Elmwood student reaches Scottish finals for Young Horticulturalist of the Year

HNC Horticulture Student Kevin Keith, from the Elmwood Campus of SRUC, has reached the Scottish Finals of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture’s (CIH) Young Horticulturalist of the Year.

Full bhoona judging role for Ceri Ritchie at Aberdeen curry awards

Ceri Ritchie, SRUC’s Senior Manager Food and Drink was all curried out recently after her spell on the judging panel for the Aberdeen’s Best Curry Awards.

Full bhoona judging role for Ceri Ritchie at Aberdeen curry awards

Ceri Ritchie, SRUC’s Senior Manager Food and Drink was all curried out recently after her spell on the judging panel for the Aberdeen’s Best Curry Awards.

Sustainable travel roadshow tours SRUC campuses!

In preparation for spring a sustainable travel roadshow has been touring the SRUC campuses to inspire staff and students to make their journeys more eco-friendly.

Sustainable travel roadshow tours SRUC campuses

In preparation for spring a sustainable travel roadshow has been touring the SRUC campuses to inspire staff and students to make their journeys more eco-friendly.