News story: David Mundell: Celebrating Scotland’s LGBT Community

The Secretary of State for Scotland, David Mundell, will tonight [23 February 2017] host leading figures in Scotland’s LGBT community at an event to celebrate diversity and tackle prejudice.

The event is being held to mark LGBT history month in Scotland, and comes the day before ‘Purple Friday’, a day for people across Scotland to show their support for the LGBT community and stand together for equality.

The Scottish Secretary will be joined by representatives from the TIE Campaign, LGBT Youth Scotland, Stonewall Scotland, MSPs and businesses like Barclays, Blackrock, GenAnalytics and Edrington.

The event will also feature a performance by the Edinburgh Gay Men’s Chorus and a speech from Commander Douggie Ward MBE, who will talk about his experience of being out in the Royal Navy.

Speaking ahead of the event, Mr Mundell said:

Tonight’s event is not only a celebration of Scotland’s rich diversity and compassion, but proves that we stand shoulder to shoulder against ignorance, prejudice and bullying.

Young people in Scotland deserve a society where their gender and sexuality has no limitation on their experiences or their aspirations. I am determined to ensure everyone in the Scottish LGBT community is treated with the respect and equality they deserve.

This month we celebrate the history of the LGBT movement, but also its future, building a Scotland which is tolerant, inclusive and diverse.

Commander Douggie Ward MBE Royal Navy said:

From the moment that I came out as a gay man to my family, friends and colleagues in the Royal Navy, I have received nothing but whole-hearted support. “It is this support that has enabled me to develop and grow both personally and professionally as a Naval Officer.

Events like tonight’s reception help send out a powerful message that we are all part of a wonderfully diverse society and no matter what your sexual orientation or gender identity, you are not alone and you can succeed.

Students learn to blossom at horticulture careers day

Horticulture students from SRUC were among those from around Scotland who attended the Grow Careers event at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh.

DoNER Ministry alongwith Tezpur University to encourage entrepreneurship in Northeast

Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DONER), jointly with the Department of Business Administration, Tezpur University and North Eastern Finance Corporation Limited (NEDFi), is coming up with a Business Idea Challenge to encourage entrepreneurship in the North-East Region (NER).

Greens warn of NHS disaster after EEA doctors say they may leave UK

23 February 2017

The Green Party is urging the Government to reassure EU nationals they are welcome in the UK after a survey revealed 12,000 EEA-trained doctors may leave in light of the Brexit vote [1].

Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, said:

“The potential for EU nationals to be treated like bargaining chips in Brexit negotiations, is all too apparent in these figures. The Government’s rhetoric and failure to provide assurances have had a clear impact on doctors’ lives.

“The NHS is already under immense pressure and if such a large number of staff leave in such a short space of time it will be a complete disaster. The Government needs to recognise the incredible contributions EU nationals make to our society and give concrete reassurances they can continue the lives they’ve built in the UK.”



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Night Flights Consultation

In light of the problems with aircraft noise and nights flights in the constituency I have lobbied Ministers, Heathrow and the National Air Traffic Services (NATS). Please find below the letter I have written to Department of Transport in response to their consultation on night flights.

I would also strongly encourage residents to contribute to the consultation which ends on 28 February at:

Night Flights Consultation - JR submission.22.02.17