Caroline Lucas: Spending Review totally slapdash on climate

4 September 2019

Responding to Sajid Javid’s Spending Review today, Green MP Caroline Lucas said that the Chancellor appeared to be modelling his environmental approach on Jackson Pollock on a very quiet day.

Caroline said: “We’re used to official greenwash from government, but what we saw today was a mere slapdash swipe, a few drops of paint, on a canvas that otherwise entirely overlooked our climate emergency.

“Our environment was totally ignored in the overview of the UK economy, and the Chancellor only got around to a specific climate announcement two-thirds of the way into the speech. 

“Any Chancellor fit for office would have announced a Green New Deal as an economic cure for the triple crisis of inequality, climate breakdown and failed finance.

“This spending review doubles down on a failed economic model that is trashing our environment, and trashing the prospects for young people.

Caroline added:

“The Chancellor has splashed the cash on health and education, although this money will do little to repair the deep damage he and his party caused with the years of austerity. Voters will see through his attempts to buy their support ahead of an election.

“There is nothing in this spending round which addresses the scale of the climate emergency.  No detail on decarbonisation, nothing on renewable energy, nothing to promote a programme of building millions of zero-carbon homes. Barely anything to transform transport and far too little to reverse the catastrophic decline in our biodiversity and health of our environment.

“This is all achievable and the climate crisis can’t wait.  Public demand for climate action is higher than ever. We’re tired of promises unmatched by action.  Sajid Javid hasn’t just missed a vital opportunity. He’s betrayed our future.” 

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Green London Assembly member arrested in Trafalgar Square during Defend Our Democracy protest

31 August 2019

Video footage has emerged of Green London Assembly member Caroline Russell being arrested in Trafalgar Square while taking part in a Defend Our Democracy protest (1)

Her fellow Green London Assembly member Sian Berry, Green Party co-leader, said:

“Earlier today, I was speaking at the main rally of the Defend Our Democracy protest. I said then that we were calmly determined not to have our rights chipped away. Protest, and direct action were needed, I said then.

“I’m proud that Caroline has been at the forefront, with others, of showing that determination. 

“History tells us that all the rights we have we had to win. No one has ever handed them to us. 

“And Caroline and the others on the streets in London today were defending those hard-won rights that are now under attack from Boris Johnson.

“We, the people, will come back on the streets again and again in the coming weeks of national crisis to defend our MPs and win our final say. 

“We will keep saying to Boris Johnson, to Jacob Rees-Mogg, to Dominic Raab – your actions do not represent us

“If you abuse power, we the people will make sure you won’t be in power much longer.”



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Proroguing of Parliament is a cynical attempt to subvert the will of parliament.

28 August 2019

Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, commenting on the announcement from Boris Johnson this morning of plans to prorogue parliament, said:

“This is an outrage, a cynical attempt to subvert the will of parliament.

“It is clear there is already a huge public reaction against this, with signatures flooding in on petitions and plans being made for peaceful demonstrations at Westminster, which the Green Party will be supporting.”

“It is important that everyone doesn’t despair, but gets active instead. There are four key actors in this situation: the government, the parliament, the people and the courts.

“Certainly the first three, and probably the fourth, are going to have important roles – we want to encourage the people to be at the forefront, as should be the way in a democracy.

“There is no democratic way to deliver a crash-out Brexit. We need a People’s Vote: that is the most democratic way forward that hands the crucial issue back to the people.”

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Green peer reacts to reports of a possible cut to fuel duty

25 August 2019

Responding to reports of a possble cut to fuel duty (1), Green peer Jenny Jones has said:


“The UK has declared a climate emergency, there’s grave global concern about the Amazon, ‘the lungs of the world’, being consumed by fire, and yet what we hear from our Prime Minister is the floating of a populist policy that he hopes will win over the votes of Brexit Party backers.

“Thus is Boris Johnson boosterism exposed as the nakedly self-interested, short-termist approach that it is. It has not the interests of the British people or the fragile, threatened planet at heart, but the political interests of one man.

“This is no way to run a country.”


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Green Party Education Spokesperson: A-levels do not reflect 21st-century skills needs

15 August 2019

Commenting on today’s A-levels results, Vix Lowthion, Green Party Education Spokeperson and a secondary teacher who was with her pupils as they got the results this morning, said:

“This morning I was looking at the nervousness of students, teachers and parents and reflecting how A-levels are high-stakes testing.

“Pupils feel that their whole future is fixed in three exams taken in the summer heat. The working reality for adults is investigation, project work and in teams. Our qualifications system should reflect these 21st-century skills.

“A-levels instead emphasise the ability to memorise and pass tests.

Our society needs adults who can analyse, reflect and collaborate. These skills can be built through module tests and research.

“As a sixth-form teacher I know the hard work and stress A-levels can generate.

“My compassion and support if you’re disappointed. Life’s joys aren’t only found through taking the straight and direct paths.”

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