Green Party announces 10 key Parliamentary Bills during election manifesto launch

19 November 2019

The Green Party will announce 10 key pieces of legislation to kickstart the transformation of the country at the launch of its manifesto in south west London today.

The party will set out the Bills Green MPs will push for in the first two years of a new Parliament to tackle the climate emergency, secure the future of the country as part of the European Union and create an economy that is fair for all.

The centrepiece of the manifesto is the Green New Deal, a plan to transform the economic, political and social system to tackle the climate emergency and create a fair and equal society.

The full list of Bills the Greens will pledge to put forward in the next Parliament are:

· Green New Deal Bill – to get the UK on track to reducing climate emissions to net zero by 2030

· People’s Vote Bill – to give people a chance to vote on the future of our relationship with the European Union

· NHS Reinstatement Bill – to increase funding for the NHS by at least £6 billion per year each year, until 2030, and a further £1 billion a year in nursing higher education

· Further and Higher Education Bill – to fund tuition for every higher education student and scrap undergraduate tuition fees

· Sustainable Economy Bill – to set new binding targets to ensure our economy functions within environmental limits

· Future Generations Bill – to require public bodies, including the UK government, to balance the needs of the present with the needs of the future.

· Universal Basic Income Bill – to transform our social welfare system with a phased-in unconditional payment to everyone at a level above their subsistence needs.

· New Homes Bill – to end the housing crisis by creating the legislative framework to build 100,000 new zero carbon homes for social rent each year.

· Renters’ Rights Bill – to transform the lives of renters across the country, making housing more secure and bringing rent levels down, especially in places where they currently far outstrip incomes

· Voting Reform Bill – to replace the archaic first past the post voting system with proportional representation, create a fully elected House of Lords, and extend the vote to those aged 16 and 17.

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, will say:

“Today, we’re proud to put forward a manifesto which puts us on track to remain in the European Union and make the whole country carbon neutral by 2030, while delivering social justice across Britain.

“And it’s the most ambitious Green New Deal proposed anywhere in the world.

“While the other parties are trying to catch up, we’re still racing ahead, reaching new horizons.”

Sian Berry, co-leader of The Green Party, will say:

“The Greens are clear about which path we must take as a country. And that’s why each and every Green MP elected this December will have in their in-tray a legislative agenda ready to go.

“Ten Bills ready for the next Parliament to hit the ground running. Because the future won’t give us another chance to get these next two years right.”

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Green Party to increase Living Wage to £12 for all workers over the age of 16

17 November 2019

The Green Party will increase the Living Wage to £12 for all workers as part of its radical plans to tackle poverty and improve wellbeing, it has announced today.


The proposal will end the Government’s fudge in calling their minimum wage a ‘National Living Wage’ by bringing all workers up to the necessary level of pay for a decent life. 


The higher rate for the Green Living Wage compared with all other previous suggestions comes from a more realistic estimate of housing costs for families and the need for a buffer for unexpected and seasonal costs, like home repairs and school uniforms.


The proposals also make a commitment to extending the £12 living wage to those under the ages of 18, 21, and 25, and to include apprentices, to end the discrimination against young workers and trainees. 


Under the current system, the minimum wage for under-18s is £4.35, for 18 to 20-year-olds it is £6.15, and for 21 to 24-year-olds it is £7.71, while apprentices can be paid as little as £3.90. The national rate for those aged over 25 is £8.21, while the Living Wage Foundation’s Living Wage rate is now £9.30 outside London.


The Green Living Wage would be phased in over two years and would mean those aged 18-21 would see an increase of £5.85 in their hourly wage by April 2022.


Sian Berry, co-leader of The Green Party, said: 


“The Living Wage must mean what it says on the tin, and the Government has made a mockery of this concept by simply renaming the minimum wage, while not using the evidence to set the rate at a level people can build a life on. I’m proud that the Green Party will set this right and make sure all workers in the UK receive at least £12 an hour.


“The Green Party will end the discrimination against young people where it is legal to pay under-21s a genuine pittance for doing exactly the same work as someone older. It isn’t fair, it doesn’t make sense, and it must stop.


“What message does that send to young people? That their time is worth half someone else’s? Everyone, no matter how young or old they are, deserves to be paid enough to live a decent life.


“The Living Wage is another example of how Greens lead and others follow. In our 2015 manifesto, we were the only party to promise a Living Wage of £10 an hour by 2020, while Labour only wanted £8 an hour, below what even the Conservatives have in place now. This election, all the political parties claim to be offering a Living Wage, but only the Green Party is using the evidence to set the rate at the right level.”

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Green Party Announces 500 Parliamentary Candidates across the United Kingdom

14 November 2019


The Green Party has announced that it is standing 500 parliamentary candidates in the December General Election. 


This is up from 453 parliamentary candidates in the 2017 General Election. 


The Green Party is aiming to hold the seat in Brighton Pavillion, and capture new seats elsewhere in the country. 


The Party announces that it will be launching its manifesto next week, pledging to tackle the Climate Emergency and eliminate poverty within a decade. 


Jonathan Bartley, Co-Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales said:


“The Green Party has had a whirlwind year, more than doubling our number of local councillors and electing seven Greens as Members of the European Parliament. We are running the Green Party’s most ambitious campaign ever and our Green ideas are setting the agenda.


“It was a Green Party Councillor who got the first climate emergency motion on Bristol City Council, which led a movement of hundreds of local authorities who followed suit. This culminated in the House of Commons declaring a Climate Emergency this spring.


“Where Greens lead, others follow. That’s why we are so excited that in 500 constituencies, people will be able to cast their vote for a Green Party Candidate. We need more Green MPs in Parliament to put pressure on the Government and campaign for their constituents. Every single vote in this election sends a strong and clear message: Yes to Europe and No to climate chaos.”


