Tag Archives: Governmental


Press release: British Foreign Secretary and Polish Foreign Minister Waszczykowski on joint trip to Ukraine

The two ministers will hold a series of high-level meetings with President Poroshenko, Prime Minister Groysman, Deputy Prime Minister Klympush-Tsyntsadze and Foreign Minister Klimkin.

The visit marks 25 years of diplomatic relations between both the UK and Poland with Ukraine. It is also three years since the start of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and its flagrant breach of international law with its illegal annexation of Crimea. The UK and Poland fully support Ukraine’s sovereignty. Crimea is Ukraine and Russia must return it.

The UK and Poland are also two of the largest contributors to the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, which monitors the ceasefire and withdrawal of heavy weapons in eastern Ukraine.

Ahead of his visit, the Foreign Secretary said:

“I am delighted to be visiting Ukraine again so soon and I am particularly pleased to be joined by Foreign Minister Waszczykowski. Poland is a close UK partner and we work closely on a range of foreign policy issues, including Ukraine. The UK will continue to play a full part on European security questions as we prepare to leave the EU.

“This visit reinforces our unwavering support for Ukraine. The UK remains committed to defending Ukraine’s sovereignty. We are adamant that Russia’s annexation of Crimea is illegal and we urge Russia to return it.

“I welcome the progress made on implementing reforms and tackling corruption. The UK-Ukraine reform conference in July will enable us to showcase the great work that is being done in Ukraine.”

Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said:

“Poland and the UK since the beginning of Revolution of Dignity have supported Ukraine on its pro-European path. I’m extremely happy that together with Minister Boris Johnson we will be able to reiterate our commitment to Ukraine’s European choice, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“Poland was the first country to recognize Ukraine’s independence. Since then we consider Ukraine as our strategic partner. We will continue to support Ukrainian reform process.”

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Food firm is blacklisted over ‘old meat’ scandal

Fast food chain Shanghai Husi Food Co and three of its former workers have been blacklisted over the 2014 expired meat scandal. [Photo/Shanghai Daily]

Fast food chain Shanghai Husi Food Co and three of its former workers have been blacklisted over the 2014 expired meat scandal.

The Shanghai food watchdog yesterday said former executives Hu Jun, Liu Lijie and Zhang Hu has been convicted of food safety crimes and have been banned from the food industry for life.

The trio and the company also face restrictions on bank loans and land use permits.

Shanghai Husi was found to have supplied meat that had passed its use-by date to companies such as McDonald’s, KFC and Burger King between April, 2013 and July, 2014.

Husi’s food processing plant in Jiading District was raided by officials from the Shanghai Food and Drug Administration following a TV program accusing it of using out-of-date and substandard meat.

Husi was fined 1.2 million yuan (US$176,470) and its food production license was revoked.

The three executives were jailed.

The Shanghai Food and Drug Administration also said yesterday it had blacklisted nine people working at four restaurants for using poppy or other banned products in their food.

In one case, Ren Dongyun, the operator of a beef soup restaurant in Jinshan District, which was unlicensed, was jailed for seven months and fined 5,000 yuan last year by the Jinshan District People’s Court after the restaurant’s beef soup was found to contain papaverine — an anti-spasmodic drug — and morphine.

In another case, two people working for Afandi Snack Restaurant in Jinshan were sentenced to up to seven months in prison and fined 30,000 yuan last year for adding poppy capsules to soup to enrich flavor. These people face a lifetime ban from the food industry.

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Underground rooms near Tian’anmen to be removed

Beijing starts to remove illegal rooms and buildings under the ground of the core area of the city. [Photo/Chinanews.com] 

Beijing has started to remove illegal rooms and buildings under the ground of the city’s core area. The government has vowed to remove nearly 14,000 square meters of illegal buildings this year.

On Feb. 28, more than 700 illegal rooms under eight residential buildings of the Hepingmen Community in West Chang’an Street have been removed. Nearly 350 people left the illegal buildings.

According to staff, the removing work at Hepingmen Community began early this year.

During the past two months, they have removed 13,862 square meters illegal buildings, 1,157 underground rooms, and helped 2,010 inhabitants find other places to live.

The government plans to rebuild the underground space and construct a range of facilities, such as parking lots to provide more convenience for the nearby residents.

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