Additional £150,000 to support publishing in Wales

The Economy Secretary, who also has responsibility for Culture and publishing in Wales,  has confirmed that an additional  £151k of capital funding will be allocated to the Welsh Books Council in 2016/17 to enable the Council to make improvements to its headquarters, further develop its  IT systems and keep pace with digital developments. 

The investment is in addition to the additional capital funding of £184k provided by the Welsh Government to the Welsh Books Council during 2015-16 and the additional revenue funding of £123k that the Council will receive during the 2017/18 . 

It reflects the Economy Secretary’s ongoing commitment to supporting Wales’ publishing industry. 

Ken Skates said:

“The Welsh Books Council plays a crucial role in promoting and supporting Wales’ publishing industry and ensuring the creation of a wide range of  Welsh language and English language publications. 

“In recent years, we have been encouraging publishers in Wales to embrace digital developments such as e-books.  This is something they have embraced and there are now approximately 1600 e-books available. 

“As we celebrate World Books Day I am pleased to confirm this additional funding which will help the Welsh Books Council to update its IT infrastructure and ensure it has the  business-friendly and accessible platforms in place to support the industry . It will provide a significant boost to both the Welsh Books Council and help to strengthen Wales’ publishing industry more widely.”

Helgard Krause, Chief Executive of the Welsh Books Council said:

“We are delighted to receive this additional funding, especially as it allows us to invest further in our distribution centre to the benefit of not only publishers but also booksellers and libraries. Government support such as this is central to sustaining an efficient service to the publishing industry in Wales offered during times of rapid technological change.”

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Green Party warns Government cuts to policing are putting lives at risk

2 March 2017

The Green Party is warning of the danger of underinvestment in public services following the revelation policing in England and Wales is in a “perilous state” due to Government cuts [1].

Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, said:

“The devastating impact of Government underinvestment is clear. Severe budget cuts mean some police officers can’t properly respond to emergencies, track down offenders or protect domestic violence victims. This is now clearly putting lives at risk.

“Underinvestment in the NHS, social care and prisons has already created even greater need, and put even greater strain on public services. Rather than being dealt with appropriately and sensibly, problems are being passed from one agency to another, including the police service, and greater cost being incurred in the long run.

“Despite the hard work of those on the frontline, the people who deserve help, support and protection are being left without it. These cuts are short-sighted and no solution. The Government must recognise this urgently before the budget next week, and change course, otherwise even more lives will be put at risk.”



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Press release: Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Peru

2015 – present Beijing, Political Counsellor 2013 – 2015 Beijing, Outreach and Bilateral Counsellor 2010 – 2013 Hanoi, Deputy Head of Mission Oct 2009 – April 2010 Maternity Leave Apr 2008 – Oct 2009 Roles in Policy Planning, Strategy, Resources and Finance May 2007 – Apr 2008 Maternity Leave 2006 – 2007 Head India, Nepal, Bhutan Team 2005 – 2006 Head Strategy, International and Media, Afghan Drugs Interdepartmental Unit 2001 – 2005 Hong Kong, Vice Consul Economic 2000 – 2001 Desk Officer Conflict Prevention, Refugee Policy & Humanitarian, United Nations Department 2000 Joined FCO