

Let me start by updating you on the latest information from the Government’s COBR data file.

Through our monitoring and testing programme, as of today:

  • 2,219,281 tests for coronavirus have now been carried out in the UK, including a new record of 126,064 tests carried out yesterday
  • 233,151 people have tested positive, that’s an increase of 3,446 cases since yesterday
  • 11,041 people are in hospital with COVID-19, down 14% from a week ago, when 12,802 patients were hospitalised
  • and sadly, of those tested positive for coronavirus, 33,614 have now died – that’s an increase of 428 fatalities since yesterday.

This new figure includes deaths in all settings not just in hospitals.

Our deepest sympathies go out to the families and friends as the nation battles to defeat the disease.

Main content

Today I’m going to set out how – whilst the country has been at a virtual standstill – this downtime has been used to fix and upgrade the nation’s road and rail infrastructure, along with plans to help our economy bounce back.

But before I set out today’s transport announcements, let me briefly remind you of the government’s roadmap out of this crisis.

As you know, we have established a new COVID Alert System, with five levels – based primarily on the R value and the number of cases.

Throughout the lockdown, we have been at Level 4.

Thanks to the British people, we have brought the R down and we can now begin moving carefully to Level 3.

From this week we’re at Step 1, meaning that:

  • those who cannot work from home should now speak to their employer about going back to work
  • you can now spend time outdoors and exercise as much as you like
  • you can meet one person who’s not part of your household outside, provided you stay 2 metres apart

Step 2 – from June 1, at the earliest, as long as it’s safe, we aim to allow:

  • primary schools to reopen for some pupils, in smaller class sizes
  • non-essential retail to start to reopen
  • cultural and sporting events to take place behind closed doors, without crowds

And then Step 3 – no earlier than July 4, and again, only if the data says it’s safe, we aim to allow:

  • more businesses to open, including those offering personal care, those in the leisure sector, together with places of worship

We can control this virus if we stay alert.

But what does staying alert actually mean?

Staying alert, for the vast majority of people still means staying at home as much as possible, and working from home if you can.

But it also means:

  • limiting contact with other people
  • keeping your distance if you go out
  • washing your hands regularly
  • wearing a face covering in enclosed spaces where it’s difficult to be socially distant – for example on public transport
  • and if you or anyone in your household has symptoms, you all need to self-isolate

If everyone stays alert and follows the rules, we can control coronavirus by keeping the R down and reducing the number of infections.

This is how we can continue to save lives, and livelihoods, as we begin as a nation to recover from coronavirus.

Transport context

Today I want to update you on the measures we’re taking to speed up our economic recovery while keeping people safe.

For 2 months, we’ve remained in lockdown, travelling as little as possible, and in doing so, the whole country has protected the NHS and helped reduce the number of COVID infections.

But as we begin making tentative steps towards restarting our economy and people in some sectors who can’t work from home begin to return to their workplaces, it is clear that transport has a critical role to play.

Last Saturday, I explained why it’s our civic duty to avoid public transport, if at all possible.

Because, even when we have 100% of services up and running, there may only be socially-distanced space available for 1 in 10 passengers.

Therefore, in order to help reduce crowding, we set out a £2 billion programme to put cycling and walking at the heart of transport, with £250 million emergency spending already underway.

Over the past week, we have followed this up by publishing 3 pieces of detailed guidance.

First, for local authorities in England, explaining how they should prepare for significantly-increased numbers of cyclists and pedestrians.

Next, for the transport sector, to ensure they provide safer services for those travelling, and safer workplaces for their staff.

And third, and most importantly, for passengers.

We’re asking the public to help ensure that the transport system does not become significantly overwhelmed by returning commuters.

The guidance makes clear, that if you can’t walk or cycle but you do have access to a car, please use it, rather than travelling by bus, train or tram…..

Especially where that public transport is liable to be overcrowded.

And, for those people who absolutely need to use public transport…

It also explains how you can best protect yourself and those around you.

Transport upgrades during lockdown

In the coming weeks, as we carefully and cautiously restart sectors of our economy, and people begin to travel once again…

They should notice that, whilst the country has been in down-time…

…with the roads and railways quiet…

We’ve been busy…

Getting on with essential work….

