Armed Forces week

Armed Forces Week 2020 begins on Monday 22 June, culminating with Armed Forces Day on 27 June and each day of the week has a specific theme.

Armed Forces Week themes:

  • Monday: launch and Global Armed Forces
  • Tuesday: Innovation
  • Wednesday: Reserves Day
  • Thursday: Veterans
  • Friday: Cadets

While celebrations and events have now become virtual, there are still plenty of ways you can show your support for the Reservists, Veterans, Service Families and Cadet Force Adult Volunteers within your organisations.

Take on the virtual 13 Bridges Challenge and walk 10 miles throughout Armed Forces Week.

SSAFA’s 13 Bridges Walk was going to be London’s premier event for Armed Forces Day and an opportunity for companies and individuals to show their support for our Armed Forces while raising funds for SSAFA, the UK Armed Forces charity.

Due to the circumstances around Covid-19 we are going virtual! Taking part is easy, simply register(this link takes you to the GivePenny website, and fundraising page will be set up for you!). This event was originally meant to showcase the bridges of London and the amazing work our armed forces do, so why not use your walk to showcase the bridges in your local area or pay your respects by walking to your local war memorial, base or landmark.

Reservists, wear your uniform at home or to ‘work’ on 24 June.

While the office seems like a distant memory and many of us are still working from home, on 24 June celebrate Reserves Day and wear your uniform at home or to ‘work’. Take selfies from your home office or while video conferencing with your colleagues! Remember to tag us in your social posts and use the hashtag #SaluteOurForces.

Join Commander of the Maritime Reserves, Mel Robinson for a Reserves Day virtual update

You are invited to join a 30 minute update this Reserves Day, 24 June, from 11:30am to 12:00pm on Zoom. As well as a thank you to all the supportive employers, this is an opportunity for you to ask questions and receive a real time update from the Royal Navy Reserve. The meeting will be open to all members of the Maritime Reserves and Employers. View the Reserves Day update for employers with the Commander of the Maritime Reserves (PDF, 150KB, 1 page).

Take part in the very first DRM/SSAFA Armed Forces Week Quiz on 25 June

This year Defence Relationship Management is joining forces with SSAFA to deliver a virtual Armed Forces Week Quiz!

SSAFA’s excellent team of volunteers and staff have been working harder than ever during the Covid-19 crisis to continue providing support to the armed forces community. Now is your opportunity to give back to SSAFA by taking part in the virtual Armed Forces Week quiz! At 4:30pm on 25 June we are calling on our Armed Forces Covenant community to get involved! It’s free to take part! Register on the SSAFA website.

Join Scarborough Council in celebrating a virtual Armed Forces Day on 27 June

The 2020 national Armed Forces Day event was due to be hosted by Scarborough Council. While the event unfortunately had to be cancelled, they have worked hard to bring many elements of the day to their virtual event which will shine a spotlight on local and national military veterans, and serving personnel, honouring their unstinting commitment, service and sacrifice. Visitors to the website will be able to view military related videos and personal stories, enjoy images and personal recollections from previous Armed Forces Day events, take part in themed children’s activities and competitions. Visit the Scarborough Armed Forces Day website for more information.

UKAEA Supplier Forum, 3 July

News story

Join our online supplier event to find out about UKAEA programmes and commercial opportunities.

TARM device at UKAEA's RACE centre

Robotics work at UKAEA’s RACE centre

UKAEA’s second Suppliers Forum is taking place on Friday 3 July.

Due to the coronavirus, it will be a virtual event but will still provide lots of useful information on our work and upcoming opportunities.

The agenda will include an update on the steps that UKAEA and our Procurement Team have been taking since the start of the pandemic, plus specific sessions on our programmes:

  • STEP – the next STEP to fusion energy
  • MAST Upgrade – the new UK national fusion experiment
  • Fusion Technology – testing technology for future fusion reactors
  • H3AT – world-leading tritium innovation
  • RACE – remote and robotic technologies for challenging environments
  • Fusion Foundations – developing the Culham site.

Registration for the event can be found at the UKAEA events page.

Published 17 June 2020

Scottish GDP figures

Press release

Alister Jack responds to the latest Scottish GDP figures.

OSSS nameplate

Commenting on today’s [17 June] Scottish GDP figures, Scottish Secretary Alister Jack said:

These figures confirm the terrible impact coronavirus has had on our economy.

The UK Government has put in place unprecedented measures to support people. Our furlough scheme, and support for the self-employed, has protected the incomes of almost 800,000 Scots – a more than quarter of the workforce. That’s been accompanied by an extra £3.8 billion of funding for the Scottish Government.

Across the UK we will continue to prioritise public health. But now the Scottish ‘R value’ is holding below one, we must also start looking at how to open our economy safely. People need to get back carefully to a more normal way of life, and the Scottish Government should keep an open mind about the measures needed to get Scotland moving again.

We will do everything we can to continue to support our great Scottish businesses as they begin to slowly reopen and start to recover in the weeks and months ahead.

Published 17 June 2020

Leeds man who assaulted his partners’ babies is jailed for longer

A Leeds man who repeatedly assaulted his partner’s daughter and then attacked another woman’s baby will be jailed for longer after the Solicitor General, Rt Hon Michael Ellis QC MP, referred his sentence for being too low.

Luke Flynn, 27 at the time of the offences in 2017, had been in a relationship with a woman, who had a baby daughter from a previous relationship.

At times during their relationship, the woman had left her baby alone with Mr Flynn. When she noticed that her baby appeared unwell, the woman took her daughter to hospital. The doctors noted her child had extensive injuries, including at least 19 fractures in her arms, legs, and ribs, as well as widespread bruising. These were deliberate injuries which had been inflicted by the offender on at least two occasions.

Flynn was arrested and released on bail. His relationship with the woman ended and he started seeing another woman, who had a severely disabled baby daughter.

In September 2017 Flynn visited the woman’s home and was briefly left alone with the baby while her mother checked on her car. As she reached the car she heard a loud scream and rushed back to the house.

The offender left and the woman noticed her daughter had a red eye and swollen lip. The offender had deliberately attacked the baby, punching her in the face, as well as causing fractures in both legs.

Flynn was arrested again on 14 September 2017. He was found guilty of two counts of grievous bodily harm with intent and one count of actual bodily harm with intent.

On 4 February 2020 Flynn was originally sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment at Leeds Crown Court. Following the Solicitor General’s intervention under the Unduly Lenient Sentence Scheme, the Court of Appeal today increased his sentence to 15 years’ imprisonment.

Speaking after the hearing the Solicitor General said:

The actions of the offender in deliberately attacking and targeting vulnerable children in such a brutal manner are truly sickening. I hope that this increased sentence brings some comfort to the families of the victims and reassures them that justice has been done.

DAO 03/20 Accounts Directions 2019-20

DAOs supplement guidance published in Managing Public Money.

TThis DAO letter is effective immediately and supersedes DAO 05/19. It gives most departments and pension schemes, agencies and trading funds the Treasury’s statutory directions for the format and content of their resource accounts (as part of annual report and accounts), other accounts and trust statements for 2019-20.