Foreign Secretary statement on sentencing of Paul Whelan

Press release

Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, comments on the sentencing of Paul Whelan in Russia.


Following the verdict and sentencing of Paul Whelan today (15 June 2020) in Russia, the Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, said:

I am deeply disappointed by today’s verdict and sentence against Paul Whelan. I have serious reservations about the legal process. We will continue to provide consular support to him and his family, and press the Russian authorities to respect Paul’s basic rights, which include a fair trial and appeal process.

Published 15 June 2020

Business Secretary leads economic recovery roundtables

Business Secretary Alok Sharma chaired a series of economic recovery roundtables over the last week (10-13 June), bringing together businesses, business representative organisations, regulators and leading academics. Discussions focused on the measures necessary to support economic recovery and ensure we have the right opportunities in place for growth across the country over the next 18 months and beyond.

The organisations that participated in the roundtables are set out below, alongside the questions that participants were asked to address.

The outputs from these roundtables will feed directly into the government’s work on economic recovery. This initiative builds on the close engagement between the UK’s business community, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and across Whitehall as we have responded to the pandemic. In addition to the roundtables listed below, ministers are also engaging with trades unions representatives on these important issues.

BEIS has also been accepting written submissions from other parties and individuals interested in the initiative. If you or your organisation would like to submit your ideas and insights in relation to the below questions, please email

Green recovery

How to capture economic growth opportunities from the shift to net zero carbon emissions. Roundtable held on 10 June. The participating organisations were:

  • Aldersgate Group
  • Barratt Homes
  • Cambridge Zero
  • Carbon Trust
  • Committee on Climate Change
  • Corporate Leaders Group
  • Energy Systems Catapult
  • Energy UK
  • Grantham Institute for Climate Change
  • Green Finance Institute
  • Green Alliance
  • Humber Local Enterprise Partnership
  • Make UK
  • National Grid
  • Octopus Energy
  • Ofgem
  • PassivSystems
  • Pivot Power
  • Scottish Power
  • Severn Trent
  • Shell UK
  • Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders
  • UK Green Building Council
  • University of Oxford

The questions participants were asked to address included:

  • which areas of infrastructure investment should we prioritise for early action to drive economic recovery and support delivery of net zero and our broader environmental objectives?
  • what action should we take to align investment in the UK and globally with net zero and to protect natural capital?
  • what are the key regulatory barriers weakening incentives to invest in net zero, and how do we address them?
  • how can we more effectively support businesses across the economy in acting to access growing low carbon markets and support delivery of net zero? (e.g. innovation support, advice, regulatory barriers)
  • how can we help the UK’s carbon intensive sectors to transition to low/zero emissions while maintaining competitiveness?
  • what actions should we take to ensure local and regional economies can effectively contribute to the net zero target?

Increasing opportunity

How to level up economic performance across the UK, including through skills and apprenticeships. Roundtable held on 11 June. The participating organisations were:

  • Admiral Group
  • Airbus
  • Blackrock
  • British Chambers of Commerce
  • Cardiff Capital Region
  • CBRE
  • Centre for Cities
  • Deloitte
  • Drax
  • Dynamo North East
  • Facebook
  • Invest Northern Ireland
  • Joint Industry Board for the Electrical Contracting Industry
  • Local Enterprise Partnership Network
  • Local Government Association
  • National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise
  • Northern Powerhouse Partnership
  • Pennon Group
  • Scottish Council for Development and Industry
  • Social Mobility Commission
  • South Tees Development Company
  • TalkTalk
  • National Institute for Economic & Social Research
  • University of Strathclyde
  • Women on Boards

The questions participants were asked to address included:

  • how can government and businesses work together to identify meaningful opportunities to invest across the whole of the UK?
  • how can government work with business to strengthen local business networks and ecosystems?
  • how can government target skills and employment support to best aid economic recovery and drive progression and productivity?
  • what could be the most impactful priority for business and government to work towards in order to level up given the challenges presented by the current context?