Fixing the nation’s infrastructure…

So we can recover faster when the time comes.

This upgrade programme…

…the kind of work that – at any other time – would cause inevitable disruption and service delays, whilst costing the taxpayer more…

…has instead been carried out in previously unimaginable circumstances of a largely unused transport network.

For example, we completed 419 separate Network Rail projects over Easter, with a further 1,000 upgrades being carried out throughout the May bank holidays.

Meanwhile, Highways England has been busy accelerating maintenance projects on the nation’s roads.

Last week, for example, we opened the vital A14 upgrade 7 months ahead of schedule.

This is a route normally used by 85,000 drivers daily, which will dramatically improve access to the UK’s largest container port at Felixstowe and permanently boost the distribution of goods around the UK.

As Northern Powerhouse minister – I can report that – in the North, we’ve delivered £96 million of rail infrastructure improvements during April.

And throughout the country, we’ve accelerated maintenance projects on road and rail…

Whilst always sticking to PHE safety guidelines…..

So that altogether, Highways England has delivered over £200 million of upgrades, and Network Rail £550 million worth, during April alone.

I’d like to thank the army of transport and construction workers who have been grafting very hard throughout the lockdown.

Building future infrastructure

But to make sure that Britain is ready to bounce-back from coronavirus…

Today I can announce nearly £2 billion to upgrade our roads and railways, to put our transport infrastructure in the best possible shape and to get our economy growing once again.

This package includes £1.7 billion for local roads – making journeys smoother and safer for drivers, hauliers, cyclists, motorcyclists, pedestrians and others…

By filling millions of dangerous potholes, we will make our roads safer – and encourage more people to cycle, or even take part in the upcoming e-scooter trials…

Helping more people play a part in relieving pressure on public transport.

This investment will also help fix damage caused by winter flooding, repair roads and bridges, and fund numerous road improvement schemes.

As more people become mobile again, we’ll be building a network of rapid charging stations for electric cars…

Including a big expansion of rapid-charging facilities at motorway service stations…

Helping the country to lock-in the dramatic air-quality improvements we’ve experienced during the coronavirus lockdown.

A better future

Amid all the sad news and tragedy of loved ones we’ve lost, we’ve somehow managed to do things in weeks that would normally take years…

Building new hospitals…

Moving public services online…

Making instant reforms and fast-tracking new laws…

Extraordinary changes in the way that employers and employees work…

Effectively taking large swathes of the economy online almost overnight…

Now we want to keep this momentum going.

If building a new hospital takes 2 weeks, why should building a new road still take as long as 20 years?

If GP surgeries can quickly move online, why are most rail passengers still travelling on cardboard tickets?

We must exploit our newfound capacity to respond at pace and apply it to rapidly improving our infrastructure.

And we must examine why it is that bureaucratic bindweed makes British infrastructure some of the costliest and slowest in Europe to build.

Because whilst many will continue to work from home even after this immediate crisis…

…both the long-term transport trend and the pressing need to level-up communities across the country, dictate that infrastructure will be even more important in stimulating our recovery and supporting new jobs.

So by combining fast home-internet access, with vastly upgraded transport connections, we can help revive many of our small and medium-sized towns which over decades have been left behind.

This has been a devastating start to the year, not just for Britain, but for the world.

And we are only at Phase 1 of the recovery plan.

But we all know that it is our reaction to adversity that will ultimately define how we recover.

We must harness our approach to tackling the pandemic….

And apply it to rebuilding our own infrastructure.

With the same swift action, innovation, and collective determination that has characterised the past few months…..

And in doing so, we can emerge stronger.

Funding for Dumfries and Galloway communities

News story

Magnox and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority have announced a £25,000 cash boost to help support vulnerable groups in Dumfries and Galloway.

Newstart Recycle are one of the beneficiaries of the grant in Dumfries and Galloway

Newstart Recycle are one of the beneficiaries of the grant in Dumfries and Galloway

The money has been granted to Dumfries and Galloway Council to support the community during the coronavirus pandemic.

The funds will be administered on the council’s behalf by the Safe and Healthy Action Partnership (SHAP) and will be given to day centres in Annan; Ecclefechan; Moffat; Langholm and Gretna. Kates Kitchen, Annandale and Eskdale Food Train, Aberlour Trust and Newstart Recycle will also benefit.

