Six dead, two injured in motorcycle repair shop fire

Six people died and two were injured after a fire at a motorcycle repair shop in Zhangzhou city, eastern China’s Fujian Province, city authorities said Friday.

Flames broke out at the shop in Gaokeng village in Zhangzhou at 11 p.m. Thursday, Zhangzhou authorities said.

Two died on site and four in hospital. The two injured remain stable.

Four fire squadrons were called to put out the fire.

An investigation is underway.

ACC Appointment

The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved the appointment of Shri Rajinder Khanna, [Former Secretary

Man sentenced to 8 years in prison for Shanghai airport blast

Zhou Xingbai (L) stands trial on Feb. 17, 2017 for a blast that he carried out at the Shanghai Pudong International Airport last June. [Photo:] 

A man found guilty of setting off a homemade bomb at the Shanghai Pudong International Airport last June has been sentenced to eight years in prison.

According to a verdict announced by the Shanghai No.3 Intermediate People’s Court on Friday, Zhou Xingbai was also deprived of his political rights for two years.

Zhou set off a homemade explosive device at a check-in counter at 2:26 p.m. on June 12, 2016. Four people, including a Philippine national, suffered minor injuries. A number of flights were cancelled or delayed due to the incident.

Zhou also cut his own throat with a knife at the airport but was taken to hospital for medical treatment.

The 29-year-old from southwest China’s Guizhou Province became a migrant worker in 2006 after finishing middle school.

He has allegedly been addicted to online gambling since 2014, squandering his savings and living in heavy debt. On his WeChat account, he wrote that he owed many people money and was going to do something “very crazy.”

Zhou has no mental illness and should take full criminal responsibility for his actions, according to the Institute of Forensic Science under the Ministry of Justice.

Prosecutors investigate hospital malpractice

Prosecutors in eastern China’s Zhejiang and Shandong Provinces are investigating recent hospital malpractice that caused infections, according to the Supreme People’s Procuratorate Friday.

The procuratorate said that it had been closely watching the latest developments in the investigation and asked for early intervention by local prosecuting departments to help police objectively collect evidence.

In early February, five people were found infected with HIV after a technician at Zhejiang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital reused pipettes on separate patients, according to Zhejiang provincial health and family planning commission.

In Shandong, a total of nine patients were infected by hepatitis B in January after medical staff at the hospital’s hemodialysis unit were negligent.

How I am a good European

One of my main arguments for the UK to leave the EU was to allow the rest of the members to complete their union free from the UK seeking to hold them back. Anyone looking at the state of the Eurozone can see that the poorer parts of the zone need larger financial transfers from the richer parts. The way the system works at the moment is through the so called Target 2 balances. The latest figures show that Germany now has a huge  deposit of Euro 796 billion with the European Central Bank. This is lent out interest free for as long as it is needed to the large deficit countries. Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal are the main beneficiaries.  In a normal currency Union the equivalent region to Germany would simply send more grants to the parts of the Union needing more money. These balances may well become an important part of the German election debate over how much money Germany should share with the rest of the Union, and how that should be organised.

David Cameron felt he had to keep the UK out of the Fiscal treaty that wanted to start to address this issue. The UK always made clear as a member it did not wish to see a bigger EU budget and did not wish to send more of its cash to the poorer high unemployment regions of the south of the Eurozone. The rest of the EU with the possible exception of a few richer Northern countries did want a growing budget with more solidarity recognised in higher transfer payments.  It was increasingly difficult to be in the EU but not be in the Euro, the central feature of the EU. The UK was also reluctant to work on a European defence identity or common armed forces, was out of the Schengen common borders and an opponent of the planned political Union with an EU Treasury and more common taxation. The UK public had always been told the EU was just a glorified free trade area which should  be good for our exports. In practice it was a customs Union with many and growing features of a full economic, monetary and political union, which was better  for their exports to us. It stopped us having free trade agreements with many other parts of the world.

One of the strange things about the UK debate since the decision to leave is the wish of some  to argue both that the UK will lose out badly from leaving, and that we have to be punished to make sure we do lose out. The Commission and some in other member states who keep on saying they need to demonstrate we will lose from departure argue a contradiction. If, as they say, belonging is such good news, leaving is punishment enough. If, as they imply, belonging is such bad news, then of course they need to replicate as many of the undesirable features of  belonging as they can on the departing state to stop it doing better! It makes it a highly negative approach. Pessimism rules, and a few  suggest revenge is  their favourite dish. They will of course discover revenge is a boomerang. They cannot hurt us because we are shaking off their controls but they can hurt themselves by imposing high tariffs on their agricultural exports to us and higher taxes to make up for our lost contributions. They should also remember that their own Treaty makes it clear they have a legal obligation to get on well with a  neighbouring state and to trade with it.

I find the delay in the EU acknowledging that all UK citizens legally settled in the rest of the EU can stay there is shocking. Surely these officials and politicians understand that no decent country expels legally settled law abiding citizens from its jurisdiction?  The UK has no wish to  expel EU citizens legally here in the UK. What is holding  back the rest of the EU saying the same? This should not  be a negotiation. This is not something the UK wants and has to pay for.  This is just basic decency, and international law.