Backing new businesses

To make the UK the best place in the world to start and scale a business. Roundtable held on 12 June. The participating organisations were:

  • Bought by Many
  • Boxpark
  • Coltraco Ultrasonics Ltd
  • Ecuity Consulting LLP
  • Entrepreneur First
  • Enterprise Nation
  • Evergen Group
  • Federation of Small Businesses
  • Geovation
  • IAND
  • M Squared Lasers
  • Macro Eagle
  • Marshall Wace
  • McKinsey
  • Plexal
  • Richer Sounds
  • Scale Up Institute
  • Unilink Group

The questions participants were asked to address included:

  • what are the most significant barriers to starting and growing a business in the UK?
  • what are the most critical factors for successfully growing a business in the UK?
  • what specific actions should we take to ensure the UK creates a strong pipeline of investable start-ups that have the potential to grow?
  • what more can be done to encourage businesses to invest in their own success?
  • how can we support businesses through venture capital?

The future of industry

How to accelerate business innovation and leverage private sector investment in research and development. Roundtable held on 12 June. The participating organisations were:

  • Association of Innovation Research and Technology Organisations
  • AstraZeneca
  • Bosch
  • Bryden Wood
  • BT
  • Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
  • CodeBase
  • Google
  • Innovate UK
  • LocalGlobe
  • National Physical Laboratory
  • Ocado
  • ORE Catapult Network
  • Procter and Gamble
  • Public
  • Qinetiq
  • Revolut
  • Rolls-Royce
  • SETSquared Partnership
  • Syncona
  • Teledyne E2V
  • University College London
  • Viscount Ridley

The questions participants were asked to address included:

  • what are the systematic barriers to business innovation?
  • what specific actions would enhance the adoption and diffusion of innovation across the full breadth of UK businesses?
  • what more can government do to enhance access to the finance needed to support innovation?
  • how can government better identify and support the key technological trends that will drive innovation-led growth and productivity in the recovery
  • how can we strengthen the support provided by publicly-funded institutions?

The UK open for business

How to win and retain more high value investment for the UK. Roundtable held on 13 June. The participating organisations were:

  • Adam Smith Institute
  • Airbus
  • Caterpillar
  • Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics
  • CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd
  • Deloitte
  • EY
  • GIC
  • Google
  • Griffin Growth
  • Iberdrola / Scottish Power
  • Institute of Directors
  • Lord Mayor of the City of London
  • Marks & Spencer
  • National Institute of Economic and Social Research
  • Smith and Nephew
  • Synthomer

The questions participants were asked to address included:

  • what aspects of the UK offer should we focus on enhancing?
  • are there any particular types of investor, project or investment that business and government should prioritise for investment in the UK?
  • what specific approaches would help ‘land’ more investment deals for the UK?
  • how can access to finance support inward investment, and what role can government play in facilitating this?
  • how could we more effectively retain and expand existing UK investors’ presence?

Foreign Secretary’s statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 15 June 2020

Good afternoon and welcome to today’s Downing Street press conference.

Let me start with the daily update on the latest data on coronavirus:

Today, we had 1,056 new cases. There are 395 people in critical care. And 38 people have very sadly died.

I think it’s also worth noting the week on week data, which compares Friday 5 June with Friday 12 June, just to give a sense of the trend and the progress we are making.

There were 109 fewer daily cases. There were 161 fewer patients in critical care in our hospitals. And 155 fewer deaths.

That’s important progress on the week before as we continue, step by step, and week by week, to bring the incidence of coronavirus down.

In addition, as of today, there have been 6,866,481 tests for coronavirus have now been carried out or posted out in the UK. This includes 93,163 tests carried out or posted out yesterday.

This is the progress, the evidence, the basis, on which we are able to progress along the roadmap, which the Prime Minister set out on 11 May.

We’re taking steady steps at each stage and our progress is based on strict conditions, and we’re very carefully monitoring the virus.

Thanks to the hard work of the British people, that we’ve seen the level of the virus brought down substantially.

At the same time, we’re watching the impact of every change that we make very closely so that we can monitor the trends and make sure that every step we take is as safe as possible.

On Saturday, we took measures to allow individual prayer at places of worship.

And in order to support the loneliest and most vulnerable in our society we’ve also allowed single-adult households to form ‘support bubbles’ with one other household. All those in any support bubble are able to act as if they live in the same household. Including spending time in each others’ homes without the requisite social distancing measures applying.

I know these modest steps will provide enormous relief to many people, who have been isolated from their loved ones for weeks on end now.

And today, we’re taking further steps to reopen British high streets, to get our economy motoring again, to protect jobs and livelihoods.