The funding forms part of the 12 grants, worth £300,000 in total, Magnox has made available to local authorities or charities where a Magnox site is located.

Gwen Parry-Jones, Magnox Chief Executive, said:

Many community groups are carrying out positive work, supporting the most vulnerable in their areas. This work is vital, and a key part of Magnox’s response to COVID-19 is to help other organisations deal with the pandemic wherever we can.

In this time of national crisis, Magnox has agreed with the NDA that we should make available up to £25,000 at each site from the Magnox Socio-economic Scheme for use by local community groups on COVID-19 related activities. Magnox is committed to assisting the communities surrounding our sites, as our communities have supported us for over 50 years, and we hope this funding will go some way to supporting the essential work being delivered.

Elaine Lamont, Public Health Practitioner and Chair of the SHAP said: “There is some absolutely amazing work happening across Annandale and Eskdale to provide vital support to people who may be struggling during these challenging times. This funding will provide some extra help to our local services and community groups so that they can continue to reach out and provide a crucial lifeline to those in greatest need.”

Council Leader Elaine Murray said: “The Covid-19 emergency is clearly an unprecedented challenge for us all. Our Council is committed to supporting vulnerable people in our community. This funding from Magnox to help people in Annandale and Eskdale is very welcome and I would like thank them for their generous contribution. It will make a significant contribution to the local agencies striving to look after vulnerable people in difficult circumstances.”

Deputy Leader Rob Davidson added: “Magnox has been a long-standing supporter of its local community in Annandale and Eskdale. This contribution is very much appreciated as the council and partner agencies work tirelessly to ensure that vulnerable people are looked after during the Covid-19 crisis.”

Published 14 May 2020
Last updated 14 May 2020 + show all updates

  1. We have added quotes from Dumfries and Galloway Council

  2. First published.

A new bridge opens – a major milestone for Mytholmroyd flood defences

The new bridge, designed to help reduce flood risk in Mytholmroyd, is planned to open to motorists and pedestrians next week on Monday 18 May.

This is a major milestone in the £35m Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme which will better protect around 400 properties.

The existing Caldene Bridge will start to be demolished shortly after and excavation works is already underway to widen this section of the river. All work is being carried out in line with government and industry guidance for safe working during the coronavirus pandemic.

The area beneath the new bridge will be nearly twice the size of the old bridge, which will help better protect homes and businesses from the risk of flooding in the future.

Replacement of the existing Caldene Bridge is a vital part of the Mytholmroyd flood defences. The old bridge was a major constriction to flood flow, and contributed towards the Boxing Day 2015 flood event in the village. Widening the river channel at Calder Grove, will have a significant benefit for reducing flood risk in the village and this required a new wider bridge.

The new bridge has been built at the widened channel, 30m upstream of the existing bridge. It is a two-span structure, with a central pier and is more than 12m wider than the existing Caldene Bridge. The height of the bridge deck was dictated by the existing road levels on both Caldene Avenue and Burnley Road

Paul Swales, senior flood risk advisor for the Environment Agency, said:

Completing the construction of the new bridge is a major milestone for our project team as this has been by far the most complex part of the Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme – we have had to carry out diversions of many utility services.

It is a vital element of the new flood defences as the new bridge structure, channel widening, together with the new raised bridge parapets and flood defence walls will reduce flood risk for the local community.

However it is still really important that people sign up for our free flood warning service as we can never completely eradicate the risk of flooding, especially with climate change.

Calderdale Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Resources, Cllr Jane Scullion, said:

We’re very pleased to see another major component of the Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation scheme nearing completion.

The scale and complexity of this project cannot be overemphasised, and we would like to thank those who live in, work in and travel through the area for their continued patience during this important work to help protect the village from future flooding. There is still more to do but this is a key part of in the overall work to make the valley safer.

The flood defences have been developed by the Environment Agency in partnership with Calderdale Council. Design and construction of the scheme is being carried out by main contractor VBA, a joint venture comprising VolkerStevin, Boskalis Westminster and SNC-Lavalin’s Atkins business. Work is continuing on the scheme in line with government and industry guidelines around safety during the coronavirus pandemic.

