Sian Berry welcomes choice of Anna Baerbock as Green candidate for German Chancellor

19 April 2021

  • “A chance for real action on the climate, ecological and social emergencies”

Green Party Co-Leader Sian Berry has welcomed the announcement that Annalena Baerbock will be the German Greens candidate for Chancellor in the September elections.

“I’m delighted that Annalena Baerbock has been chosen as Chancellor candidate by the German Greens. During her time as co-leader she has shown that she combines sound political judgement with strong communication skills and warmth.

“This is the first time the German Greens have put forward a candidate for Chancellor ahead of elections, which reflects their growing strength in the polls.

“The possibility that the German Greens could be the leading partner in a governing coalition of the most powerful country in Europe means a chance for real action on the climate, ecological and social emergencies.”



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Green Greater Manchester Mayor candidate condemns “Oligarch’s League” as theft of the people’s game

19 April 2021

  • Melanie Horrocks: “This is the logical end-point of a focus on cash rather than community”

The Green Party candidate for Mayor of Greater Manchester has slammed the announcement that six Premier League clubs are taking part in a breakaway European Super League.

The move, announced by 12 European clubs including Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool Manchester City, Manchester United and Tottenham Hotspur, would see the creation of an exclusive league with no risk of relegation for the founding clubs.

Melanie Horrocks, Green Party candidate for Greater Manchester, has said the move is an act of pure greed designed to guarantee ever-increasing profits for distant owners, over the benefit of the game itself and the millions of people who follow it.

Horrocks said:

“This move is not about football or any of the things that so many of us love about it. This is about sheer, bare-faced greed from a small number of incredibly rich men who own these clubs and couldn’t care less about the wider footballing system in which they have grown.

“Ultimately, this is the logical end-point of a focus on cash rather than community. It is what happens when fans are not involved in the owning and running of the clubs which are so often at the heart of their local communities.

“That is why, we would favour a German-style ownership model which means the fans, rather than foreign owners, are always in control. 

“Better still we would provide incentives for clubs to adopt a mutual ownership model so that fans not only decide what happens with the club but are also enabled to ensure that the proceeds of their success are shared with the wider community.

“We strongly urge the football governance bodies to follow through on their warnings that any club that joins the new league will be banned from competing in current domestic and international competitions.”





Green Party policy reads:

CMS862 The Green Party would prefer professional sporting clubs to be mutually owned by the members rather than by shareholders. For those clubs which are currently Public Limited Companies, whose shares are traded internationally, the risk is always that distant shareholders, with no regard for the community the club is supposed to represent, will take over the club and sever all meaningful links with the local community. In some instances, clubs have even been moved to other towns and cities – making a mockery of any supposed local connection implied in the club’s name. We will introduce legal mechanisms to allow transformation of such PLCs into Mutual Organisations with agreement of stakeholders.


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Green Party statement on the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh

14 April 2021

As a mark of respect the Green Party will be halting all national campaigning in the period leading up to, during and following the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh. 

This suspension will begin at 8pm Friday night and run until 8am Sunday morning. 

Co-leader Jonathan Bartley said: “The Green Party will be joining in this moment of national mourning for the Duke of Edinburgh. 

 “It will no doubt be an immensely difficult and emotional time for the Queen and the rest of the Royal Family as they lay Prince Philip to rest. Our thoughts will be with them all.”


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Green Party condolences on death of Duke of Edinburgh

9 April 2021

The Green Party has expressed sincere condolences to the Queen and the rest of the Royal Family following the sad news of the Duke of Edinburgh’s passing at the age of 99.

Co-leader Sian Berry said: “The Queen and Prince Philip were married for more than 70 years and this is undoubtedly a time of great sadness.

“Prince Philip made a notable contribution to connecting young people with nature and the outdoors through the founding of the DofE award scheme.

“Like so many people across the country, our thoughts are with the Queen and her family today.”

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COP26 cannot be delayed again, Greens warn

31 March 2021

  • Jonathan Bartley: “The government still doesn’t seem to have grasped the meaning of the phrase ‘climate emergency’”

The COP26 climate change summit must go ahead in November, the Greens have warned amid reports that it could be delayed for a second time. [1]

Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley said:

“The government still doesn’t seem to have grasped the meaning of the phrase ‘climate emergency’. We have already left it 30 years too late to take urgent global action and we cannot allow the vital UN COP26 to be delayed again.

“We appreciate how important face-to-face meetings are during negotiations, but what is absolutely essential is that we stop delaying these vital talks and start the process of ensuring global emissions are reduced as quickly as possible.

“We would urge the government to start preparing now to make sure it can still be held this year, even if that means a limited number of personal meetings, with good ventilation and social distancing, combined with online meetings. This would enable the conference to take place in November – already a year later than scheduled.

“However, it is vital that we avoid any situation that further marginalises those countries who are most at risk from the climate crisis as they are the ones on the frontline of the battle against climate change.

“If there must be limits on numbers then we call on the government now to set out how it will prioritise those most at risk.”




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