Green Party respond to government decision to ‘smash’ Northern Ireland Protocol

17 May 2022

Responding to the statement by the Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss, that the government plans to legislate to rewrite the Northern Ireland Protocol [1], Green Party co-leader, Carla Denyer, said:

“At least this government is consistent. They make rules and agree to laws and then routinely break them. From breaking Covid lockdown rules to unlawfully suspending Parliament, this is a government that has form when it comes to law breaking. But today’s decision to smash the Northern Ireland protocol takes this corrupt government to new depths. It has demonstrated that even international law – which the government itself signed up to – is not beyond flouting.”



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Ofgem: tinkering with energy cap review fails to address cost of living crisis

16 May 2022

Responding to the announcement by energy regulator Ofgem that it plans to review the energy cap every three months rather than the current six months [1], co-leader of the Green Party, Adrian Ramsay, said:

“Changing the goalposts in this way will do nothing to help the millions of households struggling to put food on the table and pay eye-watering energy bills. Energy companies may think that such tinkering will mitigate the cost-of-living crisis, but they’re not fooling anyone. 

“We need measures that put money back in people’s pockets now. That’s why the Green Party has argued for restoring the £20 uplift to Universal Credit and doubling it to £40 per week, in addition to other benefits. We also want to provide every household with an additional £320 to help them pay for spiralling energy costs [2].

“Critically, we need to see a massive nationwide insulation programme over the next decade. This could reduce energy bills dramatically while ensuring that everyone has energy efficient homes to live in. The introduction of a carbon tax on the fossil fuel companies – who are making colossal profits on the back of the cost-of-living crisis – would help pay for such a retrofit programme. Greens in government have helped push exactly such a policy in Ireland [3]”.     


[1] Energy price cap adjustments could be every three months under Ofgem reform plan



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The Queen’s speech: nothing to create fairer greener communities, say Greens

10 May 2022

The Green Party has accused the government of a failure to address the cost of living crisis or the climate emergency in the Queen’s speech. 

“A lot of Bills; a lot of hot air. Nothing to create the fairer greener communities that so many are crying out for, and so many people voted for when they elected Green councillors in record numbers last week. 

“The government has again demonstrated its failure to get to grips with the cost of living crisis and the climate emergency. Greens have a plan to tackle both in parallel through a multi-billion pound programme of home insulation to cut energy bills and carbon emissions [1].

“This is a government that appears to be putting its energy into creating a bonfire of  environmental standards and protections we enjoyed as part of the EU rather than tackling the root causes of growing climate instability. It refuses to impose a dirty profits tax on the fossil fuel giants or introduce the hugely popular idea of a carbon tax that could help fund the transition to a cleaner, greener economy with greater energy security and lower bills.”    


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Greens call for humane approach to cost of living and refugees in Queen’s Speech

8 May 2022

The Green Party has called for a multi-billion pound massive programme of insulation to be announced in the Queen’s Speech on Tuesday to address the cost of living crisis.

The Greens are calling for the Government to provide £25bn to insulate homes and install renewable energy, helping to keep people’s homes comfortable and reduce bills, addressing the fact that the UK has some of the leakiest housing stock in Europe.

The Greens want to see new legislation that would raise revenue for funding insulation measures by taxing the enormous profits made by oil and gas companies during the crisis. 

The Green plan would support local councils to follow the lead of pioneering authorities such as Lewes District Council where Greens are in power, who are working with six other local authorities to retrofit 40,000 council homes through creating a £1billion fund for insulation measures. [1] 

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said, “Distracted by scandal after scandal, this Government is utterly failing to get a grip on the twin crises of the rising cost of living and the climate emergency. 

“The Greens have a plan to insulate millions of homes, as the best way to bring down people’s bills, improve their quality of life and  reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. This country urgently needs politicians who will take a lead on such a plan to insulate homes on a massive scale.

“The recent local election results, where the Greens gained more seats than Labour in England, shows that the public are crying out for the ambitious plan to address the cost of living crisis that Greens have put forward.”

The Greens are also calling for a more humane approach to immigration. The Green Party wants to see a policy of safe routes and visa-free access for refugees fleeing conflict and persecution,  an end forced deportations, and would offer an amnesty to undocumented migrants, following the lead of Ireland. [1] 

Carla Denyer added, “The people of the UK are welcoming and want to help those in need, yet the Government seems intent on victimising and criminalising people who have fled war and persecution. Priti Patel’s new legislation attacking refugees is sickening and must be urgently repealed. 

“We need a fair and humane approach to supporting refugees that does not put lives at risk, including save routes, visa-free access, providing decent and secure accommodation for asylum seekers, and ending cruel deportations.” 





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Greens celebrate record breaking results as party breaks 500 councillors mark across England and Wales

6 May 2022

  • Green Party now has 542 councillors on 164 local authorities
  • Party has won a total of 121 seats including a net gain of 75 seats from Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrats and Independents
  • Green Party gained more seats than Labour in England, and saw the highest percentage increase in seats of any party in England and Wales
  • Co-leader Carla Denyer: “We are building a strong platform to win more MPs at the next General Election, as more and more communities see that voting Green gets you hard-working, honest representatives”

The Green Party of England and Wales is celebrating another round of record breaking local elections, with at least 542 councillors now sitting on 164 local authorities. 

The party has so far made a net gain of 75, gaining seats from Labour and Conservatives in areas as far ranging as Burnley, Hastings, Hackney, Somerset, Plymouth and South Tyneside. The party also saw an historic eight wins in Wales including in Newport, Monmouthshire and Neath Port Talbot.

Greens are now the second largest party on many more councils, including Exeter, South Tyneside, Reading, St Helens and Reigate & Banstead.

The Greens may also play “kingmaker” in a number of authorities with no overall control, such as Hastings and Worcester. This builds on a long history of Greens working in partnership with other parties in local government authority administrations.

Speaking on the results, Green Party co-leader, Carla Denyer, said: 

“The Green Party has proved itself as a major political force, with more than 540 hard working councillors elected to 164 local authorities in England and Wales. Year on year, we continue to increase our number of councillors, as voters yearn for greener, fairer communities and strong local advocates. 

“We’ve taken seats from Labour, Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats because we have a positive vision, clear policies, and dedicated local councillors. We are building a strong platform to win more MPs at the next General Election, as more and more communities see that voting Green gets you hard-working, honest representatives.”

Wales Green Party leader Anthony Slaughter said: 

“This is a breakthrough moment for Greens in Wales, with seven councils now having Greens in the room, including Conwy, Newport and Monmouthshire. 

“Our councillors and activists will continue to build on this electoral success by delivering for their communities and proving that Greens offer genuine change from the status quo parties.” 


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