Hot weather warning issued to people shielding and more vulnerable groups

News story

Public Health England issues a heat warning encouraging vulnerable people to take care during the exceptionally hot weather forecast this week.

Two deck chairs on an empty beach

People shielding indoors from COVID-19, older people, those with underlying health conditions and very young children are all more vulnerable from the higher temperatures.

Emer O’Connell, Consultant in Public Health at Public Health England, said:

Most of us look forward to the warmer weather, but some people may find it more difficult to cope with these higher temperatures. Older people, those with underlying health conditions and very young children are more at risk in hot weather. 

This summer, many of us are spending more time at home due to COVID-19, especially those shielding, as they are at high risk of developing severe infection. A lot of homes can overheat, so it’s important we continue to check up on older people and those with underlying health conditions, particularly if they’re living alone and may be socially isolated.

You will need to do things differently this year, for example, keeping in touch by phone. If you need to provide direct care to someone at risk from hot weather, follow government guidance on how to do this safely. The most important advice is to ensure they stay hydrated, keep cool and know how to keep their homes cool.

Jo Churchill, Health Minister, said:

With plenty of sunshine and soaring temperatures expected over the coming days, many of us across the UK will be outside making the most of the fantastic weather while following the social distancing rules.

It’s important, however, to make sure you stay safe in the sun: apply sunscreen regularly, stay hydrated and protect your head from the sun. Look out for those who are vulnerable in the heat and provide support where needed, continuing to follow social distancing guidance.

To enjoy the sun while staying safe:

  • drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol. Everyone is at risk of dehydration in hot temperatures, but babies, children and older people are particularly vulnerable

  • stay cool indoors: open windows when the air feels cooler outside than inside; shade or cover windows exposed to direct sunlight; move to a cooler part of the house, especially for sleeping

  • slow down when it’s hot: exertion heats up our bodies so plan any strenuous activities (such as exercise and gardening) outside the hottest time of the day, typically 11am to 3pm

  • cool your skin with water. You could use a cool wet sponge or flannel, cool water spray, cold packs around the neck and armpits, or a cool, wet sheet

  • stay connected and listen to the weather forecast. Knowing the forecast can help you plan ahead and adapt what you’re doing

  • dress appropriately for the weather. Protect yourself against the sun’s radiation and keep yourself cool by wearing thin cotton clothes

  • eat smaller meals, more often. Cold salads and fruit are the perfect summer foods

For more information on the common signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heatstroke, visit NHS.UK.

Published 24 June 2020

CMA revises provisional findings in Amazon/Deliveroo case

In its initial provisional findings, published in April, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) provisionally cleared Amazon’s investment on the basis that Deliveroo would have exited the market without it, because of the negative impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on its business. The CMA considered that the imminent exit of Deliveroo would have been worse for competition than allowing the Amazon investment to proceed.

Since its initial provisional findings, the CMA has continued to gather and analyse evidence. A detailed assessment of Deliveroo’s finances shows considerable improvement in its financial position, reflecting, in part, changes which were not foreseeable during the early stages of the pandemic. Consequently, the CMA has now provisionally concluded that Deliveroo would no longer be likely to exit the market in the absence of this transaction. Given this, the CMA is instead required to base its provisional decision specifically on the impact of the transaction on competition between the two businesses.

The CMA has reviewed extensive evidence, including large volumes of internal documents from Amazon and Deliveroo, a survey of over 3,000 consumers, and extensive submissions from interested third parties. It has focused, in particular, on how the shareholding held by Amazon could affect its incentives to compete independently with Deliveroo.

Based on this detailed analysis, the CMA has provisionally found that the investment should be cleared because it is not expected to damage competition in either restaurant delivery or online convenience grocery delivery.

This decision reflects the 16% shareholding that Amazon is acquiring at the present time. Were Amazon to acquire a greater level of control over Deliveroo, in particular by making a full acquisition of the company, this could trigger a further investigation by the CMA.

Stuart McIntosh, Inquiry Chair, said:

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic, while initially extremely challenging, has not been as severe for Deliveroo as was anticipated when we reached our initial provisional findings in April.

The updated evidence no longer shows that Deliveroo would exit the market in the absence of this transaction. This has required us to re-evaluate our initial provisional findings.

We’ve carefully considered how this investment could affect competition between the two businesses in future. Looking closely at the size of the shareholding and how it will affect Amazon’s incentives, as well as the competition that the businesses will continue to face in food delivery and convenience groceries, we’ve found that the investment should not have a negative impact on customers.