We will also allow outdoor attractions to open, where people can stay in their cars, like safari parks and drive-in cinemas.

As we explained back on 11 May, these are modest and careful steps.

But with each step we take, we can monitor their effect on the transmission of Covid -9 in the country, keep the virus under control as we open up step-by-step, and build public confidence in the transition that we’re making.

I say that because we can’t pretend that the virus has gone away or we’ve eliminated the virus. We know from the science, as well as international experience, that there is a risk of a second spike if we’re not very careful at this moment in time.

So we need to keep up social distancing. We need to keep building up and reinforcing our test and tracing regime. And we need continue our steady progress in repressing the virus as we try to get life back to something like normal.

BEIS and the Treasury are working closely with businesses large and small, right across the country, so that they are able to meet the Covid Secure guidelines before they reopen.

To give you a sense of what that will look like in practice, in local shops as we’ve already seen with essential retail, you’ll see one-way floor markings and signs, you’ll see hand sanitising stations, and there will be limits on the number of people in any one shop at any one time. So it’s very much a managed process.

Starting today, we’ve also made it mandatory to wear a face covering when using public transport. And we also advise people to use a face covering in any place where they can’t be sure they’ll be able to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

At the same time, we continue to incrementally bring more of our children back to school. We started with primary schools, welcoming more children back on 1 June. And today, secondary schools will start to provide some face-to-face time between teachers and students in years 10 and 12.

So that’s where we are as of today. And as I said, we’ll monitor the effect of these changes very carefully

That’s the way we can keep the downward pressure on coronavirus and build up public confidence, so we are in the best position that we possibly can be to take the third step, along our road map, which will happen no earlier that 4 July.

We’re sticking to our plan, we’re making good progress every week, and we’ll only take the necessary next steps when we can be confident it’s safe to do so.

Baroness Laura Wyld appointed as Non-Executive Board Member to DCMS.

News story

Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Oliver Dowden CBE MP has appointed Baroness Laura Wyld as a Non-Executive Board Member for a term of three years.

Baroness Laura Wyld

Laura Wyld’s career has spanned business, public life and the voluntary sector.

Her private sector work has included advising some of the UK’s most high-profile business leaders on communications, strategy and diversity and inclusion. She has also served as a Council Member at the Institute of Directors.

From 2013 until 2016 she was Head of Appointments for the Prime Minister, which included helping to drive the Government’s diversity plan. She is currently a Non-Executive board member at Ofsted, a Trustee of The Urology Foundation and a member of the House of Lords Public Services Select Committee.

Her policy and campaigning interests include young people’s mental health, tackling gambling addiction, and the role of heritage and the arts in driving regeneration. She was a Member of the Regenerating Seaside Towns select committee and has also recently been involved in helping to establish a charity focused on tackling gambling-related harm.

Laura was born and brought up in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and remains strongly connected to the North East. Baroness Wyld will sit on the Departmental Board.

Published 15 June 2020

Part time students in Wales can apply now for student finance

Press release

SLC has launched its student finance application service for part time students in Wales.

Image of a female student with the words apply now written across it

Eligible part time students can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan as well as a Maintenance Loan to help with their living costs. They can also get a Welsh Government Learning Grant (WGLG) which doesn’t need to be paid back.

Derek Ross, SLC Executive Director of Operations said: “We are delighted to announce that part-time students in Wales can apply for their student funding. The easiest way to apply is online and as always, the message is to apply now to ensure funding is in place before the start of term. You can apply even if you don’t have a confirmed place at university.”

Five facts about Part time Student Finance

  1. You can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan to pay for tuition fees and a Maintenance Loan to help with living costs. You can also get a WGLG which you don’t have to pay back
  2. Your student finance entitlement is based on your study intensity – not your household income. Your household income will only be used to work out how much Maintenance Loan and how much WGLG make up your entitlement
  3. You need to reapply for funding for each year of your course
  4. You start repaying your loan the April after you finish or leave your course or the April four years after the start of your course (even if you are still studying), whichever comes first You repay 9% of what you earn over the repayment threshold which is currently £26,575 per annum.
  5. Extra help is available if you have a disability or have children or adults who are financially dependent on you.

For more information watch our short film and follow Student Finance Wales on Twitter and Facebook

Published 15 June 2020