Carla Denyer reacts to latest fuel poverty figures

24 February 2022

Responding to today’s Government figures showing that 1 in 9 households are in fuel poverty, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said:

“Millions of households will be fearful about their energy bills, knowing that they cannot afford the vast increases in fuel costs. This is an incredibly stressful time for many people. Tragically, fuel poverty could mean thousands of lost lives. [1]

“Yet the government is allowing energy companies to make record-breaking profits off the back of ordinary people’s misery. Its response to the cost of living crisis is to merely delay the pain and add to the anxiety by offering loans that will saddle households with more debt.

“Instead of this cruel approach, the government should be immediately implementing a ‘dirty profits tax’ on oil and gas company profits, and using this to ease the pain of those in fuel poverty. [2]

Carla Denyer added, “What makes this crisis worse is that the UK has some of the leakiest and least-energy efficient housing in Europe. If we are to bring down the cost of living once and for all, as well as cutting carbon emissions, we need a nationwide drive to insulate houses, led by local authorities and backed with public money, as Green-led Lewes District Council is already doing.” [3] 


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Green Party condemns Russian invasion of Ukraine

24 February 2022

The Green Party deplores the invasion of Ukraine and condemns the unprovoked aggression against a sovereign nation in the strongest terms. The party calls for immediate and stringent sanctions on Russia.

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said:

“It is with unspeakable sadness that we have today witnessed an unprovoked and unjustified invasion of a European country that will have a devastating impact on the lives of millions of innocent people.

“At this dark time, our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people, whose lives have been turned upside down by this dreadful act of aggression.

“The response from the UK has so far been wholly inadequate. We urge the government to immediately impose the strongest of sanctions on Russian economic interests, end once and for all the influence of Russian money in our democracy and launch an investigation into Russian interference in our elections.”


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Green Party response to deepening Ukraine crisis

22 February 2022

Responding to the deepening crisis in Ukraine, co-leader of the Green Party, Carla Denyer, said:

“Now Russian troops have entered the two breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, the UK and international community must respond immediately with robust and forceful sanctions. It is essential that these target the Russian leadership and elite whilst minimising the harm caused to ordinary Russians. We stand in solidarity with Ukraine in the face of this unprovoked and outrageous Russian aggression. 

“It is also past time for the government to shut down the London money laundry for criminals and those connected with the Putin regime. The government should have done much more to investigate and prevent Russian interference in British politics, including donations to the Conservative party. This should have been cleaned up a long time ago.”

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Greens criticise lack of climate action 100 days since Glasgow pact was signed

21 February 2022

The Green Party has accused the government of failing in its presidency of COP26 after several significant climate setbacks in the 100 days since the signing of the Glasgow Climate Pact [1].

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“We are now 100 days since the signing of the Glasgow Climate Pact, and yet all we have seen from the government is terrible decision after terrible decision when it comes to meaningful climate action.

“From granting a new coal mine licence in Wales [2] to giving the go ahead to airport expansion in Bristol [3], this Conservative government seems to have completely forgotten the promises it made in Glasgow just 100 days ago.

“The Glasgow Climate Pact speaks of building resilience to climate change and making efforts to curb emissions. Yet, all we have seen from the government is heading in the wrong way on both of these. 

“And this week will see the Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng speak at an event until recently known as International Petroleum Week [4]. Focusing on the interests of the fossil fuel industry is not how we solve the climate chaos that is engulfing us all.

“To show true climate leadership, we urge the government to commit to just saying ‘no’ to any new fossil fuel expansion and to rapidly transitioning away from existing fossil fuels. The Green Party’s plan to spend £100 billion a year for a decade on a Green New Deal, funded in part through a carbon tax, would transform our society and economy for a green future.”







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Greens accuse Johnson of allowing Covid-19 virus to ‘go on the rampage’

21 February 2022

*Co-leader calls for continuation of self-isolation with sick pay and free lateral flow tests 

The Green Party is accusing Boris Johnson of allowing the Covid-19 virus to go on the rampage as he announces the lifting of all remaining restrictions, an end to the need to self-isolate if testing positive, and an end to free lateral flow tests. 

Co-leader of the Green Party, Adrian Ramsay, said:

“While people will of course welcome the easing of restrictions and return to more normal life, Johnson’s announcement today is reckless. It gives the green light to the Covid-19 virus to go on the rampage. It goes against the recommendations of the World Health Organisation and the advice of three quarters of NHS leaders in England who oppose scrapping self-isolation [1].

“We know that the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed massive health inequalities in England and Wales. Today’s announcement threatens to extend these inequalities. It leaves the highly vulnerable at the mercy of the virus, while axing free lateral flow tests will discourage those facing a cost of living crisis from getting tested. 

“Now is not the time to let up on fighting the virus, especially as we can’t know what new variants may be around the corner. If a more virulent variant emerges, there is a real danger we will find ourselves back to square one. 

“The government should continue to require all who test positive to self-isolate with support from guaranteed sick pay as well as maintain free lateral flow tests.”


[1] Boris Johnson to announce plan for ‘living with COVID’ in Downing Street news briefing today

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