The cost of rebuilding the bridge has been around £7m from Government funding with a £1.6m contribution from the European Union, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).This funding was provided under Priority Axis 5 of the ERDF which promotes climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management.

For more information about the Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation scheme visit

If you have any queries about the scheme please email:

To register for the Environment Agency’s flood warning service visit or contact Floodline on tel: 0345 988 1188. If you are already registered, do check that your details are correct.

Attestation forms for travel to and within France

Entry and travel

Border controls

On 20 March 2020, the French Government announced reinforced border controls with the UK.

You can still cross the border to return to the UK via France. If you live in France, the French Government has confirmed that you can continue to enter France to return to your principal residence.

Border checks are also in place on the borders with Italy, Spain and Germany.

Certificate requirements to enter France

If you are currently resident in France, travel within your department of residence or up to 100km from your place of residence is permitted without restrictions. Travel beyond 100km from your place of residence is only permitted for urgent professional or family reasons and you will need to complete a travel declaration to certify your reason for travel). This certificate can be downloaded onto smartphones or handwritten if you are unable to access a printer.

Certificate requirements for travel within France

To be able to travel in Île-de-France on public transport at peak hours (from 06h30 to 09h30 and from 16h00 to 19h00) you will need to complete a travel certificate to certify your reason for travel.

There is a certificate for journeys between the place of residence and the place of professional activity and business trips that cannot be postponed

Another certificate is for journeys taken for the following reasons:

  • journeys between principal residence and school carried out by the person attending school there or accompanying the person attending school and journeys necessary to complete exams or competitions,
  • for specialised consultations and care that cannot be provided online or near the home,
  • for compelling family reasons, assistance to vulnerable persons and childcare,
  • for an obligation to go to the police or gendarmerie services or to any other service or professional imposed by the administrative police authority or the judicial authority,
  • to take part in tasks of public interest at the request of the administrative authority and under the conditions it specifies.

Check the relevant prefecture’s website for information on local travel restrictions.

Travel between the EU and non-European countries

On 16 March, the French Government announced that the EU would suspend travel between the EU and non-European countries for an initial period of 30 days from midday 17 March. On 13 April, the government announced that travel between the EU and non-European countries is suspended until further notice.

Permanent residents of EU countries, including France, will be able to cross the UK/France border into France if they have proof of residence. The French Government confirmed that UK nationals can enter France if returning to their principal residence. You must, however complete the necessary “attestation” to enter France, confirming that your travel is an absolutely necessary journey.

Some countries are imposing a compulsory period of quarantine for all travellers from France. If you are travelling from or through France, check the situation at your destination before you travel.

Travel between metropolitan France and French overseas territories

Regular flights between metropolitan France and its overseas territories – including Martinique, Mayotte, Guadeloupe, Guyana, La Reunion, French Polynesia, Saint Martin and Saint-Barthelemy – have been suspended since 23 March. Journeys between the islands are also prohibited, except in exceptional circumstances.

Local measures

France began progressive deconfinement from 11 May. The Government has categorised each department as ‘red’ or ‘green’, dictating the extent to which measures can be relaxed.

Certain confinement measures may still apply depending on the department you are in. Most of the north and east of France, including Paris, are currently classified as red. For more information see the government website.

The French Government announced that public transport should only be used for essential travel with social distancing and mandatory mask wearing. Since 11 May, wearing masks on public transport is compulsory for all users aged 11 and over, with fines for those who are not compliant. Masks will also be compulsory in taxis and private hire vehicles without a plexiglass screen.

For those currently resident in France,travel within your department of residence or up to 100km from your place of residence is permitted without restrictions. Travel beyond 100km from your place of residence is only permitted for urgent professional or family reasons and you will need to complete a travel declaration to certify your reason for travel. All residents are strongly encouraged to remain vigilant and keep movement to a minimum.

Certain non-essential establishments remain closed to the public (i.e. restaurants, cafes, cinemas) until further notice. Food shops, pharmacies, petrol stations, post offices and banks remain open while other retailers have begun re-opening from 11 May.

Letter from the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster to the Vice President of the European Commission

[unable to retrieve full-text content]A letter from the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Michael Gove to Maroš Šefčovič.