Caroline Lucas responds to the decision to approve Sizewell C nuclear power station

1 September 2022

Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP for Brighton Pavilion, has the following response to the decision today to approve the construction of Sizewell C nuclear power station in Suffolk: 

“Sizewell C is massively costly, achingly slow, and carries huge unnecessary risks. Its approval marks Boris Johnson taking one final opportunity to kick the public in the teeth before his departure as Prime Minister.  

“This project is expected to cost up to £30 billion; and in following the Regulated Asset Base business model, it will pass that enormous upfront cost directly onto the consumer. As energy bills soar ever higher and this lame duck Government leaves people in the lurch, the last thing the public needs right now is a massively costly nuclear white elephant. Even cabinet ministers are already expressing reservations about its value for money. 

“When we need oven-ready solutions to delivering energy security and slashing bills, Sizewell C simply is not one of them. Hinkley Point C will have taken the best part of two decades to go from planning to production, and it’s still years behind schedule. This Sizewell plant could take anywhere between 10-17 years to build. 

“Meanwhile, there are hundreds of energy-saving options and clean, cheap and home-grown renewable projects ready to go – yet solar farms are being refused at their highest rate for five years, the Government has utterly failed to adopt a retrofit revolution to slash energy bills, and now Tory leadership candidates are vowing to block onshore wind power which could be operational within days. 

“Rubber stamping Sizewell C is simply Boris Johnson’s woeful final attempt at making his Prime Ministerial mark – it’s befitting of him that this vanity project is the wrong answer at the wrong time.” 

Julian Cusack, chair of Suffolk Coastal Green Party, said: “For Boris Johnson to claim Sizewell C as his legacy is just outrageous. It is the wrong and unproven technology in the wrong place and will deliver the most expensive electricity sometime in the next decade. It is totally irrelevant to today’s energy cost crisis and will do wanton damage to prized landscapes and fragile local communities.”


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Co-leader Carla Denyer responds to Pakistan floods

30 August 2022

Commenting on the unprecedented floods in Pakistan [1], Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said:

“The scale of the floods in Pakistan – with an area the size of the UK under water – are almost beyond comprehension. It resembles a disaster movie, but tragically this is the reality of the climate crisis. We’re all seeing the impact of this emergency more and more at home in the UK, but as climate scientists have warned, the most brutal impacts are being experienced by poorer countries who have actually contributed a lot less to global CO2 emissions. 

“Not only must richer countries honour previous pledges to provide “loss and damage” funding for poorer countries, but the issue must be centre stage at this year’s climate talks in Egypt. We need to see a commitment to much greater levels of funding for poorer countries – delivered as grants, not loans, to prevent over-burdening these countries with debt [2]. 

“With its strong ties to Pakistan, and being one of the top 10 historical polluters, the UK has a particular responsibility to support the country to cope with this unprecedented tragedy affecting millions of people. The colonialism of the past also means the UK government needs to ensure it pays for ‘climate reparations’ [3].”


[1] Pakistan floods are ‘a monsoon on steroids’, warns UN chief

[2] COP26 agreement fails key climate tests but there is hope to salvage summit’s legacy, says Green Party

[3] COP26: For climate justice to be achieved, the UK needs to pay for the damage the British Empire caused (

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Greens demand urgent intervention following Ofgem price cap rise

26 August 2022

  • Green Party calls on government to return price cap to October 2021 level
  • Carla Denyer: “The way forward is clear – a nationwide home insulation scheme and large scale investment in renewable energy. The longer the government delays on this, the longer it will put the UK at the mercy of volatile energy prices and climate damaging fossil fuels”

Responding to Ofgem’s announcement that the new energy price cap will rise to £3,549 between October and December [1], Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said:

“This latest rise in the price cap is a horrifying blow to households across the country and a reminder of just how broken our energy system is.

“Without proper intervention, people are going to die as a result of these unaffordable energy prices. Yet the government continues to sit on its hands, offering no help and no reassurance to the millions of people who are wondering how they are going to survive this winter.

“Only the government can make an intervention of the scale and speed required to help people through this crisis. We need to return the price cap back to what it was in October 2021, so that it is much more affordable for more people, and allow the government to absorb the global price rises through taxing the huge profits of the oil and gas companies.

