PM call with PM Netanyahu: 6 July 2020

Press release

Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke to Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu earlier today.


The Prime Minister spoke to Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, this evening.

The Prime Minister set out his concerns about plans to annex parts of the West Bank unilaterally and cautioned that this would set back the prospects for peace in the region.

He reiterated his personal support for Israel and urged Prime Minister Netanyahu to return to negotiations with the Palestinians.

The leaders also underlined their ongoing commitment to UK-Israel trade and discussed the global response to coronavirus, agreeing to continue working together to tackle the pandemic.

Published 6 July 2020

Response to the Biometrics Commissioner’s annual report 2019

£1.4m given to environmental projects by companies that broke rules

The donations have been made as a result of Enforcement Undertakings which the Environment Agency started using from 2011 as an alternative to prosecutions.

Where agreed with the Environment Agency, donations to environmental projects are made either when a business or individual is responsible for a pollution incident or where they have failed to meet other legal requirements, such as registering and recycling packaging waste.

In addition to any donation, the business or individual must also include in its offer measures to stop offending, come into compliance and restore any harm to the environment.

The largest donation paid out so far has been £226,000 by Severn Trent Water to the Trent Rivers Trust following a pollution incident and for packaging waste contravention, Nottinghamshire company, Kennelpak Ltd paid over £70,000 shared between the county’s Wildlife Trust for the Attenborough Nature Reserve and the Erewash Canal Preservation Association.

Enforcement Undertakings are used for less serious cases where it is not in the public interest to prosecute and where the business or individual can satisfy the Environment Agency they want to change behaviour and make amends for what happened. Donations made by businesses and individuals for pollution offences should be used to benefit the environment and compensate for any harm that cannot be restored. For packaging and any other offences which have not had a direct impact on the environment, the money can be used to protect, restore or enhance the environment in other ways.

And, in line with the ‘Polluter Pays Principle’ the costs of offending fall on those businesses and individuals that have failed to comply with its legal requirements and obligations. Enforcement Undertakings should not be seen as a cheaper option compared to prosecution.

Regulatory Officer with the Environment Agency, Beth Haste, commented:

While we have the option to prosecute companies that fail to meet their obligations to the environment, Enforcement Undertakings are an excellent alternative that result in positive benefits to the environment and communities. To have put £2m into environmental projects over the last 9 years is a real achievement.

Notes to editors

Section 7 of the Environment Agency’s Enforcement and Sanctions Policy sets out all the enforcement options available to the Agency. These include criminal proceedings, as well as a range of civil sanctions (including Enforcement Undertakings) available to use for many of the offences we are responsible for enforcing.

Our approach to applying civil sanctions and accepting enforcement undertakings is explained in Annex 1 of our policy.

The Civil Sanctions options were introduced by the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008 (RES Act), the Environmental Civil Sanctions (England) Order 2010 and the Environmental Civil Sanctions (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2010.

Other big pay outs have come from:

  • Heineken paid £160,000, mainly to the Wye and Usk Foundation

  • Fuerst Day Lawson in Stoke-on-Trent – £150,000 to Trent Rivers Trust

  • Kerry Ingredients gave £127,975 to the Gloucestershire Widlife Trust and Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust

  • Staffordshire County council which donated £50,000 split between the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust and Blackfords Progressive Angling Society

  • White’s Recycling of Newent donated £46,000 to the Severn Rivers Trust

  • Sanglier Ltd of Kirkby-in-Ashfield donated £37,450 to the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England

  • The Works gave £35,868 to the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust

  • Hameln Pharmaceuticals of Gloucestershire donated £35,000 to Westonbirt Arboretum

Statement on the Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab:

Mr Speaker, with permission, I would like to make a statement on the Global Human Rights Sanctions Regulations.

As we forge a dynamic new vision for a truly Global Britain, this government is absolutely committed to the United Kingdom being an even stronger force for good in the world: on climate change, as we host COP26, as we champion 12 years of education for every girl in the world, no matter how poor her background.

