Beware of bonfire bandits and don’t burn waste

As well as the safety risks caused by bonfires, they have an impact on the climate and, if the wrong materials are burned, can harm wildlife, the environment and human health.

The only materials that should be used in bonfires are dry, untreated and unpainted wood, along with small amounts of paper or cardboard. Using wet wood creates smoke which can spread and cause a nuisance to neighbours, and bonfires can quickly get out of control if not properly managed.

If you are intending to have a bonfire at home, don’t use it to dispose of household waste, such as plastic, rubber, glass, oils or metal.  These materials could cause a pollution risk to water, air, soil, plants, animals or the countryside and should be disposed of through recycling or household waste collections or at council recycling centres. Always check the bonfire for hedgehogs and other wildlife before setting light to it and don’t allow anyone else to add materials to your bonfire, other than clean, dry, untreated wood.

It’s not just householders that may use Bonfire Night as a way of getting rid of rubbish. Businesses may use it to burn waste, too. But the Environment Agency also urges them to be aware of what they are burning.

Whether you are a business owner or householder, if paying someone to take waste away, always check they are licensed waste carriers, who will dispose of waste correctly. Unfortunately, criminals working in illegal waste operations may also use the celebration to dispose of hazardous and inappropriate waste.

There are strict rules on what can – and can’t – be burned in bonfires to avoid environmental harm

As well as the harm and nuisance burning the wrong kind of waste can cause, burning of most types of waste is illegal and can carry a fine of up to £50,000.

Kevin Baker of the Environment Agency said:

We want people to have fun on Bonfire Night – but to do so safely and in a way that won’t create a risk to the environment, wildlife and to you and your neighbours.

The best way of doing that, is to stop burning waste altogether and go to a properly organised community event, where organisers, hopefully, should have followed our guidelines and won’t be causing a hazard.

Ros Clarke, group manager for prevention at Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, said:

Bonfire night and the days surrounding it can be busy for us, and our emergency service colleagues. The safest way to enjoy bonfire night is to go to an organised professional bonfire night event, rather than holding your own bonfire.

If you see a bonfire being built, which you think may contain hazardous materials, you can contact the Environment Agency on our 24-hour helpline at 0800 807060 or report it anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. You can check if a waste carrier is licensed here.

FCDO Head of Latin America Department meets Honduran Vice ministers

World news story

FCDO’s Deputy Director of the Americas and Head of Latin America Department James Dauris met with the Honduran Vice Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Environment.

James Dauris visit to Honduras

Deputy Director Dauris met with the Honduran Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gerardo Torres Zelaya and the Vice Minister of Environment, Malcom Stufkens. They discussed shared priorities on a host of issues, including Ukraine, climate change, human rights, transparency and economic prosperity.

On Ukraine, Deputy Director Dauris raised the devastating impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on food and energy prices, while encouraging Honduras to continue supporting the cause for ending this war especially at the UN and other multilateral forums.

He urged Honduras to continue showing ambition in the fight against climate change. These plans will complement the UK’s investment of US$20 million in Mesoamerica, including Honduras, through the Biodiverse Landscapes Fund, to reduce poverty and create climate resilience from 2023.

Deputy Director Dauris also encouraged Honduras to seize the opportunities of the UK-Central America Association Agreement, while stressing the need for continued Honduras efforts to tackle corruption and improve the business environment.

Deputy Director Dauris also stressed the unequivocal UK commitment to protect human rights, ranging from the situation of media freedom to continue advocating for the rights of LGBTQI persons. These are shared priorities with the Government of President Xiomara Castro.

Published 25 October 2022

Liability Driven Investment

News story

This blog from GAD looks at Liability Driven Investment, or LDI.

Computer with Investments Information

In our blog, we explore Liability Driven Investment, or LDI, which is a way of investing that by convention gives a multiple exposure to gilts. Recently it’s been a challenging time for corporate defined benefit pension schemes that had LDI.

Published 25 October 2022

UK Government to commission abortion services in Northern Ireland

Press release

The UK Government will commission abortion services for women and girls in Northern Ireland, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Chris Heaton-Harris MP, has announced today (Monday 24 October).

