Tag Archives: Governmental


Respiratory care improving and smoking rates are falling – Vaughan Gething

Smoking rates are falling and GPs across Wales have been offered new equipment to improve diagnosis and support for those with respiratory conditions, according to the first Annual Statement of Progress for Respiratory Conditions published today.

Friday 03 March 2017

Health Secretary Vaughan Gething today welcomed the publication of the statement which shows progress made against the actions set down in the Respiratory Health Delivery Plan.

The main achievements highlighted in the report include:

  • Fewer people are smoking than ever before, with rates now below the 2016 target of 20%
  • Every GP practice in Wales has been offered a new spirometer, which help diagnose and monitor certain lung conditions;
  • Over 400 health professionals have begun training as accredited spirometry practitioners, with the aim of every GP practice having at least one trained member of staff;
  • In South Wales, the introduction of a specialist service to support the management of a complex group of lung conditions known as Interstitial Lung Diseases has led to a significant reduction in referral to diagnosis. A similar team is about to start work in North Wales
  • Improved support and self-management training for patients to manage their chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma
Vaughan Gething said:

“These changes are improving the quality of life for many of those affected by respiratory conditions, although we know there is more work to do. 

“We are seeing real progress in improving respiratory care, and we will continue to work with health boards to support patients.”  

March 2017
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News story: Defence Secretary applauds service of globally deployed Scots

During a visit to Edinburgh, Sir Michael met soldiers from Scots-based Army units. Many have either recently returned, or are about to deploy on missions with the UK’s allies overseas.

Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon said:

Scotland is on the frontline defending the United Kingdom from growing threats at sea, in the air, and on land. Whether countering Daesh, improving security in Afghanistan, or playing a leading role in peace-keeping missions, Scottish troops deserve our gratitude for the incredible job they do.

At any time, at least 20% of the troops from Army units in Scotland are actively involved in operational, defence engagement or training with other nations.

Midlothian-based personnel of The Royal Highland Fusiliers, Second Battalion the Royal Regiment of Scotland (2 SCOTS) are part of the UN mission in South Sudan. They are also supporting NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force and is currently deployed to Kenya where it is leading battle group training for 950 personnel.

Scotland’s 51 Brigade have taken part in exercises with the Emiratis, Kuwaitis and the Qatari Armed Forces.

Scotland is also home to the UK’s nuclear deterrent submarines at Her Majesty’s Naval Base Clyde, and the Quick Response Aircraft at RAF Lossiemouth.

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News story: Ministers in latest dialogue with financial services firms

During a roundtable yesterday, Ministers underlined their commitment to maintaining London’s position as a global financial hub.

Hosted by Ministers from the Department for Exiting the European Union and HM Treasury, discussions centered around topics including the Great Repeal Bill, the movement of skilled workers and opportunities to increase the sector’s global competitiveness in the future.

As the leading European centre for fund management, the UK asset management industry plays an important role channelling capital into businesses and infrastructure in the UK, the EU and around the world – enabling individuals to plan and invest for their future.

Commercial Secretary to the Treasury, Baroness Neville-Rolfe, said:

I am delighted to have this opportunity to hear from this vital part of the financial services industry. UK-based firms manage more assets than those in France, Germany and Italy combined.

We are determined that the UK will continue to be a global financial hub and are focused on negotiating the best deal for financial services, including asset management, to ensure the sector continues to be one of Britain’s great success stories.

DExEU Minister, Robin Walker, said:

The financial services sector is a vital part of the UK economy. We have been clear that we want the best deal for the UK. One that allows British companies the maximum freedom to trade with and operate within European markets – and let European businesses do the same in Britain.

Investment and the management of investments are a crucial part of the UK’s success in global financial markets and will be key to the success of a Global Britain. Hearing directly from the sector about the potential impacts and opportunities for them is hugely valuable – providing us with the information we need as we prepare to enter the negotiations.

Chris Cummings, Chief Executive, Investment Association said:

The Investment Association is calling for the UK and the EU to strike a bespoke post-Brexit agreement, which will allow UK based asset managers to continue to provide products and services to millions of savers across the EU and the world to the extent that they do today. This kind of agreement could be part of an EU-UK Free Trade Agreement or a similar type of treaty.

In attendance at the event were senior executives from the following businesses and organisations:

  • Allianz Global Investors
  • Barings Europe
  • BlackRock Investment Management
  • HSBC
  • Independent Franchise Partners
  • Investec
  • Investment Association
  • M&G
  • Pictet Asset Management
  • Schroders
  • Vanguard
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Revealed: MPs pension fund invests in tobacco and fossil fuels

3 March 2017

MPs pensions are invested in tobacco, fossil fuels and the US treasury, a new report has revealed.

The Annual Report of the Parliamentary Pension Fund has, for the first time, published the fund’s top 20 investments – and they include British American Tobacco, BP and Shell [1].


BP:  £5.59m

SHELL: £4.97m

RIO TINTO: £1.86m

Minimum Fossil Fuel Exposure: £12.42m

+ BAT: £5.59m

The publication of the investments comes after pressure from MPs wanting their pension fund to be more transparent, especially with regard to its exposure to fossil fuel assets. Until this week the Parliamentary Pension fund did not disclose any of its holdings, meaning its 1,800 members had no idea how much of the scheme is invested in oil and gas companies, or other controversial industries such as weapons manufacturers or tobacco.

Caroline Lucas, the Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, welcomed the fund’s move towards transparency but warned of the ‘huge risks’ of exposure to fossil fuels.

She said:

“After years of resistance the Parliamentary Pension Fund has finally come clean and made public their top twenty holdings. This is a good first step, but, as expected, the fund has a deeply questionable investment strategy investing in dirty energy and tobacco.”

“The long-term financial risks associated with oil, coal and gas assets are well known, yet the Trustees of the PCPF are refusing to even meet with fund members to discuss this issue. If we are to prevent the worst of climate change, then we must rapidly transition away from an economy run on fossil fuels by investing in the renewable energy that we have in abundance. It’s right that the MPs should lead the way on this transition.”

“It is well within the scope of the fiduciary duty of pension fund trustees to account for non-financial factors – there is therefore no excuse for profiting from tobacco, an industry that is responsible for one of the greatest public health crises of our time.”

“MPs are currently exploring a potential legal challenge to the fund on its approach to transparency, as well as its possible failure to adequately address the long-term financial risks associated with climate change. MPs shortly after the launch of a public campaign, Divest Parliament, calling on MPs to encourage the PCPF to be a more responsible investor.


[1] Page 15: https://www.mypcpfpension.co.uk/docs/librariesprovider4/annual-reviews/annual-review-2016.pdf?sfvrsn=2


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