Tag Archives: Governmental


PLA patents declassified for civilian use

The People’s Liberation Army has declassified and made public more than 2,300 national defense patents, PLA Daily reported on Sunday.

The National Defense Intellectual Property Rights Bureau of the Central Military Commission’s Equipment Development Department has declassified about 3,000 national defense patents and opened 2,346 of them to the public, according to PLA Daily.

It said it is the first time the PLA has declassified and made public military patents since it began to register such patents in 1985. The measure is intended to facilitate the transfer of military technologies to civilian industries to boost the coordinated development of the civilian and defense sectors, the report said.

The patents can be viewed at weain.mil.cn-a website managed by the CMC Equipment Development Department’s Procurement Information Service Center-in the “Patent and Achievement” section where a total of 101 pages of detailed patent entries are available for public viewing.

The first several pages checked by China Daily contain a wide range of patents, such as those relating to missiles, aircraft, communications, vehicles and tracking systems.

Each entry lists details of the patent, including its designated code, the dates of its submission and approval, its inventor and his or her employer, its function and the patent’s agent and its legal status.

PLA Daily said that previously, it was difficult for defense patents, which are generally classified and not available for public searching like those for civilian use, to be transferred to civilian users because of the absence of related policies and poor communication between the PLA and civilian sectors.

It said that in 2015, the military started to organize patent holders to review their patents and determine whether the patents could be declassified.

The bureau plans to establish regulations on the confidentiality and declassification of national defense patents, pledging to declassify and publish patents on a regular basis, PLA Daily reported, saying these measures will help to make good use of defense patents and to nurture innovation in the development of weapons and equipment.

A defense technology industry observer in Beijing, who wished to be identified as Wu, said that opening suitable defense patents to the public benefits businesses, as they can use these patents to save on their research spending.

“Military and defense contractors can also save research and development funds, because in the past, many defense technology researchers had no access to patent information that was submitted by other researchers, which led to them conducting research that had already been done,” Wu said.

“Now they can check with patent information before embarking on a new project, which will save money for the PLA and their employer,” he said.

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Rural workshops manufacture a route out of poverty

Rural workshops manufacture a route out of poverty 

Local governments are providing jobs for impoverished rural residents by establishing a number of small businesses in villages. Ju Chuanjiang and Zhao Ruixue report from Juancheng county, Shandong province.

The 300-square-meter building with the words “Targeted Poverty-Alleviation Workshop” emblazoned on the white, exterior walls stands in sharp contrast to the brick-built farmers’ houses surrounding it.

Inside the building, in Xijie, a village in Juancheng county, Heze, Shandong province, dozens of farmers were sorting hair ready for distribution to wig manufacturers.

Sun Zhangcun was one of them. The 60-year-old’s employment options are limited because his left leg was amputated after a traffic accident 17 years ago. Moreover, his wife has advanced rheumatism.

“We can’t escape poverty: I’m disabled, so I can’t leave the village for work, but I can’t shoulder heavy farmwork either,” he said, as he skillfully sorted a clump of hair.

In an attempt to solve his problems, Sun took a job at the workshop, which was founded last year by the local government to provide work for underemployed laborers. He earns about 1,000 yuan ($145) a month.

“Now I am useful to my family. I earn my own money, which gives me a sense of dignity,” Sun said. Last year, he managed to save more than 3,000 yuan after covering daily necessities and medical expenses for him and his wife.

His workshop is one of 536 that have been established in villages across the county as part of a national campaign to lift farmers out of poverty.

Raising living standards

In 2015, Shandong recorded the third-highest GDP in the country, and the provincial government set the annual poverty level at 3,372 yuan per person.

Last year, 1.5 million people in the eastern, coastal province were lifted out of poverty, and the authorities aim to raise the living standards of a further 2.42 million by 2018.

By 2020, China plans to have eradicated poverty, as defined in 2011 by annual earnings of less than 2,300 yuan per person. On Sunday, at the two sessions, the government announced that it aims to lift a further 10 million rural people out of poverty by the end of this year.

To win the war against poverty, local governments have turned to specific sectors, such as e-commerce, finance, tourism development, relocation and infrastructure improvement.

The workshops in Juancheng provide jobs for the elderly, the disabled, women who need to take care of their parents and children, and others who are unable to leave the village for long periods.

At the end of 2015, Juancheng, located in the mudflats area of the Yellow River, was a designated national-level poverty-stricken county, with 89,600 of its population of 890,000 living below the subsistence line.

“Nearly one-in-10 was living in poverty, which put me under huge pressure,” said Gu Ruiling, Party chief of Juancheng, who is responsible for poverty-alleviation in the county.

Gu didn’t feel a sense of relief until last year, when a number of workshops had been built in villages across the county, providing an effective way of fighting poverty.


County officials conceived the “workshops model” in November 2015, when they conducted research into poverty-alleviation work in Daitang, a village in the county’s Dongkou town.

“We saw several elderly women sorting hair in a shabby 10-square-meter shack made from plastic sheeting and simple wooden boards in a farmer’s yard.

An 82-year-old woman told us she enjoyed working in the shack because she could earn hundreds of yuan a month. However, she had to stop working if it rained and the workshop was cold in winter,” Gu said.