“We will then need to bring the big five energy retailers into public ownership to stabilise the market and lay the groundwork for the huge investment we need to see in renewables and insulating peoples’ homes, starting as soon as possible. [2]

“But it’s not just households suffering from these price rises. After years of austerity, public services and small businesses are also at serious risk. We want to see more support for small businesses, and local authorities need to be properly funded and given the autonomy to make the best decisions for their local communities.

“Ultimately, renewables are the cheapest form of energy, and the cheapest bill of all is the one you don’t have to pay because your home is well insulated and efficient. So, the way forward is clear – a nationwide home insulation scheme and large scale investment in renewable energy. The longer the government delays on this, the longer it will put the UK at the mercy of volatile energy prices and climate damaging fossil fuels.”





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Greens praise GCSE students for achievements following years of disruption

25 August 2022

Responding to GCSE results released today [Thursday 25 August], Green Party education spokesperson Vix Lowthion said:

“Congratulations to the Class of 2022 GCSE students for gaining their grades today after years of disruption due to the impact of the pandemic. They have achieved despite the challenges and obstacles and should be commended for their determination.

“Of course, the pandemic has had a long-term impact on the educational attainment of our young people, but the ‘disadvantage gap’ that researchers have identified is not only the result of Covid. It is also the result of years of school cuts, increasing levels of poverty and hardship experienced by families under this Conservative government.”

Lowthion, a teacher on the Isle of Wight, added:

“We rightly congratulate many thousands of students and teachers for getting fantastic grades, but the GCSE exam system also leaves too many young people behind who have struggled to attain the results to help them take their next steps.

“We need an education and assessment system that supports all students to have the opportunity to achieve, have second chances for those who need extra support and doesn’t leave anyone behind.

“There are many accounts of well-deserved achievements by our young people today after many months of hard work by staff and students, but the widening ‘attainment gap’ in the last 20 years (1) identified by the Institute for Fiscal Studies means that every GCSE results day there are disadvantaged young people who are less likely to succeed.”

Young Greens co-chair Kelsey Trevett said:

“Congratulations to all those collecting results this morning. GCSE students have experienced government negligence throughout this pandemic, consistently putting their well-being, health, and education secondary to economic growth.

“The resilience shown by school pupils is admirable, and students should be incredibly proud. 

“We reiterate our frustration at the missed opportunity to reform school assessment away from an unfair and unrepresentative exam model. And we will continue to fight alongside students for the radical educational overhaul which is necessary to prepare them for the future they are inheriting, and which values learning and education independently of its capacity for profit making.”




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Green Party praises A-level students for achievements in most challenging circumstances

18 August 2022

The Green Party has praised A-level, BTec and T-level students for achieving their results today in some of the most challenging circumstances in recent memory.

Students picking up their grades have succeeded despite the impact of covid on their studies, the lack of comprehensive catchup funding and disjointed changes to exam requirements in the last couple of years. 

Vix Lowthion, Green Party Education spokesperson and an A Level teacher on the Isle of Wight, said:

“If education could be measured in terms of courage, resilience and determination then the class of 2022 and their teachers should sweep the board with honours. 

“They have had to adapt to many different forms of learning and assessment, and this deserves acknowledgement and recognition as they hopefully are able to take the next exciting steps in their future.

“I call for the new Prime Minister to look to the example of our students adjusting to these changing circumstances in education, and pledge to prioritise a commission to reform our fragile and outdated assessment and exams system so that it is relevant, robust, fair and fit for the 21st century.

“Imagine how well our young people would do in the future if the assessment system was as strong and resilient as they have been.”

Jane Baston, co–chair of the Young Greens, said: 

“Congratulations to all students receiving their results today.  It’s an incredible achievement, especially in light of having had to adapt to difficult circumstances created by the government’s chaotic, dangerous mismanagement of education during Covid.

“However you plan to proceed, the value of learning is inherent: we share your fury at a government which time and time again puts the economy over your education, and celebrate the resilience you’ve shown. The fight for a fair education system continues, one which isn’t solely focused on capitalist profit making.”


For more information or to arrange an interview contact the press office on or call 0203 691 9401

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