The CMA is now asking for views on these provisional findings by 10 July 2020 and will assess all evidence provided before making a final decision. The statutory deadline for the CMA’s final report is 6 August 2020.

For more information, visit the Amazon / Deliveroo merger inquiry page.

Fitness Focus at home during lockdown

As an armed national infrastructure police force, it is vital our Authorised Firearms Officers remain fit and healthy so they can carry out their demanding role.

During the lockdown and the ongoing closure of gyms, maintaining fitness can be difficult to maintain and although the current lockdown restrictions have been relaxed in terms of exercise, gyms and other exercise outlets will not be reopening.

As a Constabulary we offer an excellent Occupational Health and Wellbeing provision, which includes fitness, and have been running a series of Fitness Focus videos for new recruits and current officers giving hints on tips on passing the Multi-Stage Fitness Test and maintaining fitness levels.

On Tuesday 23 June 2020, the Civil Nuclear Constabulary’s Health, Fitness and Wellbeing Manager, Chris Williams, hosted a Fitness Focus Facebook event

Although currently required to work from home due to Covid-19 restrictions, Chris got creative and filmed an ‘At Home’ special edition of his popular Fitness Focus series.

After sourcing questions from followers on social media, Chris spoke on various subjects relating to fitness, nutrition, and the CNC’s fitness assessment for recruitment candidates.

Questions covered themes such as reducing body fat, improving speed, the importance of nutrition, and how to build up your fitness level following a period of illness.

One question on remaining active whilst adapting to life in lockdown, resonated particularly well with Chris. You can view a clip on our YouTube channel

As well as answering questions, Chris also demonstrated a series of stretches suitable to support candidates when they undertake the fitness assessment.

One viewer who is currently preparing to undertake the fitness assessment said, “He’s doing a great job. I’m really enjoying the info he’s providing. There’s so much information provided in the videos and messages.”

Across Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter the Fitness Focus At Home videos received over 2,000 views in the first 24 hours.

As part of the recruitment process for the position of Authorised Firearms Officer, all candidates are required to attain level 7.6 on the Multi-Stage Fitness Test. Once a serving CNC AFO, you will also be required to undertake this test once a year as a continuing condition of employment.

Fitness assessments are currently on hold due to the ongoing Covid-10 pandemic. Candidates will be contacted to be invited to an event as soon as it is safe to resume.

You can watch the full playlist of videos from the event on the CNC’s YouTube channel

To see more of what we share with our followers on social media, follow the CNC on Facebook and Twitter

New government guidance supports reopening of tourism and visitor attractions on July 4

  • Guidance on Tourism and the Visitor Economy, published today, will help to get the tourism sector back up and running so the public can safely take domestic holidays  and visit attractions on days out

  • A new VisitEngland standard will ensure hotels, other accommodation providers and attractions are compliant with government regulations and guidance

  • Timed tickets, cashless payments and social distancing to be in use for indoor and outdoor attractions

The Government has outlined the measures that will allow UK tourism and visitor attractions to reopen to the public, paving the way for an economic boost to local businesses and economies across the country. 

The guidance, published today by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, outlines the processes and facilities that businesses must put in place before reopening on July 4 so that both staff and visitors can be kept safe. 

The advice will include guidelines for hotels and accommodation providers – such as campsites, caravan parks and short term lets – as well as indoor and outdoor visitor attractions and conference and events centres. Providing the conditions of the guidance are met, the wider sector is currently expected to open from 4 July 2020. 

The guidance makes clear that the following measures should be put in place: 

  • Hotels and accommodation providers will introduce deep cleaning regimes between guests.
  • Meal services including breakfasts will be pre-booked and timed.

  • Timed tickets will be introduced for exhibitions, theme parks, galleries and attractions to reduce the number of visitors in locations at the same time.

  • One way systems, clear floor markings and a queue management system should be in place to maintain social distancing measures at all attractions and help to limit contact between both staff and visitors. 

  • Organisations will also encourage cashless payments throughout to avoid cross contamination. 

  • In addition, visitor attractions will be instructed to introduce regular deep cleaning regimes across their site and some interactive displays will be temporarily closed.

A new industry standard will also be introduced by VisitEngland for hotels, accommodation providers and visitor attractions to reassure the public that businesses are adhering to government guidance. This will act as a marker to visitors that a venue is practising social distancing, maintaining cleaning routines and has undertaken a thorough risk assessment to protect customers when on site.

Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden said:

Britain needs a break, and from July 4th people can now take a well deserved staycation. We’ll need the public to keep safe on holiday by following the advice we’re providing, but there is no doubt this is the news many have been waiting for.  I am looking forward to a British holiday myself.

