“Saying sorry is not enough”: Greens call for water companies to be brought into public ownership

18 May 2023

The Green Party has reiterated its call for water companies to be brought into public ownership after Water UK apologised for presiding over a rising tide of sewage discharges.

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“Rivers and coastlines up and down the country have faced years of assault at the hands of the water companies and a government that has refused to act.

“Saying sorry is simply not enough – and suggesting that the public has to pay for any improvements, after £57bn has been paid out in payouts to shareholders over the last 30 years [1], just adds insult to injury.

“Currently water companies can, almost with impunity, dump sewage into our rivers, waterways and coastal waters with an appalling cost to public health and our wildlife. This situation cannot go on.

“For decades, money that should have been invested in improved infrastructure has been trousered by water company executives and shareholders. 

“Only the Greens have the courage to challenge this failed experiment with privatisation and to say that a service as vital as water and sewage needs to be run by the public and for the public good.

“Shareholder payouts need to be halted with immediate effect and, ultimately, the water supply needs to be brought back into public ownership at the earliest practicable opportunity in order to end leaks, stop sewage discharges and cut bills.”





For more information or to arrange an interview contact the press office on press@greenparty.org.uk or call 0203 691 9401

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Greens call for halt to all new fossil fuel projects after 1.5C warning

17 May 2023

The Green Party has urged the UK government to halt all new fossil fuel projects with immediate effect after the World Meteorological Organisation said there was a 66% chance we will pass the 1.5C global warming threshold between now and 2027.

Green Party co–leader Carla Denyer said:

“Our climate and natural world is in breakdown and the reason for this is crystal clear – the burning of fossil fuels.

“Despite this, the UK government continues to drive us all into further climate chaos by opening new coal mines, offering new oil and gas licences and spending billions on building new roads.

“Let this be the moment which shows those in power that they need to be taking decisive action now. I am urging Rishi Sunak to do the right thing and cancel the Cumbria coal mine, stop the Rosebank oil field and drop all new climate-wrecking oil and gas licences immediately.

“It is only by keeping fossils in the ground and investing in measures which reduce our emissions and improve the quality of all of our lives that we will ever be able to address this climate and ecological emergency.”


For more information or to arrange an interview contact the press office on press@greenparty.org.uk or call 0203 691 9401

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Greens call for Renters’ Reform Bill to go further and end spiralling rents

17 May 2023

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer has welcomed the government’s plans to end no fault evictions in a bill to be introduced to Parliament today [1], but urged it to go much further to protect those facing unaffordable rent increases in the middle of a cost of living crisis.

Denyer said:

“Everyone deserves a place to call home, and so I welcome the government’s plans to end no fault evictions, but this is an opportunity to go much further and help the thousands of people who are trapped in the private rental market by spiralling rents that bear no relationship to incomes.

“In the short term we need to see an immediate rent freeze, to go alongside an eviction ban, to prevent people being made homeless during this cost of living crisis.

“And then in the longer term, I want to see councils being given the power to bring in rent controls in areas where the housing market is overheated. 

“At the same time, we need much stricter controls on the type of new homes being built to include more affordable and social housing for buying and renting.”






For more information or to arrange an interview contact the press office on press@greenparty.org.uk or call 0203 691 9401


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Green Party reaction to Rishi Sunak’s food and farming summit

16 May 2023

Responding to today’s food and farming summit at Downing Street, co-leader of the Green Party, Adrian Ramsay, said:

“A food and farming summit is welcome at a time when food prices continue to soar [1]. Such a summit is something the Green Party called for over a year ago [2].   

“However, with the emphasis on supermarkets and major food manufacturers, it feels like this summit is lacking the transformative vision that we need. The door to Number 10 seems blocked to many UK small scale farmers and food producers who have creative ideas on supplying healthy and affordable food while at the same time showing how agriculture can help tackle the climate and ecological emergency. 

“The Green Party has long supported regenerative agriculture, farming that works with nature rather than against it. A major focus here should be building farming systems that capture carbon, whether through organic farming or agroforestry, as well as the restoration of peatlands.

“There is a growing public trend towards more plant-based diets which provide new opportunities for UK farmers as well as easing the climate pressure from meat and dairy production. We need a horticulture plan to replace the plan withdrawn last month, but focused on local production for local markets rather than the mechanised vegetable factories favoured by the supermarkets [3].

“We should be seizing this opportunity to look at the successful farming methods which capture carbon, improve soil quality and increase biodiversity.”


1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-65596502

2. https://www.greenparty.org.uk/news/2022/03/11/greens-call-for-emergency-food-security-summit/

3. https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/fruit-and-veg/horticulture-alliance-resigns-from-government-roundtable-ahead-of-sunak-summit/679218.article    

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Greens make record gains in historic local election results

5 May 2023

  • Greens make a record 200 gains – the highest ever growth in the party’s 50 year history
  • Party gains majority control of a local authority for the first time – win in Mid Suffolk lays foundation for new MPs at General Election
  • Made a total of 155 net gains from the Conservatives – cementing its position as the true opposition to the government in many places across the country
  • Greens became largest party in Lewes, where the Conservatives were wiped out
  • Breakthroughs in North East Derbyshire, Sevenoaks, New Forest, Southend-on-Sea, Havant, Erewash, Worthing, Staffordshire Moorlands and South Kesteven where Green candidate has ousted Conservative Council Leader and Greens have taken three other seats off the Conservatives

The Greens are celebrating a monumental local election result after the party made the most gains in its 50 year history and took control of a local authority for the first time in the UK – and Europe.

The Green Party went into this year’s local elections looking to defend more seats than ever before – following its record surge in 2019. However, not only did the Greens hold 223 of their incumbent councillors, but the Greens have gained 200 new councillors, taking the total number of Green councillors in England and Wales to a record 737, on a record 166 councils.

The Green Party has taken majority control of Mid Suffolk council – the first time that Greens have held a majority on a council anywhere in Europe. Greens are now also the largest group on several councils in No Overall Control, where they will be engaging in negotiations with other parties over coming days to form an administration. 

The Greens gained at the hands of some significant conservative losses – taking a net 155 seats from the Tories. Lewes District Council, where the Greens are already in administration, saw the Greens become the largest party. The Conservatives were completely wiped out in Lewes, going from the largest group to having no councillors at all. 

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“This has been an historic night for the Greens and one which paves the way for success in the general election next year. I want to congratulate the hundreds of councillors and the countless volunteers who have worked tirelessly to achieve this incredible set of results.

“With our wins in places such as Mid Suffolk, Lewes and East Hertfordshire, it is clear that the Conservatives are crumbling and in many areas it is now the Greens who are the only real opposition. The sooner we have a general election the better. 

“Voters are fed up of this Conservative government and are turning to the Greens because we offer a real alternative, with hard-working local councillors and sound practical policies to tackle local and national issues such as the cost-of-living crisis, housing, underfunded and run down public services and the state of our rivers.”


For further information or to arrange an interview please contact the press office on press@greenparty.org.uk or call 0203 691 9401


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