Tag Archives: Governmental


News story: Foreign Secretary statement on Holocaust Memorial Day

Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, reflects that it is important to remember and educate future generations on the Holocaust’s causes.

Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, said

Today we mark Holocaust Memorial Day, the date to mark the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp. This year’s theme, ‘how can life go on?’, encourages us to pause and reflect, not only on the terrible truth of the Holocaust, and the innocent lives that were so cruelly wiped out, but to also to draw inspiration from the survivors, who found strength and courage to carry on.

It is important that survivor stories are heard. And as time goes by, it becomes ever more important that we listen, learn, remember, and educate future generations about the causes of the Holocaust, in particular antisemitism. Sadly, this remains an ever-present concern today. We will continue to tackle it head on wherever it is found and stand with our Jewish friends and neighbours around the world in defence of their right to live free from hatred and prejudice.

The UK Government is committed to strengthening international collaboration to promote Holocaust education, remembrance and research. We will continue to honour this commitment, not only through our work with international partners, but also with civil society organisations who are dedicated to these efforts. Together we can put the lessons into practice and so educate the next generation that anti-semitic prejudice is consigned to the past.

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This latest report from the PAC shows how the Tories have run a rigged economy – John McDonnell

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, commenting on the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) report on HMRC’s tax collection efforts from high net worth individuals, which shows that the very wealthy are receiving preferential treatment, said:

“This latest report from the PAC shows how the Tories have run a rigged economy where the super-rich pay less and less in tax while earnings for average working households are still below their level of a decade ago. It’s a national disgrace that the amount lost in tax from a super-rich elite under the Tories would be enough to help end the crisis in social care.

“Labour will call time on the super-rich tax-dodgers and give HMRC the legal and staff resources it needs to close the tax avoidance loopholes and scams. We’ll stop the Tories using the excuse of Brexit to turn Britain into a tax haven off the coast of Europe, and build an economy that leaves no-one and no community behind.”

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Over £5million investment for Morriston redevelopment work

Vaughan Gething said: 

Some of the oldest parts of the hospital date from the WW2 era and others are over 30 years old. The accommodation to be demolished no longer meets modern building standards and guidance.

This funding is in addition to the £142.539m that has already been funded to improve schemes under the HealthVison Swansea programme at Morriston.

Mr Gething made the announcement on a visit to the Haemostasis Biomedical Research Unit on the site.  
£5.11 million will be used to demolish obsolete buildings on the site, develop a new on-site crèche and provide new IT infrastructure at the hospital. 

“This investment is part of wider modernisation plans for Morriston; it will make the site safer and create space for future healthcare developments as Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board plan for the future of healthcare on the site.”

Sian Harrop-Griffiths, Director of Strategy at Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board said:

“We are extremely pleased that Welsh Government has provided funding to support the next phase of the development of the Morriston Hospital site. This funding will enable the demolition of a large number of outdated buildings now that the services previously provided from there have been relocated in modern, fit for purpose accommodation on site. 

“This will also enable space to be made available for some temporary car parking whilst the design and development of a new multi-storey car park on the site are being undertaken, and plans for this are well advanced.”

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