Our guidance will help the tourism businesses reopen safely, reassure locals and allow businesses to welcome guests back with confidence.

VisitEngland Director Patricia Yates said:

Millions of jobs and local economies across England are reliant on tourism so it is fantastic news that the industry can plan with confidence to  reopen and to welcome visitors back safely working within the new guidelines. Guidance is also being published for conferences and events which builds upon the guidance for the tourism sector and businesses. 

This guidance will be for people in England. When visiting Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, members of the public must adhere to the advice of the devolved administrations at all times.

It is part of the government’s clear, phased approach to recovering from the coronavirus pandemic, as outlined in the Prime Minister’s roadmap.

Read the guidance in full

Updated plans for A428 Black Cat and Caxton Gibbet upgrade go on show

Highways England is today (Wednesday 24 June) asking people who live, work and travel in and around Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire to have their say on the latest designs for the multi-million pound A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet improvements in the latest consultation.

The design refinements have been made after detailed analysis of the 925 responses received during last summer’s consultation, as well as new technical information and engagement with the local community and organisations.

The proposed upgrade will see a new 10-mile dual carriageway built linking the A1 Black Cat roundabout in Bedfordshire to the A428 Caxton Gibbet roundabout in Cambridgeshire. Both existing roundabouts would also be upgraded into modern, free-flowing junctions and a new junction would be added at Cambridge Road, near St Neots.

The project would replace the only remaining section of single carriageway between Milton Keynes and Cambridge and tackle one of the region’s most notorious congestion hotspots.

The proposals will see the Black Cat Roundabout transformed into a three-tier junction.

The five-week consultation begins today (00:01 Wednesday 24 June) and will end at 23:59 on Tuesday 28 July.

People can respond to the consultation by visiting Highways England’s virtual consultation room, where they can also hear about the changes from Highways England’s technical team, and explore maps and more details about the proposals. Alternatively forms via Freepost are available, or people can send their response by email – the consultation page has more details on how people can respond.

Lee Galloway, Highways England A428 programme lead, said:

The A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet improvements will transform one of the busiest road links in the East of England, helping to save drivers who live, work and travel in and around Bedfordshire and Cambridge an hour-and-a-half on their journeys every week.

Getting the views of drivers, the local community and businesses is crucial to designing a project that will offer the best value, maximise the benefits for all, while reducing the impact on the local communities and the environment.

Key changes include:

  • the creation of four “borrow pits”, close to where we are building the embankments at Roxton Road, Black Cat junction and Caxton Gibbet junction. This will considerably reduce the need to transport construction materials and will also reduce construction traffic on public roads, while also making the project more sustainable by using earth and spoil from local sources
  • improving safety for walkers, cyclists and horse riders by upgrading crossings and creating more convenient off-road routes
  • reducing the visual impact of the scheme by improved landscaping, and planting locally sourced trees and shrubs
  • minimising the disruption to existing businesses and reducing the impact on agricultural land, reducing the impact on farmers by using less land where possible
  • changes to local access roads to help improve driver access

Once the consultation closes, Highways England will analyse the new responses ahead of finalising its plans to seek planning consent for the project from Government, by submitting a Development Consent Order (DCO) application later this year.

As part of the DCO application, Highways England will submit a Consultation Report, explaining how the issues raised during both consultations were considered and responded to.

Roads Minister Baroness Vere said:

Our roads play a critical role in keeping Britain moving and this project will help to change people’s everyday journeys across the East of England, improving vital links and helping to reduce congestion.

We encourage everyone to have their say during this consultation, and be part of the change as we continue to invest and level up across the country.

Highways England will be using a virtual consultation room.

Highways England will be taking an innovative new approach to the consultation, designed to let people find out about the plans and put their questions to the project team, while respecting the current COVID-19 guidelines. These will include:

  • a virtual consultation room where people can log on from home via laptop or mobile device to hear about the changes from Highways England’s technical team, and explore maps and more details about the proposals
  • live webchats with the Highways England technical team who can answer any questions that people have about the scheme (Thursday 2 July 2020 10:00 to 14:00, Thursday 16 July 2020 15:00 to 19:00)
  • telephone information events where people can dial in to hear more details about the consultation. To join dial 0800 640 4956 (Monday 29 June 2020 15:00 to 19:00, Monday 13 July 2020 10:00 to 14:00)

To keep up to date with the A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet scheme visit the scheme webpage or follow the follow @HighwaysEAST on Twitter.