Free health and safety seminar programme at The Cleaning Show 2017

The Health and Safety Executive will be running a morning of free seminars at the cleaning show this year to help employers protect their workforce and reduce costs attributed to managing staff absence.

Topics to be covered include:

  • working at height
  • preventing slips and trips
  • occupation respiratory health
  • MSDs
  • vulnerable workers

For more information and to book your place go to The Cleaning Show 2017

Notice: Lilford Area

When: Until further notice.

What’s happening: There is a sunken vessel in the navigation approximately 50 metres downstream of Lilford Bridge.

Notice: Wadenhoe to Orton

When: 8 February to 8 March 2017

What’s happening: In-river works will be taking place to trim overhanging trees.

News story: Invitation to tender for research from the Low Pay Commission 2017

The Low Pay Commission is commissioning new research to understand the effects of the NLW. The closing date is 13 March 2017.

The introduction of the National Living Wage is a major change for the labour market – likely to represent a sharp increase in the nominal, real and relative value of the UK’s pay floor. Coverage is set to triple by 2020.

In some sectors more than half of workers could be paid at the minimum – all at a time of major change in the economy, and the welfare system. It is, in effect, a natural experiment.

Such a significant change in the minimum wage is likely to have a wide set of effects and there are many approaches that could be used to analyse such effects.

The Low Pay Commission has launched its latest invitation to tender for research. Please see the links below to the projects on the central procurement provider, UKSBS Contracts Finder. The deadline is 13 March 2017. These are open tender calls for research and cover 3 areas.

We are commissioning research:

  • on the impact of the National Minimum Wage and the new National Living Wage on employment and hours (UK SBS BLOJEU-CR17029LPC).

    One project will be commissioned with a total budget up to £60,000. Link to Contracts Finder.

  • into the impact of the minimum wage regime on the labour market outcomes of young workers (UK SBS BLOJEU-CR17030LPC).

    One project will be commissioned with a total budget up to £60,000. Link to Contracts Finder.

  • open call for Other Research on the Impact of the National Living Wage (UK SBS BLOJEU-CR17028LPC).

    Up to four projects will be commissioned, with a total budget of £100,000. Link to Contracts Finder.

Please circulate to colleagues who may be interested.

Please also note that the LPC will be holding a research workshop on the afternoon of Thursday 6 April. Details will follow shortly.

News story: Low Pay Commission visits programme 2017

The Low Pay Commission’s purpose is to provide advice to the Government on the rates of the National Living Wage and the other National Minimum Wages, as well as other related issues.

We want to hear first hand evidence from employers, workers and anyone else with a view on the minimum wage and its effects.

We are visiting Leeds, Glasgown and East Renfrewshire, Belfast, Newport and Gwent, and Melton and East Northamptonshire.

See the table below for dates, and click the link below to arrange a meeting with us. You can also give us a call on 020 7215 8772.

We are particularly interested in the effects of the National Living Wage, the minimum wage for workers aged 25 and over, which was introduced at £7.20 in April 2016 and will rise to £7.50 on 1 April 2017.

All the other minimum wage rates will increase on 1 April as well (see table below for rates) and we would like to hear views on these too.

The LPC organises an annual programme of visits to gather evidence in support of our recommendations to government. The visits are attended by members of our Commission and Secretariat.

We can host meetings in the locations we visit, but it is also extremely useful for us to visit businesses and workers at their place of work to see the effects of the minimum wage ‘on the ground’. So, we would be delighted if you would like to host us and show us around your business.

Please note that the date of the visit to Belfast has been changed since the programme was originally sent to our stakeholders.

Date Location
26-27 April Leeds
31 May-1 June Glasgow and East Renfrewshire
7-8 June Belfast
5-6 July Newport and Gwent
9-10 August Melton and East Northamptonshire

National Minimum Wage rates

Minimum Wage rate Current rate (hourly) Rate from 1 April 2017
National Living Wage £7.20 £7.50
21-24 Year Old Rate £6.95 £7.05
18-20 Year Old Rate £5.55 £5.60
16-17 Year Old Rate £4.00 £4.05
Apprentice Rate £3.40 £3.50
Accommodation offset £6.00 £6.40