The sight was a revelation to Gu, who found himself asking: “Why don’t we build large, well-equipped workshops in villages to provide more jobs for villagers?”

About six months later, more than 160 workshops had been constructed in villages across the county. Each cost an average of 150,000 yuan to build, so the county finance department provided a subsidy of 100 yuan per sq m and the rest of the money was provided by public organizations and businesses.

The workshops are equipped with modern amenities, including water and electricity, and the operators-mainly businesspeople from large cities, introduced by local governments-can use them as soon as the formalities have been completed.

“We chose to build workshops in places that are easily accessible and convenient for the disabled and the elderly. Locations near kindergartens and schools are best because that makes it convenient for farmers who need to send their kids to school before going to work at the workshops,” Gu said.

Daitang resident Li Aiyun is employed in the workshop in her village. She goes to work after sending her grandson to school.

“I can earn some money while taking care of my family,” she said, adding that she can earn about 500 yuan a month.

According to Gu, workshop operators are required to obey a stipulation that at least 40 percent of the employees in every workshop are unskilled laborers living below the poverty line. The policy is facilitated by financial support from local governments, such as subsidized loans, to encourage the employment of the worst-off in society.

Training sessions

To provide the new employees with the requisite skills, the local government held 320 training sessions to teach them about industries such as furniture manufacture, hair products, clothing and electrical parts.

To date, 536 workshops have been built in Juancheng, and the initiative has prompted similar programs in other counties. More than 1,800 workshops have been built in villages across Heze, which administers Juancheng, providing jobs for 200,000 farmers, who are able to work near their homes. The move resulted in 57,000 rural laborers being lifted out of poverty last year.

Juancheng is known for hair products and furniture making. For the past three years, the output of the county’s hair-product outfits has registered an annual increase of 25 percent.

“Hair-processing enterprises usually need huge workforces. This is the type of work that farmers can easily do and their availability means the employers’ labor costs are reduced,” Gu said.

According to Fan Jifu, manager of Hongjuyuan Craftwork Co, a hair-processing company, sales hit 220 million yuan last year, a rise of 30 percent from 2015.

He said the business operates nine village workshops and employs more than 700 poverty-stricken farmers at competitive rates: “The workshop model has reduced our labor costs by 20 percent.”

So far, 225 companies have been attracted to four industrial parks built by the county to lure hair-processing enterprises.

Meanwhile, the county is encouraging young people who have moved away to return and set up their own businesses.

Li Zhichao, who worked in South China for six years, learned about the workshop model when he returned to Juancheng at the end of 2015 to prepare for the upcoming Spring Festival. Impressed by the initiative, he rented a workshop for 15,000 yuan a year and started manufacturing cables for cellphones.

The workshop was quickly inundated with orders, so Li rented three more. He now employs about 400 people, half of them living below the poverty line.

In addition to providing jobs, the workshops are also generating tax revenue for the local government. Statistics supplied by the Juancheng government show that tax revenue from the furniture making businesses rose by more than 73 percent last year, compared with 2015, while the tax take from hair-processing operations rose by nearly 41.5 percent.

“The workshops provide places where poor farmers can work close to home and make a better living with their own hands, rather than relying on benefits. This year, we will encourage some operators to register as businesses and expand their sales networks through e-commerce channels,” Gu said.

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Quality, efficiency should be growth focus: Li

The country’s economic agenda should prioritize quality and efficiency to achieve this year’s growth target, and also ensure improving public services such as education and healthcare, Premier Li Keqiang told lawmakers on Monday.

The Government Work Report set a target of around 6.5 percent, which is a medium high-speed growth in line with economic laws for the country’s $11 trillion economy, Li told deputies of the National People’s Congress from the Shandong delegation during a panel discussion on Monday morning.

The economic growth will shore up employment, and the focus of this year’s work should be on improving quality and efficiency by further reform and opening-up to strengthen intrinsic vitality, Li added.

Shandong reported GDP of 6.7 trillion yuan ($972 billion) last year, or nearly 10 percent of China’s GDP.

The premier said that ensuring medium high-speed economic growth must take supply-side structural reform as its central work while industrial transformation and economic upgrading are promoted.

The premier also called for continued administrative streamlining, lower institutional costs for enterprises and creating an inclusive and fair environment. Meanwhile, entrepreneurship and innovation should be encouraged to boost the transformation of traditional industries and cultivate new growth momentum, he said.

Li said economic achievements will be embodied in boosting employment, education, healthcare, social security, housing and environmental protection.

On Monday, another four members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee joined discussions of NPC deputies and members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

Zhang Dejiang, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, said during discussions with deputies from Macao and Hong Kong that the country has made enormous progress-including new achievements while implementing the One Country, Two Systems policy since the 18th Party Congress in 2012.

At a meeting of sectors of the China Democratic League and public figures without party affiliation, Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the National Committee of the CPPCC, said that General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping’s speech on Sunday should be heeded regarding care and respect for intellectuals.

Wang Qishan, secretary of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, called for protecting the sources of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers, while meeting with deputies from Qinghai province.

While talking to deputies from Tianjin, Vice-Premier Zhang Gaoli called for steady economic development and social harmony to usher in the 19th Party Congress.

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