Greens call for voting system overhaul as poll reveals 1 in 3 voters want more Green MPs

14 June 2017

*A third of all voters and half of Labour and Lib Dem voters believe British politics would be better off with more Green MPs

*Co-leader Jonathan Bartley: “Our broken electoral system completely fails to represent people’s real political choices”

The Green Party is calling for proportional representation as a new poll reveals one in three voters think British politics would be better off with more Green MPs [1].

A poll of 1,000 people carried out by Survation revealed one in three voters think there should be more Green MPs, including 50% of Labour voters and 57% of Lib Dem voters.

Under a fair, proportional system, the Green Party would have 11 MPs following the general election.

The Green Party has renewed its call for a voting system overhaul as the Tories and the DUP edge closer to a deal. In the general election, the DUP won 10 seats with 292,316 votes while Greens have one seat with 524,604 votes [2].

Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, said:

“This poll reveals the strength of Green support across the country. We know that when people find out about Green policies and meet Green politicians, they like what they hear and see but our broken electoral system completely fails to represent people’s political choices.

“The evidence is clear that last week many felt they had to vote tactically, rather than feeling free to vote for the party they actually believe in. But it is also clear that even under the exceptional conditions like the ones saw in the General Election, our broken electoral system does not deliver healthy results. Theresa May’s deal with the DUP looks at best unstable and that its days will be numbered.  It is time Labour also recognised the new political landscape, the dangerous consequences of an outdated voting system, and made a firm commitment to electoral reform.  

“A fair system would ensure politics looks like the people it represents. The Green Party will keep fighting for a fairer, more democratic voting system that accurately represents what the country wants.”


1. Poll results:

  • Survation polled 1,051 people on behalf of the Green Party on June 4 and June 5
  • 34.3% of all voters said British politics would be ‘much better’ or ‘a bit better’ with more than one Green MP in parliament
  • 49.3% of people who intended to vote Labour on June 8 and 57.5% of people who intended to vote Lib Dem said British politics would be ‘much better’ or ‘a bit better’ with more than one Green MP in parliament


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Green Party statement on Grenfell Tower fire

14 June 2017

Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, said:

“Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Grenfell Tower and to the families and friends of all those affected. We send our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the emergency services who once again have responded so quickly and effectively, and shown how much they are needed. 

“The priority right now must be to look after everyone affected. We do not yet know the full details of what has happened but a full investigation must take place as soon as possible. It is clear that residents had previously expressed clear concerns about safety. Their questions must be answered.”

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Caroline Lucas: Gove unfit to be environment secretary

12 June 2017

The Green Party has responded to Theresa May’s appointment of Michael Gove as Environment Secretary.

Caroline Lucas MP, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“It is hard to think of many politicians as ill equipped for the role of environment secretary as Michael Gove. His record of voting against measures to halt climate change and his attempt to wipe the subject from our children’s curriculum show him entirely unfit to lead our country in tackling one of the greatest threats we face. And as we enter Brexit negotiations, Gove’s past suggestion we scrap vital EU environmental protections becomes ever more concerning.

“This appointment is further evidence of both Theresa May’s complete disregard for the environment and her desperation to hold together a Government in chaos.”





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Green Party: Tory-DUP coalition of cruelty would put women’s rights at threat

10 June 2017

Amelia Womack, deputy leader of the Green Party, has warned that a coalition between the Conservatives and the DUP is bad news for women everywhere.

The DUP has 10 MPs and received fewer than 300,000 votes. Womack’s party returned just one MP – Caroline Lucas in Brighton Pavilion – this week despite getting more than 500,000 votes.

Womack said:

“The Tory-DUP coalition of cruelty is bad news for women. We may have seen a record number of women gain seats in the Parliament this week, but the 10 MPs of the anti-abortion, anti-equal marriage DUP look set to have a disproportionate influence which should concern us all.

“The DUP’s obstruction to legal abortion in Northern Ireland has left many women in dire circumstances, forced to travel to England where they are not entitled to NHS-funded terminations or face prosecution for seeking help at home.

“It is deeply concerning that a party responsible for so much pain could be in a position to exert so much influence. Women’s rights are under threat and we must work together to stop a lurch to the right under a Tory-DUP alliance.”

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Green Party responds to exit poll

8 June 2017

Caroline Lucas said:

“This exit poll is remarkable. If true then the Tory’s mandate is seriously in question. Any Green MPs elected tonight will do all they can to keep the Tories from Number 10, and back a Labour-led Government on a case by case basis.

“In the coming hours we will see if the Greens’ leadership on progressive alliance has come to fruition, but early suggestions from seats such as Brighton Kemptown suggest that our actions have had a truly meaningful consequence. Whatever happens we’re proud that we have worked with others in a handful of seats for the best chance of beating the Tories.”

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