Call for project proposals supporting Covid-19 response in Malaysia

World news story

The British High Commission (BHC) in Kuala Lumpur is inviting project proposals for the 2020/21 International Programme Fund (IPF).

This call for bids is for project proposals to support the Covid-19 response in Malaysia. We are facing the biggest public health emergency in a generation. The challenge is global, and the UK is committed to a coordinated international response. We will be working together governments, civil society, research-based organisations, and multilateral partners to support this global effort.

We are particularly interested in project proposals that aim to deliver in the following areas:

  1. Global health response
  2. Economic and socio-economic response
  3. Science, Technology and Innovation response: Adoption and Utilisation of AI and Data


Project proposals must be submitted to by Friday, 12 June 2020. Successful project implementers will be notified in the final week of June.

Bid guidance

  • Projects to run from July 2020 to December 2020, with no expectation of funding beyond this period. See Budget Guidance (ODT, 13.7KB)
  • Minimum budget limit: £10,000
  • Maximum budget limit: £60,000


Bids will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • alignment with the above mentioned objectives
  • outcomes are achievable within the funding period
  • project design includes clear monitoring and evaluation procedures
  • risk and financial accountability procedures
  • the organisation’s safeguarding policies that ensure protection of beneficiaries
  • feasibility of project delivery under current circumstances
  • overall value for money

Published 21 May 2020

Cherry Sand report published

News story

Fatal man overboard from a dredger during berthing operation in Port Babcock Rosyth, Scotland.

Cherry Sand

Our accident investigation report into a fatal fall when stepping ashore from the dredger Cherry Sand at Rosyth on 28 February 2019, is now published.

The report contains details of what happened, the subsequent actions taken and recommendations made: read more.

Published 21 May 2020

Second Reading of the Trade Bill 2020

Madam Deputy Speaker, I beg to move that this Bill now be read a Second time.

  • Coronavirus is the biggest threat this country has faced in decades. All over the world we see its devastating impact.

  • We will do whatever it takes to support UK businesses to continue trading. With our network of 350 advisers around the country, and Trade Commissioners across the world.

  • The crisis highlights just how important it is to keep trade flowing and supply chains open so we can all have the essential supplies we need.

  • It is free and open trade that has ensured we have had food on our table and access to vital PPE and medication.

  • At meetings with my fellow G20 trade ministers I have continuously called for:

  • A united, global response;

  • Cutting tariffs on key supplies; and

  • Reform of the World Trade Organsiation.

  • While it is unfortunate that some countries have resorted to protectionism many have sought to liberalise in the face of this crisis. In particular, I have been working at the WTO with colleagues like Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, to highlight the importance of keeping trade flowing.

  • Madam Deputy Speaker, free trade and resilient supply chains will be crucial to the global economic recovery as the crisis passes. Time after time history has shown us that free trade makes us more prosperous, while protectionism only results in poverty, especially for the worst off.

  • Britain has a proud history as a global leader and advocate of free trade.

  • The bold and principled decision of Sir Robert Peel to take on the power of the wealthy producers, and repeal the Corn Laws in 1846, ushered in an unprecedented era of free trade. One that saw ordinary people in Britain benefit from more varied and cheaper food, helping grow our cities and power forward the world’s first Industrial Revolution.

  • I see a real opportunity again for industrial areas across Britain as we become an independent trading nation. By cutting tariffs, as we’ve already done through the UK Global Tariff, and reducing the regulatory burden on exporters our great British businesses will be able to export all over the world.

  • British steel, ceramics and textiles are some of the world’s best, but all too often they are subject to unjust tariffs and unfair trade by foreign nations.

  • These industries are already looking forward to the opportunities that future trade deals will bring. The US alone imposes tariffs of up to 25% on steel, removing these would boost our domestic industries. As my Honourable Friend the Member for Scunthorpe can attest this will particularly benefit areas such as Yorkshire and the Humber, which account for more than a third of our iron and steel exports to the US.

  • Indeed, just this week, UK Steel said:

  • Our farmers and food producers can gain access to new and diverse markets. The US is the world’s second largest importer of lamb, but current restrictions mean British producers are kept out. We can also grow our malting barley exports from Scotland and the East of England to Japan.

  • Digital trade will benefit from a US FTA through its cutting-edge digital provisions. Telecommunications and tech have more than doubled in the last decade. An ambitious FTA will only see exports grow.

  • While free trade provides opportunities, protectionism will harm farmers, tech-entrepreneurs, and steel manufacturers. We’ve already seen this before.

  • In 1930 the Smoot-Hawley Act raised US tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods. This resulted in retaliation from other nations and deepened and prolonged the depression.

  • As Reagan said in 1985: “Protectionism almost always ends up making the protected industry weaker and less able to compete against foreign imports. Instead of protectionism, we should call it destructionism. It destroys jobs, weakens our industries, harms exports, costs billions of dollars to consumers, and damages our overall economy.”

