‘Inspirational’ FUSION22 energises global industry

FUSION22 has energised the global fusion industry following an “inspirational” first of its kind event at London’s Science Museum.

The conference showcased the goals and vision of the international fusion community on the path to delivering near limitless and low carbon energy in the future.

Delegates from around the world were part of the inaugural hybrid event, which covered a wide range of thought-provoking panel sessions and keynote speeches across two stages.

This included an in-depth look at the solutions to technical challenges, funding fusion, building an industry, diversity of ideas, regulation and a spotlight on the talent needed to succeed.

Tim Bestwick, UK Atomic Energy Authority’s Chief Technology Officer, said: “New energy solutions are required for a sustainable future, and fusion offers huge potential and hope. We are all part of an exciting, expanding and dynamic field, and those at an inspirational FUSION22 have the solutions. Fusion is coming.”

A ‘global gains’ session toured the world to report on international achievements and efforts to get fusion energy, which is based on the same processes that power the sun and stars, onto the grid.

Eloise Francis, Director of Innovation at BRE, said it was “great to see the science and technology moving forwards”, while a Kyoto Fusioneering delegation from Japan said the event brought together a valuable fusion energy network.

Sachin Desai, of US-based Helion Energy, added: “FUSION22 has brought important international attention to the near-term deployment of fusion as a tool to win the fight against climate change, the amazing accomplishments that have been made to date, and the substantial work that still has to be done.”

FUSION22 was organised by UKAEA and the UK Fusion Cluster founding partners. For more information visit fusioniscoming.com.

Russian war in Ukraine: P3 statement

Press release

The Foreign Ministers of the UK, USA and France have issued a statement rejecting Russia’s transparently false allegations about Ukraine.

We, the Foreign Ministers of France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, reiterate our steadfast support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of Russia’s ongoing aggression. We remain committed to continue supporting Ukraine’s efforts to defend its territory for as long as it takes.

Earlier today, the defence ministers of each of our countries spoke to Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu at his request. Our countries made clear that we all reject Russia’s transparently false allegations that Ukraine is preparing to use a dirty bomb on its own territory. The world would see through any attempt to use this allegation as a pretext for escalation. We further reject any pretext for escalation by Russia.

The Foreign Ministers also discussed their shared determination to continue supporting Ukraine and the Ukrainian people with security, economic, and humanitarian assistance in the face of President Putin’s brutal war of aggression.

Published 24 October 2022

New report shows scale of UK Government promotion of Scotland abroad

The scale of the UK Government’s activity is set out in a submission to the Scottish Affairs Committee from Scottish, Foreign and International Trade ministers.

That support includes one of the world’s largest diplomatic networks, committed to promoting Scottish interests across foreign policy, security, defence, international trade, investment, culture, education, and the arts – as well as vital consular assistance.

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said:

Across our entire network of 282 missions in 180 countries and territories, British diplomats represent the interests of the whole United Kingdom, generating trade and investment and proudly promoting Scotland’s rich culture and heritage.

The UK’s permanent membership of the UN Security Council and our leading position in NATO, the G7, the G20 and other global organisations enable us to drive forward the agenda on vital issues that matter to everyone in the UK, including Ukraine, climate change and human rights.

The FCDO’s joint HQ in East Kilbride has almost 1,000 staff who are at the heart of shaping and delivering UK foreign policy as a force for good in the world.

Scottish Secretary Alister Jack said:

The UK Government acts on behalf of the entire country, representing the interests of all parts of the United Kingdom, right around the world. Scotland benefits hugely from the scale of our international engagement.

International relations and development, defence and regulation of international trade, are reserved matters. The UK Government takes seriously its duty and responsibilities in representing Scotland abroad.

The UK Government works around the world to promote and protect the economic interests of Scotland, including securing foreign investment and helping Scottish businesses expand their exports markets.

And of course, people in Scotland benefit from and contribute to the UK’s leading international voice on the world stage – including through membership of international organisations such NATO.

Minister for Trade Policy Greg Hands said:

The Department for International Trade is working tirelessly to boost Scotland’s economic interests. Our worldwide footprint offers Scottish businesses access to support and opportunities across the globe, and allows us to sell Scotland as a destination for foreign investment.

And through free trade agreements we’re opening up international markets to Scottish good and services.

We’ll continue these efforts and work closely with Scottish Development International and the Scottish Government to promote Scottish interests overseas.

The UK Government submission is in response to the Scottish Affairs Committee’s call for evidence for its inquiry into Promoting Scotland Internationally. The UK Government submission is available here:


Statement on Defence Secretary’s call with Russian Defence Minister

Press release

Statement on Defence Secretary Ben Wallace’s call with the Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu.

At the request of the Russian Ministry of Defence, the Secretary of State for Defence spoke with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shoigu, this afternoon. Minister Shoigu alleged that Ukraine was planning actions facilitated by Western countries, including the UK, to escalate the conflict in Ukraine.

