Caroline Lucas: Brexit TV debate must be cross-party

26 November 2018

Calling on broadcasters to include the Green Party in any TV debate on the Government’s Brexit deal, Caroline Lucas MP said:

“It’s good to hear the Prime Minister is considering reaching out to the public with a TV debate on her bungled Brexit deal. But for this conversation about our collective future to have any semblance of democracy, it must represent the views of everyone.

“That means it must be cross-party, featuring a diverse range of voices representing every nation, as well as every stance on this deal and our relationship with the EU – not just the Government and an opposition party who are falling far short of actually opposing the Prime Minister’s approach.

“I stand ready to debate with all other parties, and make the case that a People’s Vote is now the only democratic way forward.”

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Caroline Lucas calls for Select Committee on Climate Change after “vague” speech by Gove

26 November 2018

Responding to Michael Gove’s speech on the latest climate change projections, Green Party MP Caroline Lucas said:

“These projections paint a devastating picture of what climate breakdown means for the UK if we continue down the path we’re on. Michael Gove’s vague talk of mitigating the worst impacts of floods, droughts and storms are far from reassuring.

“It’s increasingly clear the Government isn’t going to embark on the urgent economic transformation we need to secure our futures. It’s now up to Parliament to create a Select Committee on Climate Change to pile pressure on ministers and chart a course out of this crisis.

“Those MPs must urgently begin drafting legislation to impose absolute limits on our use of resources and outlaw wasteful product designs. They must measure the Government’s success according to people’s quality of life and the health of our ecosystems – not economic growth. And they must set out binding plans to ensure people can thrive as we reimagine our society.”

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Green deputy leader selected as Newport West candidate

23 November 2018

* Amelia Womack selected as Newport West candidate in event of snap General Election

* Newport born and raised Womack pledges to give voters a “real alternative to the status quo”

* Womack: “Newport has been overlooked and left behind for too long”

Green Party of England and Wales deputy leader Amelia Womack has been selected as the party’s candidate in Newport West in the event of a by-election or snap general election.

The announcement follows news that Newport West MP Paul Flynn will stand down at the earliest opportunity. [1]

Womack, who was born and raised in Newport, has pledged to bring green jobs to her hometown, support local businesses and champion environmentally sustainable alternatives to the M4 motorway expansion.

After being elected as Green Party deputy leader in 2014, Womack stood for Cardiff Central in the 2016 Welsh Assembly election.

The local party in Newport selected Womack as the Newport West Parliamentary candidate at a meeting on the evening of Thursday 22 November.

Amelia Womack, deputy leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, said:

“Newport has been overlooked and left behind for too long. I’m honoured to have been selected to represent the Green Party in my hometown and am excited to get stuck in and give voters a real alternative to the status quo.

“I have seen first hand the impact decades of underinvestment have had on Newport and am committed to securing new clean, sustainable jobs to help revitalise our forgotten local economy.

“With plans for toxic sludge to be dumped just down the coast the need for fearless, independent Green voices to stand up for our city has never been greater. I pledge to oppose the short-term thinking behind plans for the polluting M4 expansion, and will fight for the protection of Newport’s local environment to be at the heart of all decisions made for our city.” [2] [3]





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Caroline Lucas: Flights to Cornwall will accelerate climate disaster

22 November 2018

The Green Party has responded to the Government’s announcement of new flights between Heathrow and Cornwall.

Caroline Lucas said MP: “The world’s top scientists say we’ve got 12 years to avoid climate catastrophe.

“Yet this Government appears to be doing all it can to accelerate disaster. These extra flights will add to noise, air pollution and climate-wrecking emissions – all for the benefit of a tiny minority.

“Chris Grayling should be investing in improving creaking rail links to Cornwall – not wasting public money on damaging domestic flights.”

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Caroline Lucas: “This isn’t a parlour game for the Westminster class”

15 November 2018

Responding to the Prime Minister’s statement on the Brexit deal, Green Party MP Caroline Lucas said: “The Prime Minister knows the maths – her deal is never going to get through the Commons, and no deal would be an unmitigated disaster.
“We now risk chaos – job losses, businesses going under, crisis for our NHS, families divided and environmental rules torn up. That was never the will of the people.
“This isn’t a parlour game for the Westminster class. MPs are playing with people’s real lives.
“At this moment of conscience we must put aside party politics. Parliament must give control back to the public and deliver a People’s Vote.”

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