  • Madam Deputy Speaker, we have a golden opportunity make sure that our recovery is export led and high value. A recovery that will see our industrial heartlands create more high quality and high paying jobs across all sectors.

  • And free trade does not only benefit us in Britain, it benefits the world. Since the end of the Cold War free trade has helped lift over a billion people out of extreme poverty. For want of a better word, free trade is good, it is humanitarian.
  • It is these benefits that underpin this Government’s approach: Free and Fair Trade, Fit for the Modern World.
  • Madam Deputy Speaker, let me turn to the contents of this Bill.

  • We can only have fair trade if it is free trade. This Bill will embed market access for British companies by joining the Government Procurement Agreement as an independent member.

  • This provides businesses with continued access to the extraordinary opportunities of the global procurement market, worth some £1.3 trillion a year.

  • The GPA is an agreement between 20 parties, which mutually opens up government procurement.

  • Madam Deputy Speaker, we have already seen in the UK the way that competition, especially in services, drives up quality in the public sector while keeping prices low.

  • The GPA keeps suppliers competitive and provides them with opportunities overseas. It is a driver of growth not a threat to our economy.

  • The idea that we can, or even should, do everything domestically is not desirable or practical in this increasingly interconnected world. Instead we should be making sure that we have robust supply chains through a more diverse range of partners.

  • We will be an international champion for free and fair competition in the coming months and years. Through our discussions at the WTO, the G20, and bilaterally we will urge other countries not to heed that false, but enticing, call for protectionism.

  • Let me be clear to the House. The GPA sets out rules for how public procurements covered by the agreement are carried out. As an independent member we are free to decide what procurement is covered under the agreement. The UK’s GPA coverage does not, and will not, apply to the procurement of UK health services. Our NHS is not on the table.

  • Madam Deputy Speaker, We are also committed to continuing to trade with our existing partners that have agreements through the EU such as South Korea and Chile.

  • To date, we have signed 20 such trade agreements, representing 48 countries, while others are still under negotiation. This accounts for £110bn of UK trade in 2018, which represents 74% of continuity trade. People said we wouldn’t succeed in rolling over these agreements; well they were wrong and will be signing more in the coming months.

  • This work is part of securing the Government’s aim to have 80 per cent of UK trade covered by free trade agreements within the next three years.

  • Negotiations with the US and Japan on an enhanced trade agreement have already kicked off. We are also prioritising signing FTAs with Australia and New Zealand and accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

  • With the UK Global Tariff now published there will be an increased incentive for other countries to come to the table in order to maintain or improve upon their preferential terms and conditions.

  • As I have said free trade is also humanitarian. Therefore, we will maintain preferential margins for developing countries; helping businesses lift millions out of poverty.

  • As a Government we have committed to going further than the current EU arrangements. We will look at reducing or removing tariffs where the UK doesn’t produce goods and getting rid of cliff edges in current tariff schedules.

  • Madam Deputy Speaker, we face a period of unprecedented economic challenge. It is vital we don’t just maintain the current global trading system but make it better. This means diversifying our supply chains and supporting those businesses that export.

  • Exports, be they software or steel, cars or ceramics, barley or beef, will underpin our recovery.

  • This Bill will ensure continued access to existing markets by letting us implement trade agreements with partner countries which previously applied under the EU.

  • It will secure continued access for UK businesses to the £1.3 trillion global public procurement market.

  • It establishes an independent body in the Trade Remedies Authority to give our great British businesses the protection they need from unfair trade practices. Trade will be fair as well as free.

  • And by adopting a cutting edge, digital first approach, we will be able to give businesses the best possible support.

  • Madam Deputy Speaker, as we recover from the economic shock of the coronavirus crisis, providing certainty and predictability in our trading arrangements will be vital to securing the interests of businesses and consumers.

  • *We will unleash the potential and level up every region and nation of our United Kingdom.

    *I commend this Bill to the House.

    Reino Unido anuncia investimento bilionário em pesquisa de vacinas contra o coronavírus

    O governo britânico adicionou nesta semana £215 milhões (R$1,5 bilhão) aos seus investimentos em pesquisa e produção de vacinas para o novo coronavírus. Os recursos estão divididos em:

    • £84 milhões (R$ 588 milhões) em apoio à pesquisa para a Universidade de Oxford e o Imperial College of London, que já têm vacinas candidatas em estágio de testes em seres humanos;

    • £93 milhões (R$ 651 milhões) para a implementação do Centro de Inovação e Produção de Vacinas (VMIC), que poderia começar a produzir vacinas em massa no segundo semestre de 2021;

    • £38 milhões (R$ 266 milhões) para uma fábrica de implementação rápida, capaz de produção massiva de vacinas já no segundo semestre de 2020, até a inauguração do VMIC.

