One month extension to eviction ban not enough, Greens warn

21 August 2020

The ban on evictions in England has today been extended until 20 September. [1]

The ban was due to end on Sunday, 23 August, risking an unprecedented wave of homelessness, with a possible second wave of coronavirus on the way.

Responding to the announcement, Green Party councillor Carla Denyer from Bristol said:

“A one month extension to the ban is simply not enough. It must be extended until this crisis is over.

“Citizens Advice has said [2] that carers, key workers and those who have been shielding are set to be most at risk. This is an intolerable injustice. 

“Everybody has the right to a home always, but especially during a pandemic the government must do whatever it takes to ensure people are protected and not left without a safe place to live.

“Throughout lockdown the Greens have been calling for a permanent end to no-fault evictions and for rent arrears accrued during the pandemic to be forgiven to ensure that nobody is left behind on housing security. [3]

“This latest u-turn does not offer the security renters need. Thousands of people will still be left fearing what is going to happen in just a few weeks. 

“The government must make clear that nobody will be forced on to the streets during this pandemic.”





The Green Party’s “Whatever It Takes” sets out the party’s plan to ensure no one is left behind during this pandemic

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Greens call for overhaul of education system after results fiasco

19 August 2020

Ahead of GCSE results day, the Green Party has warned the recent fiasco over using an algorithm to determine results illustrates the failings of placing too much emphasis on national examinations and league tables over the learning needs of individual children.

The Greens have now called for an overhaul of the education system in order to  tackle the disadvantage and inequality within it and provide further opportunities to learn throughout life.

Green Party education spokesperson Vix Lowthion, who is also a secondary school teacher on the Isle of Wight, said:

“The education system needs a complete overhaul to bring it into the 21st century.

“The results fiasco is a clear example of how the current system is not fit for purpose. The mere idea of adjusting results by algorithm in order to fit in with league tables shows just how warped the system has become and how little it prioritises the most important aspect, the students.

“As teachers we are nurturing the leaders of tomorrow and so we must stop limiting their potential through high stakes testing which creates unnecessary pressure and instead promote a system of continuous assessment to enhance the learning of each individual child.”

The Green Party has issued a five point plan to overhaul the education system and encourage learning for life:

  • Trust teachers and take into account regular centre assessed grades at fixed points throughout the course for GCSE and A level
  • Reinstate opportunities for coursework and modular assessment, which was removed by Michael Gove’s reforms
  • Scrap league tables of exam results, and instead focus on reporting to parents on a mix of academic, practical and cultural achievements and opportunities for students in our schools
  • Evaluate the purpose of education, which is not merely to pass exams, but to equip young people with practical and academic skills for the 21st century. Students do not need a curriculum for the office workers of the past, but to become problem solvers of the future
  • Support educational opportunities outside of schools including home learning, adult learning and distance learning



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Green Party condemns government’s lack of progress on LGBTIQA+ rights

18 August 2020

  • Two years since government published LGBT Action Plan yet still no action
  • Greens condemn lack of progress and demand Liz Truss recommits to plan
  • Natalie Bennett: “This government made a promise to the LGBTIQA+ community to make lives better, but the copious delays have meant more suffering and uncertainty.”

The Green Party has condemned the government’s lack of progress on its own LGBT Action Plan more than two years after it was published.

Theresa May published the plan while Prime Minister  in July 2018 [1], yet the government has so far failed to publish its annual review of progress.

At the time the plan was published, then Minister for Women and Equalities Penny Mordaunt promised that she was “determined to help make the UK a country that works for LGBT people because no matter what your gender identity or sexual orientation is, you should be able to reach your full potential.”

While the plan was welcomed as a positive step forward when it was announced, two years later the lack of progress has become notable.

The Green Party has now urged the current Equalities Minister Liz Truss to recommit to the LGBT Action Plan and deliver on the promises the government has made.

Green peer Natalie Bennett said: “The lack of progress on the LGBT Action Plan is incredibly disappointing. 

