Greens call for clarity over 2022 exams as students receive A level results

10 August 2021


Vix Lowthion: “This year has been one of the hardest for students ever, and so every single person receiving their A Level results today deserves praise and respect for their achievements”

The Green Party has called on the UK and Welsh governments to issue clear guidance on exam measures for next year to avoid the chaos of the last two years as students received their A level results today [Tuesday 10 August]. 

Vix Lowthion, Green Party lifelong education spokesperson and a teacher who was with her students as they got their results this morning, said 

“This year has been one of the hardest for students ever, and so every single person receiving their A Level results today deserves praise and respect for their achievements.

“Despite facing huge uncertainty over exams, lost learning time and not being protected from Covid, young people up and down the country have shown the sort of drive and resilience which should set an example for us all.

“The government faces serious questions over just how chaotic the last two years have been for schools and college, and we need to hear from Gavin Williamson immediately about exam measures for next summer so that the class of 2022 do not face the same hardships as the two previous years.”

Wales Green Party leader Anthony Slaughter said:

“Students in Wales have had to endure one of the toughest 12 months imaginable, yet the Labour government here is still yet to offer any semblance of a plan for next year

“While we should praise all of our A level students for what they have achieved while coping in a pandemic this last year, let that not distract us from the fact that the government here needs to set out how no other year groups are going to suffer in a similar way.

“Teachers have also had to deal with an enormous amount of extra stress in being solely responsible for students’ grades, and so we fully support union calls for clarity over next year’s exams for their benefit also.”



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Green Party responds to latest IPCC report

9 August 2021

The Green Party has responded to the sixth report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Deputy leader Amelia Womack said:

“From floods and fires to droughts and rising sea levels, we are already living in a changed climate and we now have a very small window of opportunity to reverse these effects through bold and urgent action.

“If we act today, it will still take 20-30 years for the climate to stabilise again and yet all we’re hearing from government is pledges on targets with a big gap where the policies should be to meet them.

“This is just 1.1 degrees of warning – thinking 1.5 or 2 degrees is acceptable simply ignores the reality of the issue and demonstrates clearly that the government doesn’t appreciate we are in a crisis here in the UK and around the globe, and as a result is failing to manage the risks.

“We need action not words and a global carbon tax is the most powerful way of rapidly eliminating fossil fuels from our economies. To avoid a negative impact on those on lower incomes it should be combined with significant investment in public transport and home insulation, as well as a universal basic income.

“With COP26 just around the corner, this must be the moment the government finally realises that we are living in an emergency and does something other than just greenwashing.”


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Greens call for universal basic income as government prepares to wind down furlough scheme

31 July 2021

The Green Party has reiterated its calls for a universal basic income to offer protection for all, as the government risks the livelihoods of millions of people by further winding down the furlough scheme tomorrow [Sunday 1 August].

The Greens have warned that by cutting its contribution the government will lay more of the costs onto the employers in sectors that are already struggling to recover.

Professor Catherine Rowett, Green Party work, employment and social security spokesperson and former MEP, said:

“The furlough scheme has offered a vital lifeline to workers and employers up and down the country during this awful pandemic. Asking the employers to bear more of the burden will be the last straw for many businesses who are barely making ends meet.

“Latest figures show that nearly 2 million people were still on the furlough scheme at the end of June [1]. It is extremely irresponsible of this government to cut its contribution when we know that certain sectors, in particular those in the arts and entertainment, are still struggling to operate properly, and poised at a moment that could make or break them. [2]

“The government seems to be willing to throw the lives of millions into uncertainty, yet much of this anxiety and uncertainty could have been saved if a generous package of universal basic income had been introduced at the start of the pandemic, as a permanent measure to make sure that nobody is left high and dry. 

“It would ensure that freelance workers are no worse off than those in regular employment, and that every single one of us has enough to meet our basic needs, to give us all a fairer  chance of weathering this storm together.” 





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Greens celebrate High Court ruling on Stonehenge road tunnel

30 July 2021

The Green Party has welcomed  the High Court decision to rule that Transport Secretary Grant Shapps acted unlawfully when granting permission for a road tunnel to be built near Stonehenge. [1]

Caroline Russell, Green Party transport and healthy streets spokesperson, said:.

“It is the right decision by the High Court to accept this legal challenge which stops the carbon smashing, heritage destroying road under Stonehenge in its tracks. 

“It’s good that the judge recognised the strong case made by the Stonehenge Alliance campaigners against the government’s vandalistic plan to tunnel through a Unesco world heritage site.

“Now the government needs to halt the whole of their damaging and emissions busting £27bn road building programme, which is entirely incompatible with chairing COP26. Instead, it needs to start investing seriously in public transport, along with walking and cycling, and making our roads resilient to the climate emergency.”




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Nominations open for new Green Party leadership

26 July 2021

The Green Party election process for the next leader or co-leaders of the party has begun today. 

Co-leader Jonathan Bartley stood down earlier this month to spend more time working on building progressive alliances in UK politics, which triggered an election for new leadership. [1]

Nominations have opened today with candidates having three weeks [2] to declare their intention to run. 

In line with the party’s constitution, individuals can put themselves forward or two people can stand together in a bid to be co-leaders. 

Members will have the opportunity to vote for their next generation of leadership from 31 August until the ballot closes on 21 September with results set to be announced soon after. 

Bartley said: “I am so proud of the democratic nature of our party and the leadership vote is a big part of that. I’d like to see as many members as possible engaged in this process because this is the person or people who are going to take us a significant way towards the next General Election where we are focused on increasing our representation in Parliament. 

“We’ve shown ourselves to be a credible political force and I’m so excited to see who our members choose to lead us to the next stage. I feel confident there are going to be some fantastic candidates making up our new generation of leaders.”

Bartley remains in place until 1 August, his co-leader Sian Berry will then become acting leader until the outcome of the election is known. 





Nominations will close on Monday 16 August


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