And on human rights, we will defend media freedoms, protect freedom of religion and, with the measures we are announcing and enacting today, hold to account the perpetrators of the worst human rights abuses.

Mr Speaker, I first raised this issue in 2012 in a Backbench Business Debate and it was a cross-party issue then and I hope it will be now and I recall co-sponsoring it with the Former Foreign Secretary, David Miliband.

And I’d also like to pay tribute to honourable members across the House, in particular, my Rt. Hon Member for Haltemprice and Howden who sponsored the debate back then and of course the Hon Member for Rhondda, who joined me in that initial debate and has been chivvying me along ever since normally from a sedentary position.

Mr Speaker, the idea of taking targeted action against human rights violators has received further cross-party backing then including honourable members from all sides of the House, including five former Foreign Secretaries, including the current chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee

And in 2019, it was in the Conservative Party manifesto as a clear commitment. So, today, I am proud that under this Prime Minister and this Government we make good on that pledge bringing into force the UK’s first autonomous human rights sanctions regime, which gives us the power to impose sanctions on those involved in the very worst of human rights abuses around the world.

Mr Speaker, these sanctions are a forensic tool, they allow us to target perpetrators without punishing the wider people of a country that may be affected.

The Regulations will enable us to impose travel bans and asset freezes against those involved in serious human rights violations.

They include:

First, the right to life, threatened by assassinations and extra-judicial killing.

Second, the right not to be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

And third, the right to be free from slavery, servitude or forced or compulsory labour.

The powers also enable us to target the wider network of perpetrators, including those who facilitate, incite, promote, or support these crimes.

And this extends beyond state officials to non-state actors as well so if you’re a kleptocrat, or an organised criminal, you won’t be able to launder your blood money in this country.

Mr Speaker, today this Government and this House sends a very clear message on behalf of the British people: that those with blood on their hands, the thugs of despots, or the henchmen of dictators, won’t be free to waltz into this country to buy up property on the Kings Road, or do their Christmas shopping in Knightsbridge, or frankly to siphon dirty money through British banks or financial institutions.

Mr Speaker, the Regulations are the latest next step forward in the long struggle against impunity for the very worst human rights violations.

We’ve deliberately focused on the worst crimes, so we have the clearest basis, to make sure we can operate the new system as effectively as we possibly can.

That said, we’ll continue to explore expanding this regime to include other human rights.

And I can tell the House that we are already considering how a corruption regime could be added to the armoury of legal weapons that we have. In particular Mr Speaker, I’m looking at the UN Convention Against Corruption and practice under the frameworks in jurisdictions like the US and Canada.

Mr. Speaker, today we have also published a policy note, which sets out how we will consider designations under these Regulations for maximum transparency.

And, as the House would expect, the legislation will ensure that due process will be followed in relation to those designations, reflecting the rigorous process rights contained in the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018.

In practice, those people designated will be able to request that a Minister review the decision.

They will be able to challenge the decision in court.

And as a matter of due diligence, the Government will review all designations at least once every three years.

Mr Speaker, in addition to introducing this new legal regime, today we are also proceeding proceeded to make its first designations under those Regulations.

And we are imposing sanctions on those individuals involved in some of the most notorious human rights violations in recent years.

The first designations will cover those individuals involved in the torture and murder of Sergei Magnitsky, the lawyer who disclosed the biggest known tax fraud in Russian history.

The designations will also include those responsible for the brutal murder of the writer and journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

They will include those who perpetrated the systematic and brutal violence against the Rohingya population in Myanmar, and they also include two organisations bearing responsibility for the enslavement, torture and murder that takes place in North

Korea’s wretched gulags, in which it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of prisoners have perished over the last 50 years.

And so, with these first designations Mr Speaker, this government, and I hope this House, and this country makes it crystal clear those who abuse their power to inflict unimaginable suffering that we won’t look the other way, that you cannot set foot in this country, and that we will seize your blood-drenched ill-gotten gains if you try.

Mr Speaker, in practise targeted sanctions are most effective when they are backed by coordinated, collective, action.