The Secretary of State is under a statutory obligation to ensure that safe services are available. In the coming weeks, he will meet Chief Executives of Health and Social Care Trusts to ensure these services can be provided. The UK Government has been forced to act three years after the decriminalisation of abortion in Northern Ireland, as the Northern Ireland Department of Health has not ensured the availability of  services became available and have shown no indications that they will act to provide them.

The commissioning of abortion services follows the making of Regulations by the previous Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Brandon Lewis in May 2022, which provided the UK Government with the same powers as a Northern Ireland Minister for the purposes of ensuring that the recommendations in paragraphs 85 and 86 of the Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Report are implemented.

The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland said:

The UK Government has been clear that the Government would commission abortion services if the Department of Health did not act to provide them.“Three years on from the decriminalisation of abortion in Northern Ireland, we will be ensuring the commissioning of abortion services by the UK Government. It is unfortunate that we have been forced to commission these services, in what should be a matter for the Department of Health to implement.

However, the Government has been left with no other option, as women and girls of Northern Ireland have been without safe and high quality services, with many having to travel to the rest of the UK to access healthcare to which they are legally entitled. That is unacceptable.

I will be meeting the Chief Executives of Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland in the coming weeks to ensure these services can be provided. Ultimately, it remains the responsibility of the Northern Ireland Executive to fund abortion services in Northern Ireland.

The UK Government will ensure that appropriate funding is available to enable healthcare professionals to take the necessary steps to ensure that essential training and recruitment of staff can progress, and services can be implemented.

Published 25 October 2022

Rishi Sunak’s first speech as Prime Minister: 25 October 2022

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s speech on the steps of Downing Street

Good morning,

I have just been to Buckingham Palace and accepted His Majesty The King’s invitation to form a government in his name.

It is only right to explain why I am standing here as your new Prime Minister.

Right now our country is facing a profound economic crisis. 

The aftermath of Covid still lingers. 

Putin’s war in Ukraine has destabilised energy markets and supply chains the world over.

I want to pay tribute to my predecessor Liz Truss, she was not wrong to want to improve growth in this country, it is a noble aim. 

And I admired her restlessness to create change.

But some mistakes were made. 

Not borne of ill will or bad intentions. Quite the opposite, in fact. But mistakes nonetheless. 

And I have been elected as leader of my party, and your Prime Minister, in part, to fix them.

And that work begins immediately.

I will place economic stability and confidence at the heart of this government’s agenda. 

This will mean difficult decisions to come.

But you saw me during Covid, doing everything I could, to protect people and businesses, with schemes like furlough.

There are always limits, more so now than ever, but I promise you this

I will bring that same compassion to the challenges we face today.

The government I lead will not leave the next generation, your children and grandchildren, with a debt to settle that we were too weak to pay ourselves. 

I will unite our country, not with words, but with action. 

I will work day in and day out to deliver for you.

This government will have integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level.

Trust is earned. And I will earn yours.

I will always be grateful to Boris Johnson for his incredible achievements as Prime Minister, and I treasure his warmth and generosity of spirit.

And I know he would agree that the mandate my party earned in 2019 is not the sole property of any one individual, it is a mandate that belongs to and unites all of us.

And the heart of that mandate is our manifesto.

I will deliver on its promise.

A stronger NHS.

Better schools.

Safer streets.

Control of our borders.

Protecting our environment.

Supporting our armed forces.

Levelling up and building an economy that embraces the opportunities of Brexit, where businesses invest, innovate, and create jobs.

I understand how difficult this moment is.

After the billions of pounds it cost us to combat Covid, after all the dislocation that caused in the midst of a terrible war that must be seen successfully to its conclusions I fully appreciate how hard things are.

And I understand too that I have work to do to restore trust after all that has happened.

All I can say is that I am not daunted. I know the high office I have accepted and I hope to live up to its demands.

But when the opportunity to serve comes along, you cannot question the moment, only your willingness.

So I stand here before you ready to lead our country into the future. 

To put your needs above politics.

To reach out and build a government that represents the very best traditions of my party.

Together we can achieve incredible things.

We will create a future worthy of the sacrifices so many have made and fill tomorrow, and everyday thereafter with hope.

Thank you.