Tag Archives: Green Party


Border chaos a wake-up call for travel post-Brexit warns MEP

9 August 2017

A South West MEP has warned that the travel chaos experienced by thousands of air passengers to Europe this summer is a taste of what is to come post-Brexit [1]. The delays have been caused by tighter checks at some EU airports. Molly Scott Cato, Green MEP for the South West and Green Party speaker on Brexit, says this should serve as a ‘wake-up call’ for what lies ahead once we leave the EU. She said:

“We were promised that taking back control would lead to less red tape. But what we have seen this summer is the inevitability that greater control of borders will result in more not less bureaucracy and paper work.

“Once Britain leaves the EU, UK citizens will be covered by the same rules as Americans or Australians. This will mean everyone wanting to visit an EU country will likely be required to follow a process similar to applying for a visa, providing personal information including particulars about state of health, any criminal convictions and details of the purpose of travel [2].

“It is ironic that the delays experienced by the British travelling public have been so vociferously lambasted by the Brexit headbangers of the right-wing media [3]. Isn’t this exactly what they wanted? To take back control of our borders? Perhaps they naively believed that restrictions on freedom of movement would only apply to people they didn’t want to enter the UK, not UK nationals wishing to travel to the continent. Their reaction borders on the ridiculous, and this is another fine mess that Brexiteers are leading us into.”


1. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/jul/29/uk-border-customs-chaos-hit-hard-brexit  

2. http://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/etias-brexit-schengen-area-british-passports-online-visa-a7879876.html

3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4748182/EU-border-checks-leave-UK-tourists-queuing-FOUR-hours.html  


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Green Party calls for radical reforms to Gender Recognition Act ahead of Brighton Pride

4 August 2017

The Green Party has called for an overhaul of the Gender Recognition Act to give trans people more rights ahead of Brighton and Hove Pride, which runs from August 4 to 6 [1].

The Government Equalities Office announced a review of the Gender Recognition Act on July 23 [2]. The Green Party is campaigning to allow trans youth and non-binary people to obtain legal gender recognition and to remove the medicalisation of the process.

Aimee Challenor, Green Party LGBTIQA+ spokesperson, and Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, will lead the Green bloc at the march on August 5.

Challenor said:

“LGBTIQA+ rights are under unprecedented threat around the world. We must make sure our laws reflect the world around us and make society a more accepting and welcoming place, whether that’s in public, at school or in the workplace.

 “When I was at school other kids called me names, pushed me around and threw things at me. The teachers rarely did anything about it and that hurt – it legitimised the behaviour of the bullies and made me think that I wasn’t worthy of respect.

“I’m proud to be marching this weekend and celebrating people like me who don’t ‘fit the mould’. We’re sending a clear message that it’s never acceptable to intimidate, harass or belittle someone because of who they are. It’s time for our flawed and outdated laws to be updated to recognise the rights of LGBTIQA+ people across the UK.”


  1. http://www.brighton-pride.org/
  2. https://www.greenparty.org.uk/news/2017/07/23/green-party-calls-for-new-trans-rights-as-government-announces-review-of-gender-recognition-act/


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Green Party responds to GMB union report on “commuter hell”

4 August 2017

Responding to the report from the GMB union [1] which shows average commuter times have increased, especially for those in insecure work, Co-Leader of the Green Party Jonathan Bartley said:

“The Government needs to wake up to the realities of the modern world.  Commuter chaos resulting from the chronic failure of successive Governments to make the right transport choices is costing us all dear, whether it be robbing us of time with our friends and families, or diminishing productivity in the workplace.  

“The facts are clear.  The cost of motoring has steadily fallen in real terms for over 30 years while the cost of public transport has risen [2].  It is time that over dependency on congested and polluted roads ended, and investment in decent public transport was made a priority.  

“The way we think about work also needs to change. It’s time to move towards more flexible working practices that benefit everyone including moving toward a shorter working week. A healthy economy is one in which everyone sees the benefits of good jobs – not just in terms of decent pay and secure jobs, but also in working practices which will give us the decent quality of life we all deserve.”


[1] https://www.aol.co.uk/news/2017/08/03/union-reports-commuter-hell-due-to-longer-journey-times-by-roa/ 

[2] http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-question/Commons/2015-02-10/223954/ 


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Green Party calls for full publication of latest cladding and insulation tests

28 July 2017

Responding to the news that a further 82 tower blocks have failed fire safety tests [1], the Green Party candidate for Kensington in 2017 Jennifer Nadel said:

“We are calling on the Department for Local Government to make public the names and locations of all the tower blocks that have failed the latest safety tests. Just imagine for one moment living in a tower block right now but not being told if your home has been deemed unsafe. It’s a recipe not only for stress and anxiety but also for yet more danger as people could be sat in flats that are simply not safe to live in. It is both patronizing and traumatizing to be told we know whether you’re safe or not but we’re not going to tell you.This whole tragic story has been a case of ignored information and lack of communication from those in authority – lessons must be learned and we need to start doing things differently.”


[1] https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/633671/DCLGtest1_BS_8414_Part_1_test_report_v2.2.pdf 


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Green Party responds to Supreme Court ruling on employment tribunal fees

26 July 2017

The Green Party has responded to the Supreme Court ruling in favour of Unison following the union’s legal challenge over employment tribunal fees [1].

Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, said:

“Employment tribunal fees block workers from accessing justice.  The Government must scrap them in light of the Supreme Court’s judgement. This ruling is a victory for access to justice and common sense – workers’ rights are not worth the paper they are printed on if they cannot be enforced. Basic rights should not be the preserve of those who can afford to pay huge fees, and by bringing this case to court Unison have ensured all workers facing exploitation can bring a case against their employer.”


1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40727400


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