Time to seize this momentum and deliver positive change for the people of Abyei

Thank you President and thank you to the Assistant Secretary-General and the Special Envoy for their very helpful briefings. I would also like to welcome the representatives of Sudan and South Sudan to this meeting. We would like to make three brief points today.

First, the United Kingdom commends UNISFA’s tireless efforts to deliver its mandate under such challenging circumstances and we thank the troop-contributing countries. We fully support the extension of the Mission’s mandate for twelve months.
We join our fellow Council members in reiterating the call on the Governments of Sudan and South Sudan to remove the longstanding obstacles that limit the full implementation of UNISFA’s mandate.

In particular, we are concerned by the restrictions on the Mission’s freedom of movement and by attacks on UNISFA personnel during the reporting period.

We urge the Government of South Sudan to ensure the re-operationalisation of the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism Headquarters in Gok Machar.

Second, we must continue to watch carefully the situation on the ground in Abyei. Civilians continue to suffer due to the absence of basic services and limited rule of law.
We are concerned about the ongoing intercommunal violence across Abyei, including the worrying increase in tensions between Dinka communities.
Recent flooding has compounded the worsening humanitarian situation too. On top of insecurity and a lack of infrastructure, this is putting huge pressure on the humanitarian response. In these circumstances, ensuring unrestricted access is vital.

The United Kingdom urges all parties fully to respect International Humanitarian Law and protect and enable humanitarian staff, assets and operations to deliver aid to those in need in all parts of Abyei, without hindrance.

Third, we remain concerned by the lack of progress on a political solution for Abyei. We therefore welcome the increased focus on this from Sudan and from South Sudan. We call on both Governments to seize this momentum and deliver measurable positive change for the people of Abyei.

As a next step, we urge both countries to organise a further meeting of the Abyei Joint Oversight Committee as a sign of their recommitment to reaching an agreement.

Lastly, we welcome the African Union’s recent Communiqué regarding Abyei, and we encourage the AU to intensify their mediation efforts to help reach an agreement on its final status.

Thank you.

PM call with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: 27 October 2022

Press release

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak spoke to the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, this afternoon.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak spoke to the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, this afternoon.

The pair reflected on their strong relationship as finance ministers and said they hoped to build on that friendship as leaders.

Discussing Russia’s abhorrent attacks in Ukraine, the Prime Minister and the Chancellor agreed on the need to continue supporting Ukraine and maintaining pressure on Putin through robust sanctions.

The leaders also discussed their desire to build on the close collaboration between the UK and European Union on shared challenges, including Russia and global energy security.

Both said they looked forward to seeing each other in Indonesia next month.

Published 27 October 2022

PM call with Prime Minister Modi: 27 October 2022

Press release

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak spoke to the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, this afternoon

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak spoke to the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, this afternoon.

Prime Minister Modi conveyed his best wishes on the Prime Minister’s appointment on behalf of 1.6 billion Indians.

The Prime Minister said he was a visual representation of the historic links between the UK and India, and intended to build on this relationship to develop ever closer ties between our two countries.

Discussing shared global challenges, the Prime Minister praised Prime Minister Modi’s leadership on tackling climate change and the leaders welcomed opportunities to bolster our security, defence and economic partnership.

The Prime Minister hoped the UK and India could continue to make good progress in negotiations to finalise a comprehensive Free Trade Agreement.

The leaders also agreed to work together as two great democracies to strengthen the developing economies of the world, and looked forward to meeting in person at the G20 in Indonesia.

Published 27 October 2022

Record numbers of staff working in the NHS

Press release

Record numbers of staff are working in the NHS, latest provisional data published by NHS Digital shows

  • Data also shows record numbers of doctors working in NHS hospitals

There are over 1.2 million full-time equivalent staff working in NHS trusts and clinical commissioning groups in England – over 31,000 more people compared to a year ago, up by over 2.5%.

Latest data published by NHS Digital shows that, compared to August 2021, there are also over 3,700 more doctors and over 9,100 more nurses working in the NHS.

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Steve Barclay said:

More healthcare staff means better care for patients, which is why it’s fantastic to see a record number of over 1.2 million staff working hard in the NHS.

With over 3,700 more doctors and 9,100 more nurses, we are really putting patients first and NHS England is developing a long term workforce plan so we can continue to recruit and retain more NHS staff.

Thanks to all our doctors, nurses and NHS healthcare staff who work tirelessly to look after us and our loved ones and continue to inspire future generations to join this rewarding career.

The government continues to deliver on its commitment to recruit 50,000 more nurses by 2024, with 29,000 more nurses since September 2019.

Notes to editors:

Published 27 October 2022

UK national statement to the IAEA International Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Power, 2022

Madam President,

It is a pleasure to be here today. On behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the United Kingdom expresses its gratitude to the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency and Secretary Granholm for hosting this important event.

