Green Party condemns Labour’s u-turn on climate investment pledge

9 June 2023

The Green Party has accused the Labour Party of failing the climate and the people of the UK after watering down its pledge to invest £28bn a year in green industries if it wins power at the next general election [1].

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“This highlights more than ever why it is necessary to have more Green MPs elected at the next General Election.

“We are witnessing environmental breakdown at an increasingly alarming rate, so you would have thought the Labour Party would understand that we need to see a transformational change if we are going to tackle the climate emergency along with the cost of living crisis that is causing so much harm in our society.

“Yet once again we see them offer a policy that does not go far enough, and then row back at the first sign of any difficulty.

“The Green Party has pledged to invest almost £100bn each year for ten years to decarbonise our economy, including £25bn alone on insulating people’s homes, £12bn on increasing our renewable capacity and £14bn on rail and walking and cycling.

“Only the Green Party is coming forward with the practical and sensible solutions to the crises this country faces and whoever wins at the next general election, it is vital we have a group of Green MPs fighting for the environment and those who have been ignored for too long by the main two parties.”




For more information or to arrange an interview contact the press office on or call 0203 691 9401


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Greens call for tighter windfall tax on oil and gas companies

9 June 2023

Responding to Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s plans to weaken the windfall tax on oil and gas producers, Green Co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“It is beyond comprehension that the government seems happy to allow these huge corporations to not only wreck the climate but to profit off the back of the cost-of-living crisis which they themselves have contributed to.

“The windfall tax was supposed to be designed to help cover the cost of government support to ordinary people facing rocketing heating bills over the winter, but because of existing loopholes has only raised, at  £2.8 billion, a small proportion of what was expected. [1]

“Now the Chancellor wants to weaken it further by giving companies a free pass when energy prices fall and to further encourage investment in damaging new fossil fuel extraction.

“Instead, the government should be tightening the tax, closing the loopholes and ensuring the money raised helps people through the cost-of-living crisis and funds the sustainable green energy jobs in the renewable sector we urgently need as our dependence on fossil fuels reduces.

“Our ‘dirty profits tax’ [2] would force the biggest polluters to pay for the damage they cause while protecting everyone else as we transition to a carbon-free future.

“We would make the tax a stepping stone towards a permanent carbon tax on polluting industries.”




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Caroline Lucas will not re-stand in next General Election – Green Party statement

8 June 2023

Caroline Lucas announced this morning that she does not intend to re-stand as a candidate for parliament in the next General Election [1]. 

Lucas has held the seat in Brighton Pavilion since being elected in 2010 and has increased her majority at every subsequent election. 

Commenting on the news, Co-leader Carla Denyer said: “Caroline’s impact on politics in this country cannot be overstated: she truly is a force of nature and has been an extraordinary servant of the people of Brighton Pavilion as well as the Green Party. We are so proud of her achievements.

“Whether securing significant policy changes, shaping the conversation, or modelling a different way of doing politics – Caroline demonstrates how essential it is to have Green voices in UK politics. I’ve learnt so much from her, she is an inspiration to me and to many people inside and outside the Green Party who want to see positive change in politics .”

Co-leader Adrian Ramsay said: “Caroline’s contribution to our national life has been something to behold for the more than two decades we’ve known one another. Very few politicians can claim to have changed the course of the national debate in the way Caroline has. She has brought so much to us as a party, shown real integrity in her work and added a crucial dimension to our democracy in this country. 

“Having MPs who are genuinely dedicated to standing up for the climate and nature could not be more important than it is right now and that’s why we are striving to get more Green MPs elected at the next General Election so that we can build on Caroline’s achievements.”  




For more information or to arrange an interview contact the press office on or call 0203 691 9401


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Green Party calls for inflation proof pay rise for nurses and reintroduction of bursaries to help stop undermining African health systems

6 June 2023

Responding to reports that the recruitment of nurses by high-income countries from poorer nations such as Ghana is “out of control” and leaving health systems struggling due to a “brain-drain” [1], Carla Denyer, co-leader of the Green Party said:

“The recruitment of nurses from Ghana and other poorer countries shows that the impacts of years of Tory austerity and underfunding of the NHS is having ripple effects beyond our borders. The staff shortages and recruitment crisis facing the NHS is a direct result of Conservative government policies on pay and training. 

“Neither does a £3bn cut in overseas aid help given the context of a global shortage of health workers [2]. The Green Party would double Overseas Development Aid from the current 0.5% of GNP to 1%.   

“Poorer African countries can ill afford to lose nurses, and people in these countries are dying as a result. The WHO has drawn up a list of developing countries that should not be targeted when actively recruiting health or care professionals and NHS employers should be alert to this list [3]. 

“The UK can afford to pay nurses more and invest properly in our NHS, it’s just a question of political priorities. The Green Party would increase nurses’ pay in line with inflation and restore nurses’ bursaries, paid for through a tax on the super-rich. This would go a long way to solving the staffing crisis currently afflicting the NHS.” 






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Greens respond to Chancellor’s statement on recession being a price worth paying

26 May 2023

Green Party Finance and Economy spokesperson Molly Scott Cato reacted to Chancellor Jermey Hunt’s claim that a recession would be a price worth paying to bring down inflation [1]:

“It’s easy for a millionaire Chancellor to advocate pushing people into losing their jobs and homes because failed Tory economic policies cannot deal with the cost-of-living crisis.

“However, it is totally unacceptable for people on the receiving end of falling wages and rising prices to be told that they are the problem. 

“An effective and compassionate Chancellor would be looking for ways to support the economy without fuelling inflation. The most obvious would be to pay public sector workers in line with inflation. Since their output is not sold in a market it would barely add to inflation.

“This could be funded by taxing the super-rich, whose consumption does contribute to inflation. Profiteering companies, financial speculators and the wealthy need to bear the burden of dealing with a crisis that is rooted in misguided ideology and Tory unfairness.”




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