    O investimento em pesquisas será direcionado aos dois centros que são os candidatos mais avançados à descoberta da vacina. A Universidade de Oxford, que deverá receber £65,5 milhões, concluiu recentemente um acordo de licenciamento global com a farmacêutica britânica AstraZeneca, para comercialização e produção de sua potencial vacina. Isso significa que, caso a vacina de Oxford seja bem-sucedida, a AstraZeneca deve disponibilizar até 30 milhões de doses para os britânicos até setembro de 2020. Além disso, o Imperial College of London receberá £18.5 milhões para pesquisas, aumentando as chances de sucesso na busca por uma vacina para Covid-19.

    O Reino Unido considera que a descoberta de uma vacina é a principal medida para avançar no combate à pandemia e alcançar um estágio em que o distanciamento social deixe de ser imperativo. O ministro Alok Sharma, que chefia a pasta de Negócios, Energia e Estratégia Industrial, afirmou que “o Reino Unido continua a liderar a resposta global para encontrar uma vacina, e o governo está apoiando os cientistas para concluir este trabalho o mais rápido possível. Se a vacina de Oxford funcionar, o povo britânico terá acesso rápido a ela, ajudando a proteger milhares de vidas”.

    Centros de Produção

    Os britânicos estão se preparando para produção em massa da vacina, assim que ela estiver disponível. Para isso, será inaugurado no segundo semestre de 2021 o Centro de Inovação e Produção de Vacinas (VMIC, na sigla em inglês). O investimento anunciado vai adiantar em 12 meses a inauguração da instalação, antes prevista para 2022. Até o momento, os setores público e privado do Reino Unido acumulam £201 milhões para construir este centro, que ficará baseado no Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, na cidade de Oxfordshire. A fábrica, que já está em construção, é um componente fundamental no programa britânico para a vacina do novo coronavírus e para garantir que, assim que estiver disponível, ela possa ser produzida rapidamente e em quantidades massivas. O VMIC também vai ser usado para produzir vacinas para outras doenças, como o vírus da gripe. Enquanto o VMIC é construído, o Reino Unido iniciará a instalação de uma fábrica de implementação rápida, com investimento de £38 milhões, para começar a produção em escala a partir do segundo semestre de 2020. Este centro irá apoiar os esforços para garantir que uma vacina esteja amplamente disponível para o público assim que possível.

    Nova liderança para mobilizar esforços

    O Reino Unido confirmou ainda o nome de Kate Bingham como líder da Força-Tarefa de Vacinas. O grupo foi estabelecido pelas lideranças científicas do governo britânico, formada pelo Conselheiro Científico Chefe, Vice-Conselheiro Médico, ministro dos Negócios e o ministro da Saúde, para comandar os esforços do país na busca de uma vacina contra a COVID-19.

    Este é um cargo intergovernamental e Kate Bingham estará subordinada diretamente ao primeiro-ministro. Ela é uma figura de excelência no setor das Ciências da Vida e sua nomeação vai possibilitará que a Força-Tarefa acelere o desenvolvimento de uma vacina segura e efetiva, uma das soluções de longo prazo para controlar a pandemia do coronavírus no futuro próximo, salvando vidas sem o distanciamento social e o monitoramento de contatos.

    Kate irá coordenar o trabalho que já está sendo desenvolvido pelo Governo, Academia e Indústria para o desenvolvimento rápido das vacinas e garantir que, assim que uma opção viável estiver disponível, possa ser produzida em escala e ofertada ao público, tanto no Reino Unido, quanto no resto do mundo. O Reino Unido é o líder global nesses esforços através da Coalizão para Inovação em Prontidão para Epidemias e receberá a Conferência Global para Financiamento da Gavi, a Aliança das Vacinas, no próximo dia 04 de junho.

    Local statement on human rights situation in Zimbabwe

    Press release

    A joint local statement from the UK, EU Delegation, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and the US.

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office

    The Heads of Mission of the Delegation of the European Union, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Sweden and the Heads of Mission of Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America issue the following statement in Zimbabwe:

    The Heads of Mission expect from the Government of Zimbabwe a swift, thorough and credible investigation into the abduction and torture of opposition Member of Parliament Joana Mamombe, along with Cecilia Chimbiri and Netsai Marova and allegations of the assault on Nokuthula and Ntombizodwa Mpofu in Bulawayo. The perpetrators of heinous acts of this kind and other human rights violations need to be identified and prosecuted.

    The Zimbabwean Constitution prohibits enforced disappearances, torture, violence against women, and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The Heads of Mission exhort Zimbabwean authorities to respect these fundamental rights and full adherence to Zimbabwe’s international human rights obligations.

    The Heads of Mission further urge all protagonists to resolve political conflicts through constructive dialogue, and remain clear that international re-engagement is contingent on genuine and sustained implementation of political and economic reform.

    In Harare, on 20 May 2020

    Published 20 May 2020