Tag Archives: Governmental


News story: CMA accepts remedies in convenience store merger

The CMA has accepted Co-op’s proposals to remedy competition concerns over its purchase of a My Local store in Widnes, Cheshire.

On 19 October the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) announced that the Co-operative Foodstores Ltd’s (Co-op) acquisition of 8 My Local convenience stores gave rise to competition concerns only in Widnes, Cheshire where Co-op already owned 3 convenience stores in close proximity to each other.

On 17 November 2016 the CMA launched a public consultation on Co-op’s proposal to sell 2 of its convenience stores in Widnes – CGL Hough Green and CGL Farnworth – to an approved buyer or buyers. No issues were raised regarding the ability of the proposal to remedy the CMA’s competition concerns.

The CMA is satisfied that Co-op’s undertakings to sell the 2 convenience stores to an approved buyer or buyers resolves its competition concerns. The merger will not be referred for an in-depth phase 2 investigation. Co-op must now sell the 2 stores within a maximum of 3 months to a buyer that the CMA will approve.

All information relating to this investigation can be found on the case page.

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Weekly Road Report – West End Ward



Blackness Road/Glamis Road – temporary traffic lights for 2 weeks for gas main renewal.

Nethergate (West Marketgait to South Tay Street) – closed on Sunday 29 January for water main installation works.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Greenmarket – prohibition of right turn into South Marketgait on Thursday 2 February from 9.00pm   6.00am for BT cabling works.

Nethergate (eastbound from South Tay Street to West Marketgait) – closed on Thursday 2 February from 9.00pm   6.00am for BT cabling works.

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This belated attempt to develop a proper industrial strategy looks like too little too late – Clive Lewis

Clive Lewis MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, in advance of the publication of the Government’s industrial strategy, said:

“This belated attempt to develop a proper industrial strategy is a step in the right direction, but once again what the Tories are offering looks like too little too late.

“We await further detail, but what’s been announced so far will fall far short of getting us back to where we were in 2010, let alone equip our economy for the challenges of the 21st Century. The £170m announced for vocational education, for example, will do little to plug the £1.15bn hole in the Adult Skills Budget created by Tory cuts since 2010. 

“It will be a great shame if the Government wastes this opportunity to put our economy on a new path. But they have already watered down a series of flagship commitments, from putting workers on boards to tackling executive pay, and there are too many people on the Tory benches who think that the only role of Government is to deregulate markets. The reality is that a Prime Minister who wants to turn us into a tax haven cannot be trusted to deliver an industrial strategy.”

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