Tag Archives: Governmental


Crossrail for the North will become the foundations for a transformed Northern economy – McDonnell

Labour will invest to transform the economy of the North – McDonnell commits Labour to delivering Crossrail for the North

Today the Shadow Chancellor has committed Labour to delivering on “Crossrail for the North”, a series of major rail improvements across existing west-east links in the North of England.

Labour will commit to reversing decades of underinvestment in Northern transport infrastructure that has undermined the economic potential of the north of England and help deliver 850,000 new jobs by 2050.

The current Tory Government has failed to invest in essential electrification of Hull to Selby and other lines, and delayed electrification of the critical Manchester-Leeds Transpennine route, which is not now due for completion until at least 2022. Labour will commit to fight alongside its mayoral candidates and local authorities to demand that the Westminster Government brings forward the resources needed to help unlock the £97bn of economic potential in the North.

John McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, is expected to say:

“Labour is absolutely committed to delivering HS3, a Crossrail for the North, starting right here in Liverpool and connecting the great cities of the north of England.

“There is so much potential here currently squandered by underinvestment, delays and a lack of real commitment from Whitehall.

“So with our mayoral candidates in Manchester and Liverpool, and councils across the north, Labour will be pushing for this government to deliver.

“It’s at least a £10bn commitment from Labour to invest in the north.

“It means the journey from Manchester to Leeds will take just 25 minutes, instead of close to an hour.

“Or you could get from Liverpool to Manchester in 25 minutes.

“Crossrail for the North will become the foundations for a transformed Northern economy.”


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