Madam President, a secure and affordable supply of energy is the foundation of economic growth and prosperity. Without energy security, societies are less resilient and more exposed to sudden shocks affecting global energy markets, as the current crisis demonstrates. Sixty years ago, the United Kingdom was the first nation to harness the reliability of civil nuclear electricity to power our homes and businesses.  Earlier this year, we put nuclear power right at the core of our Energy Security Strategy with an ambition to deliver 24 gigawatts of nuclear energy by 2050.

The United Kingdom is committed to nuclear not just because the energy supply which it provides is reliable – it is low-carbon, too. I’m proud of the United Kingdom’s leadership of COP26, where we ensured that nuclear energy and its contribution to achieving net zero were front and centre. Next month, at COP27, it will feature again at the UK Pavilion.  The United Kingdom applauds the Director General and the IAEA for their role in promoting nuclear energy, and their commitment to championing the vast potential of nuclear technologies.

However, Madam President, it would be wholly wrong to ignore the situation at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant. The United Kingdom continues to condemn the Russian Federation’s unlawful invasion of Ukraine and its wicked actions against nuclear facilities. This includes the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant, where each week we see flagrant disregard for core principles of nuclear safety and security by the Russian occupying forces, threatening the safety of millions. Their illegal and reckless actions include the abuse and mistreatment of the Ukrainian staff working at the site, raising the risk of human error in a potential nuclear incident.

The facts are clear – the only way to ensure the safety and security of Ukrainian nuclear facilities is for the Russian Federation to end its unprovoked invasion, unconditionally withdrawing all its troops and personnel both from Ukraine’s nuclear facilities and its internationally recognised borders.

I commend the bravery and resilience of the Director General, his team, and Ukrainian staff in their efforts to support nuclear safety and security in Ukraine.

We must also recognise, Madam President, that it is absolutely essential for the international community to work together to strengthen our nuclear safety frameworks. The United Kingdom recognises the Agency’s global leadership for nuclear energy and remains committed to supporting these efforts.

The United Kingdom will continue to work closely with the IAEA to ensure that the robust and effective standards which underpin the use of nuclear energy and nuclear technologies continue to deliver for all IAEA member states.

A secure and resilient supply of nuclear fuel will also be vital to the successful deployments of new nuclear projects. The United Kingdom is committed to working with likeminded and reliable international partners to ensure the supply of nuclear fuel to enable energy security through nuclear power. To support this, we are investing in our nuclear fuel supply chain, developing our longstanding capability built through many decades of expertise, to support current and future nuclear fuel technologies.

Madam President, for Nuclear Energy to flourish, we must create an environment which allows us to harness its potential. Safety, standards, and security of supply are all of paramount importance. And investment matters, too. Great British Nuclear will be the UK’s flagship vehicle for delivering our nuclear energy ambitions. It will work closely with the nuclear industry to help projects through every stage of the development process, enabling a resilient pipeline of new build projects, including megawatt and gigawatt scale reactors.

We must also ensure innovative regulation creates confidence for investors. That it is why, in March this year, the United Kingdom also passed The Nuclear Energy Financing Act. This establishes a new Regulated Asset Base (RAB) funding model as an option to finance small, large, and advanced nuclear projects. This model has successfully supported the development of large-scale infrastructure and we are confident that it will do the same for future nuclear projects.

As we do this, we cannot lose sight of the opportunities that Advanced Nuclear Technologies can offer. From the development of small modular reactors to meet our energy demands, ensuring that they meet the highest standards of safety and security, to pioneering nuclear techniques which promise to solve the most pressing global development challenges such as tackling plastic pollution, the United Kingdom will work with its international partners and the IAEA to make these opportunities a reality. In doing so, we are also exploring opportunities for regulatory harmonization, including through the IAEA’s ‘Nuclear Harmonisation and Standardisation Initiative’ (NHSI).

However, Madam President, the decision to include nuclear within a nation’s energy mix is not just for politicians and industry to take. Public acceptance is crucial and their views must be considered. In the United Kingdom, we fully recognise that early engagement with local communities is essential to build public support and inform policy making.

To that end, we are working with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority to identify a location for a Geological Disposal Facility for nuclear waste. We have taken a consent-based approach, which requires a willing community to be a partner in the project’s development.

And it is the community that will have the final say. This is an integral part of the United Kingdom’s commitment to safe, secure and responsible management of radioactive waste.

Finally, Madam President, allow me to me reiterate. We know that the nuclear technologies of today, and indeed those of the future, will help to deliver the secure supply of low-carbon energy that is so vital to our collective interest. The Director General, and the Secretariat can count on the United Kingdom’s full and wholehearted support to achieve this vision.

Thank you.