Green Party responds to Theresa May’s statement on triggering of Article 50

29 March 2017

The Green Party has responded to the prime minister’s statement in Parliament, following the delivery of the letter triggering Article 50 to Donald Tusk, president of the European Council.

Molly Scott Cato, MEP for the South West and Green Party EU spokesperson, said:

“Theresa May’s talk of a fairer society stands in stark contrast to her actions. Charging ahead with an extreme Brexit while dragging the rest of the UK with her is no way to ensure an equal Britain that has a productive relationship with its European neighbours.

“May’s blustery optimism about her ambitions for the UK after Brexit cannot mask the incredible challenges we face. She failed to even mention the environment or climate change, despite it being the largest shared threat we face.

“The statement repeatedly referenced the potential benefits for our children and grandchildren but the next generation has the most to lose as we hurtle towards an unknown future outside the EU. The Green Party will keep standing up for the environment and freedom of movement, and fighting to stop the UK being turned into a tax haven.”


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Green Party: Triggering of Article 50 sets us on dangerous path towards extreme Brexit

29 March 2017

The Green Party has responded to Article 50 being triggered today.

Molly Scott Cato, MEP for the South West and Green Party EU spokesperson, said:

“The triggering of Article 50 today, after the Bill passed without amendments, sets us on a dangerous path towards an extreme Brexit. The toxic combination of a Conservative Party hell bent on ejecting us into the wilderness and a Labour party utterly unwilling to offer principled opposition has led to this cliff edge, and only a distinct change from both will enable us to avoid the dangers that lie ahead. 

“What happens next will define this country for a generation or more, as we enter the most important peacetime negotiations in Britain’s recent history. The Green Party will continue to oppose an extreme Brexit – which is why I have fought against triggering Article 50 every step of the way. We will pressure this Government to guarantee the rights of EU nationals living here, protect our environment and workers’ rights and safeguard our communities from the damaging effects of losing access to EU markets. Alongside Green Parties from across Europe we will continue to make the case for continent-wide solidarity in the face of politicians trying to pull us apart.”

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Green Party files complaint over Daily Mail’s ‘Legs-it’ headline

28 March 2017

Amelia Womack, Green Party deputy leader, has submitted a formal complaint to the Independent Press Standards Organisation (Ipso) over the Daily Mail’s ‘Legs-it’ headline [1].

She accuses the newspaper of breaching the Editors’ Code of Practice by discriminating against Nicola Sturgeon and Theresa May because of their gender [2].

Womack said:

“This attempt by the Daily Mail to ignore years of progress by women in politics is utterly pathetic. The paper is deliberately ignoring the struggle women have faced to break into politics even though we now have a female prime minister, first minister and party leaders.

“As a young woman politician I find it absolutely extraordinary that a national newspaper has sunk to this level. Female leaders deserve to be treated with respect, not contempt, and I call on the editor of the Daily Mail to apologise to the Prime Minister and First Minister, and to all of the young women aspiring to be politicians who want to be recognised for their knowledge and achievements, not the shimmer of their legs.”



2. The full complaint reads:

I wish to make a complaint under the Editors’ Code of Practice relating to the Daily Mail’s coverage on March 28 of a meeting between Nicola Sturgeon and Theresa May.

The coverage breaches clause 12 as the women are being discriminated against due to their gender.

To bring the politicians’ appearance into this story is not only entirely irrelevant but incredibly disrespectful.

This headline and the further derogatory comments inside the paper would not have even been considered, let alone published, if the two politicians in question had been men.

Women in the public sphere deserve to be treated with respect and the headline contributes to a wider culture of sexism. It reinforces a fallacy that politics isn’t a place for women, potentially putting off the next generation of leaders and decision makers.

I despair that a national newspaper thinks it is acceptable to pit women against each other in a competition over who is the most attractive.

Please will you consider if this coverage has breached the code and if so, take action against the Daily Mail to ensure this does not happen again.

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Green Party calls for inquiry into death of schoolboy as ‘Hillsborough Law’ Bill reaches Parliament

28 March 2017

The Green Party has joined calls for an independent panel inquiry into the death of seven-year-old Zane Gbangbola, who died in 2014 after his home in Surrey was flooded.

Zane’s family believes he was killed by hydrogen cyanide carried by floodwater from a nearby landfill site, despite the coroner ruling his death was caused by carbon monoxide poisoning.

The family was denied legal aid and is now supporting the Public Authority (Accountability) Bill, dubbed the ‘Hillsborough Law’ [1], which will be presented to parliament tomorrow, on March 29.

Caroline Lucas MP, Green Party co-leader, is co-sponsoring the bill.

Zane’s parents Kye Gbangbola and Nicole Lawler are requesting an independent panel of inquiry, as in the Hillsborough inquest, to review all documentation around Zane’s death. More than 30,000 people have signed a petition [2] to support their call.

Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, met Kye and Nicole earlier this month.

Bartley said:

“I was struck by Kye and Nicole’s determination and resilience in terrible circumstances. They’ve shown enormous courage to continue fighting for justice in the face of a huge bureaucratic machine and vested interests weighted against them.

“I fully support their call for an inquiry and tomorrow we’ll take an important step forward with this bill reaching parliament. It’s crucial there’s a level playing field for families seeking answers about their loved ones’ deaths.

“The implications of Zane’s death are enormous, not just for his family, but potentially for everyone who lives near a landfill site, particularly as many of these sites are unrecorded. The authorities involved in the investigation must be accountable so we can make sure the truth emerges and that a tragedy like this never happens again.”


  3. More information about the campaigns are available at and

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Greens ready to take fight for Manchester Gorton to Labour on May 4

28 March 2017

The Green Party has responded to news the Manchester Gorton by-election will be held on May 4 saying it is “ready to take on Labour”.

Jess Mayo, the Green candidate for Manchester Gorton, said:

“The Green campaign for Manchester Gorton has already started. We are the only party to take on Labour here and give voters a real alternative to the status quo. Whereever Greens are elected they make a difference, and we will fight hard to make sure Gorton is never overlooked for left behind.”

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, visited Gorton today (Tuesday 28 March) to join the campaign trail and visit Northmoor Community Centre, as well the constituency’s Curry Mile.

Bartley said:

“On May 4 Manchester Gorton could make history by electing a Green MP. It’s a privilege to visit this community and meet the people who call it home, and a Green MP would mean there is always someone fighting their corner and defending public services.

“We are ready to take on Labour for this seat.”

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