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Green Party will place Carbon Chancellor in 11 Downing Street to put climate at the heart of government

13 November 2019

The Green Party will appoint a Carbon Chancellor to 11 Downing Street to ensure the climate emergency is placed at the heart of government, under plans to be unveiled today.

The Greens will announce their ground-breaking plans outside the Treasury, where they will set out the urgent need for a radical change in how central government works to prioritise environmental and social well-being over the single-minded focus on Gross Domestic Product. 

The Carbon Chancellor will head up a new Department for the Green New Deal, will allocate the £100 billion a year Green New Deal Fund and issue an annual carbon budget to direct the decarbonisation of the economy.

The Treasury will become a new Department for Economic Transformation working alongside the new Department for the Green New Deal.

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, will launch the policy today outside the Treasury.

He said:

“Every sector of the economy needs to decarbonise if we are to become carbon neutral by 2030. Only the Green Party has the bold vision and practical solutions to make our economic system work for the people and the planet. A Carbon Chancellor in 11 Downing Street will mean the Prime Minister can’t even walk out of the front door without thinking about the climate emergency.

“We need to fundamentally change the way Government works if we are going to have any hope of tackling the Climate Emergency. Making the Treasury a Department for Economic Transformation and creating a new Department for the Green New Deal will put responsibility for the climate emergency at the heart of government.”

Green Party will place Carbon Chancellor in 11 Downing Street to put climate at the heart of government 

·         Green Party will appoint Carbon Chancellor to oversee Green New Deal and carbon budget

·         Position at the head of a new Department for the Green New Deal will drive through shift from current focus on economic growth to environmental and social well-being

·         Co-leader Jonathan Bartley: “A Carbon Chancellor in 11 Downing Street will mean the Prime Minister can’t even walk out of the front door without thinking about the climate emergency”

The Green Party will appoint a Carbon Chancellor to 11 Downing Street to ensure the climate emergency is placed at the heart of government, under plans to be unveiled today [Wednesday 13 November].

The Greens will announce their ground-breaking plans outside the Treasury, where they will set out the urgent need for a radical change in how central government works to prioritise environmental and social well-being over the single-minded focus on Gross Domestic Product. 

The Carbon Chancellor will head up a new Department for the Green New Deal, will allocate the £100 billion a year Green New Deal Fund [1] and issue an annual carbon budget to direct the decarbonisation of the economy.

The Treasury will become a new Department for Economic Transformation working alongside the new Department for the Green New Deal.

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, will launch the policy today outside the Treasury.

He said:

“Every sector of the economy needs to decarbonise if we are to become carbon neutral by 2030. Only the Green Party has the bold vision and practical solutions to make our economic system work for the people and the planet. A Carbon Chancellor in 11 Downing Street will mean the Prime Minister can’t even walk out of the front door without thinking about the climate emergency.

“We need to fundamentally change the way Government works if we are going to have any hope of tackling the Climate Emergency. Making the Treasury a Department for Economic Transformation and creating a new Department for the Green New Deal will put responsibility for the climate emergency at the heart of government.”

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Green Party reaches agreement on uniting Remain vote to avoid disastrous Brexit

7 November 2019

The Green Party has come to an arrangement with Plaid Cymru and the Liberal Democrats to field one candidate from a Remain party in selected seats in England and Wales for the upcoming election.

Liberal Democrat or Play Cymru candidates will step aside for the Greens in 10 seats.

Co-Leader of the Green Party Jonathan Bartley said: “This is about recognising how damaging Brexit would be – for people and for the environment – and ensuring there is as much representation of Remain parties in the next Parliament as possible. 

“Our country is at a crossroads and this election must be the point at which we start to move in a better direction. Everyone knows the Greens are the least tribal of any party and we are always willing to work with others for what’s in the best interests of the country.”

Agreements have been reached through discussion with local parties. 

Sian Berry, Green Party Co-Leader said: “The crash-out Brexit the Tories are pushing for would be a disaster for people up and down England and Wales – and for action on climate chaos.

“Yes, as political parties we have differences, but what we’ve agreed is that on the climate, on stopping Brexit, saving local services and fixing the voting system, we must work together now so we can work together in the new parliament to make these things happen.”

The Green Party supports a People’s Vote to decide the future of Britain in the EU and will campaign to Remain.

60 seats are involved in the arrangement overall.

The Green Party will field candidates in Bright Pavilion, Isle of Wight, Bristol West, Bury St Edmunds, Stroud, Dulwich and West Norwood, Exeter, Forest of Dean, Cannock Chase 

A full list of the seats involved in the UTR arrangements can be found below


Vale of Glamorgan


Brighton Pavilion (Held)

Isle of Wight

Bury St Edmunds

Bristol West


Dulwich & West Norwood

Cannock Chase


Forest of Dean


Arfon (Held)

Dwyfor Meirionnydd (Held)

Carmarthen East and Dinefwr (Held)

Ynys Mon





Brecon & Radnorshire (Held)

Cardiff Central



Bath (Held)

North Norfolk (Held)

Oxford West & Abingdon (Held)

South Cambridgeshire (Held)

Totnes (Held)

Twickenham (Held)

Westmorland & Lonsdale (Held)

Bermondsey & Old Southwark




Chelsea & Fulham



Esher & Walton

Finchley & Golders Green



Hazel Grove

Hitchin & Harpenden

North Cornwall

Penistone & Stocksbridge

Portsmouth South

Richmond Park

Romsey & Southampton North


South East Cambridgeshire

South West Surrey


Taunton Deane

Thornbury & Yate

Tunbridge Wells


Warrington South






York Outer

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