The Defence Secretary refuted these claims and cautioned that such allegations should not be used as a pretext for greater escalation.

The Defence Secretary also reiterated UK and wider international support for Ukraine and desire to de-escalate this conflict. It is for Ukraine and Russia to seek resolution to the war and the UK stands ready to assist.

The Secretary of State observed that both Ministers were professional and respectful on the call.

Published 23 October 2022

New vaccine marketing campaign urges millions to boost their immunity this winter

A new country-wide marketing campaign urging millions of eligible people to get their flu and COVID-19 booster vaccines to top up their immunity will launch on Monday (24 October), as almost 10 million people in England have already received their boosters.

Adverts will air across television, radio, social and digital media, stressing the importance of people getting both vaccines to increase their protection this winter.

Targeted communications for individuals with long term health conditions, pregnant women and ethnic minority communities, with a particular focus on those with low vaccine confidence, will also appear, and will include examples of where vaccine uptake rates have been low in the past.

More than 10 million people are expected to have received their COVID-19 autumn booster in England by Monday, with 49.5% of those 65 and over getting their flu jab, helping protect against serious illness throughout the winter.

Latest COVID-19 data has shown continued high rates of cases and hospitalisations in recent weeks.

Cases of flu have climbed quickly in the past week, indicating that the season has started earlier than normal. This is leading to increased pressure on emergency departments, with rates of hospitalisations and ICU admissions rising fastest in children under 5.

Deputy Prime Minister and Health and Social Care Secretary, Thérèse Coffey received her autumn booster this week and urges those eligible to take up the offer as soon as possible, saying:

Our COVID autumn booster and flu vaccination programmes are in full swing. Vaccines are our best line of defence against both viruses and will help keep people out of hospital this winter.

While we have made great progress with almost 10 million people already boosted, including me, we are actively encouraging, through our new marketing campaign, everybody eligible to come forward for both jabs as soon as possible.

Vaccination for flu is currently behind last season for pre-schoolers (12.1% in all 2 year olds and 12.8% in all 3 year olds), pregnant women (12.4%) and under 65s in a clinical risk group (18.2%).

Vaccines are the best defence against both viruses and will help reduce the amount of people requiring hospital treatment, reducing pressure on the NHS.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England, Dr Thomas Waite said:

The restrictions we had in place to curb the spread of COVID and protect the NHS last year also prevented the flu virus from spreading as we would normally expect to see, so levels of immunity in the population are likely quite low.

Flu has started circulating at low levels, mainly in children and younger people at the moment. As winter approaches, we can expect flu and COVID cases to rise in all age groups. Getting vaccinated against both viruses is the most important thing you can do to reduce your chances of getting seriously ill. If eligible please come forward for your jabs as soon as you can – it is important to be protected before any winter surges begin.

Dr Mary Ramsay, Director of Immunisations at UK Health Security Agency, said:

“The latest data follows the pattern we predicted, and a difficult winter is expected.

This year we want people to think about COVID-19 and flu as equally important – and both vaccines will provide a ‘boost’ this winter. COVID-19 vaccine protection decreases over time and topping up immunity will help to provide better protection against new variants.

So far, we have seen millions of people getting their vaccines, particularly older age groups who remain at risk of severe illness and deaths from both diseases. Having both vaccines will help to protect you and to protect the health service so we can continue to treat patients with other conditions.

I urge everyone who is eligible to book your vaccine as soon as you can and not to delay – you could be in contact with flu or COVID-19 tomorrow.

NHS director for vaccinations and screening, Steve Russell said:

Thanks to the efforts of staff, the NHS autumn booster programme has vaccinated twice as many people as it had at this stage last year with almost 10 million people getting their COVID-19 boosters already.

We are seeing evidence of increasing levels of COVID and flu infections in the community and care homes, and so ahead of what will be a very challenging winter, it is vital that everyone eligible gets protected; it has never been easier to get your vaccines, so book in without delay.

Building on the success of the 2021 to 2022 COVID-19 vaccination campaign, this year’s campaign will stress that the protection provided by vaccines wanes over time, so everyone eligible should boost their immunity by getting both vaccines ahead of a difficult winter.

The adverts use blue (flu) and yellow (COVID-19) halos to represent the protection both vaccines provide. They will run on TV, video on demand, radio, social and digital channels. Highly targeted, eye-catching information on digital channels will help to reiterate the importance of boosting your immunity ahead of a difficult winter by booking jabs early.

The NHS Winter Vaccines chatbot will return, helping to guide those who are searching online for the right information. This instant online conversation tool was first developed to support last winter’s campaign and answers frequently asked questions with trusted NHS information in a single place.

Multicultural community activity will see teams of campaign ambassadors engage with a range of different ethnic groups who tend to be more vaccine hesitant. This will take place across the country in high footfall places of worship and nearby community settings. Dedicated radio adverts and unique social media material will reinforce key messages.

Around 33 million people are eligible for the flu vaccine and 26 million people are eligible for the COVID-19 booster.