So we will work closely with our Five Eyes partners, in particular the US and Canada,

Which already have ‘Magnitsky-style’ sanctions legislation, and Australia, which is considering similar legislation.

But we also strongly support efforts to bring an EU human rights sanctions regime into effect, and stand ready to coordinate with our European partners on future measures and in fact I discussed it with our E3 partners in berlin recently.

Mr. Speaker, with your permission I want to end by paying tribute to the man who inspired these sanctions, Sergei Magnitsky, a young Russian tax lawyer.

Between 2007 and 2008, Magnitsky exposed the theft of $230 million, committed by tax officials in Russia’s own Interior Ministry.

Whilst others left Russia, understandably fearing for their lives, Magnitsky stayed on to take a stand for the rule of law, and to strike a blow against the breath-taking corruption that plagues Russia.

That bravery cost him his life.

He was arrested in 2008 on trumped-up charges of tax evasion.

The very tax investigators that Magnitsky had exposed turned up to arrest him.

The Public Oversight Commission, a Moscow-based NGO, found that while in detention Magnitsky was subjected to physical and psychological abuse amounting to torture.

Over the course of his time in prison, he developed abdominal pain and acute bladder inflammation.

But prison officers cruelly withheld the medical treatment he needed.

Eventually, he was transferred to a facility, ostensibly to receive medical care.

Instead, in fact he was handcuffed and beaten to death by riot police with truncheons.

He died on 16 November 2009, aged 37.

Mr Speaker, the House will recall the European Court of Human Rights found Russia to be in violation of its most basic human rights obligations, from the treatment of Magnitsky in prison to the lack of an effective investigation.

None of those involved have been brought to justice.

Perversely, some have even been promoted or decorated with medals. In fact the only person in fact prosecuted was Sergei Magnitsky himself, after his death Russia’s first ever posthumous trial.

I pay tribute to Bill Browder, who employed Sergei Magnitsky, and has campaigned for justice ever since his death, and I hope that we in the House show our solidarity with the family Sergei Magnitsky left behind, his wife Natalia and his son Nikita, and I can tell the House they will be watching from the Foreign Office in my office as we speak.

Amidst their enduring loss they should be proud of Sergei’s courage, which, today, inspires us to hold up a torch on behalf of all of those who perished at the hands of those we designate today and keep the flame of freedom alive for those brave souls still suffering in the very darkest corners of the world.

I commend this statement to the House.


COVID-19: sample submission guidance for VICs and PME centres – update

News story

APHA continues to provide post-mortem and diagnostic testing support for livestock veterinarians but some restrictions are still in place due to COVID-19

Carmarthen VIC
  1. We are operating a reduced staff at each of our sites to ensure that we operate our workplace in line with Covid-Secure guidance.

  2. For carcase submissions, please contact the Duty Vet at your Veterinary Investigation Centre (VIC) or Post-mortem Examination (PME) Centre to discuss and triage the case before submitting carcases for post-mortem examination. To identify your nearest VIC use the postcode finder on our Vet Gateway. Or you can view the full national network and all of our centres’ contact details.

  3. For other samples, we are prioritising our responsibility for statutory disease, animal welfare, serious disease outbreaks, potential food safety incidents and potential new or emerging diseases. We therefore ask that you do not submit non-urgent samples.

  4. Current RCVS/BVA guidance is that veterinary practices begin the transition to a fuller range of veterinary services, in line with local legislation, rules and conditions; following safe working practices; and in line with clinical and professional judgement. This may result in farmers asking for post mortem examinations without having have a veterinary visit.

  5. The need for telephone discussions about cases prior to submission has never been greater and our Veterinary Investigation Officers (VIOs) are available to do this, so please use the VIC contact number for your nearest VIC.

Contact with clients and members of the public: Social distancing and other hygiene measures are in place at all our locations, please follow the local information provided.

We request that anyone with clinical signs of a cough or a fever DOES NOT travel to the VIC.

Published 31 March 2020
Last updated 6 July 2020 + show all updates

  1. Title updated

  2. Paragraphs 1 and 4 updated due to ongoing restrictions.

  3. First published.