“This government made a promise to the LGBTIQA+ community to make lives better, but the copious delays have meant more suffering and uncertainty. The absence of leadership has allowed transphobia and bigotry to prosper.”

Two years since the publication of the plan, the government has failed to:

  • Ban conversion therapy – despite repeated promises [2]
  • Deliver on the promise to reform the Gender Recognition Act – and make legal recognition of one’s gender a kinder process [3]
  • Launch an enquiry on the needs of non-binary people [4]
  • Collect improved data on LGBTIQA+ lives – including the prevalence of LGBTIQA+ suicides [5]
  • Fully roll out PrEP with a sufficient budget for commissioning [6]
  • Tackle unreasonably long waiting times at Gender Identity Clinics [7]
  • Make the asylum process for LGBTIQA+ refugees fairer [8]

LGBTIQA+ Greens deputy chair Lee-Anne Lawrance said: “The absence of the annual report is disturbing. Is the government’s commitment to equality waning? 

“I’d urge Liz Truss to not delay any more. Ban conversion therapy. Reform the Gender Recognition Act. Recommit to the LGBT Action Plan.”




Plan available here:


Liz Truss promised plans to be published “shortly” in June


Boris has once again confirmed a delay in publishing any recommendations


The government has not published the promised inquiry since the LGBT Action plan


“One year on from its “updated Suicide Prevention Strategy”, the government is yet to start its “rapid evidence review” into LGBT suicide.”


The government announced a £5 million budget cut to the PrEP commissioning budget – before the delayed rollout


GIC waiting lists are at crisis point


LGBTIQA+ refugees are regularly having their claims rejected by the UK government

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Greens urge government to reinstate teachers’ A Level grades

13 August 2020

The Green Party has urged the government to reinstate teachers’ grades after it was revealed that almost 40% had been downgraded by the exam regulator’s algorithm.

Green Party education spokesperson Vix Lowthion, who is also an A Level teacher on the Isle of Wight, said:

“To see almost 40% of marks in England being downgraded in this way is extremely worrying.

“This will have a massively detrimental impact on students, particularly those who have gone to school in disadvantaged areas.

“The Class of 2020 have already lost opportunities in terms of jobs, travel and daily support from staff. 

“To limit their life chances in this way, through overruling the professional judgement of teaching staff, is unforgivable.

“Students, parents and schools have been left confused by the ever changing goalposts and how to make an appeal. 

“We urge this government to not delay and to reinstate the Centre Assessed Grades by teachers (CAG) and provide a clear and transparent Appeals process which students can begin today.”


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A Level students need clear way to appeal results to avoid widening inequality

11 August 2020

All A Level students must have a clear and credible way to appeal their results on Thursday to ensure pupils from disadvantaged communities are not doubly penalised by the arbitrary downgrading of their scores, the Green Party has warned.

Grades submitted by teachers for students across the country are expected to have been downgraded by exam regulator Ofqual after exams were cancelled this summer due to coronavirus, fuelling fears youngsters from disadvantaged communities will be most unfairly  affected.  

Ahead of the results being published on Thursday [12 August], the Greens have said the grades teachers gave their pupils should have been granted and that all students must have a simple and credible way to appeal their results.

Green Party education spokesperson Vix Lowthion said:

“Downgrading students for no fault of their own is the worst way Ofqual could have gone about this. 

“It has been an extremely difficult summer for schools, pupils and examiners, but basing grades on schools’ past attainments will punish disadvantaged students and only widen inequalities in our society.

“This has not been a normal year and there is no point in pretending it has been. Instead, teachers should have been listened to and trusted. Teachers are the ones who know their pupils best and are most qualified to say how they would have achieved.

“Now it looks like modelling has taken place, the government must do everything it can to ensure a clear and credible appeals process is in place that allows any student to appeal their grades.

“The current system looks arbitrary and unclear. This is not the time to be gambling with peoples’ futures when so much is at stake, both for our young people and the country at large.”


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