Greens call for 2021 exams to be replaced by classroom-based assessments

12 November 2020

Next year’s exams in England must be replaced with classroom-based assessments that will allow schools to determine grades, the Green Party has said.

Following the fiasco this summer which saw an algorithm used to determine grades [1], and as evidence emerges of regional inequalities in the impact of coronavirus [2], the Greens education spokesperson has urged the government to set out a clear plan for next year’s GCSEs, A Levels and SATs.

Lowthion, a secondary school teacher on the Isle of Wight, said:

“The regional inequalities across England that we have seen during the pandemic means that it would be completely unfair if exams were to go ahead as usual in 2021.

“At the same time, students should not be limited to teacher assessed grades. This would be unfair on both staff and pupils and, as we saw this summer, can be badly affected by an algorithm based on prior attainment rather than current ability.

“Exams in 2021 cannot be business as usual. They must be replaced by classroom-based assessments, which are marked externally over the months until July. Schools must then be trusted to use these assessments to determine the student’s overall grade.”





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Spycops bill “one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation” ever proposed, warn Greens

11 November 2020

  • Jenny Jones, Green peer and former member of the Metropolitan Police Authority, condemns authoritarian tendency in Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill

Green Party peer Jenny Jones has condemned the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill ahead of its second reading in the House of Lords today. [1]

Baroness Jones, who was herself the subject of covert police surveillance for more than a decade, said:

“The police are paid to uphold the law; this Bill allows officers to either act illegally, or to pay others to break it.  It is one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation any government has ever proposed. 

“The government has learnt a major lesson from the spycops scandal and are passing legislation to ensure that innocent people, who become victims of devastating state intrusion in their personal lives, can never take legal action to get justice.”

The Green Party are particularly concerned about the creation of special units like the Special Demonstration Squad (SDS), which for many years worked outside the normal channels and reported directly to the Home Office. Such dubious activity can undermine the legal process.

Baroness Jones concluded:

“Court cases have collapsed in recent years as it emerged that police officers broke the law and acted as agents provocateurs when undercover. Our democracy requires that nobody is above the law and this must apply in particular to those who apply the law.”




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Green Party warns Labour’s green economic recovery plans do not go far enough

10 November 2020

The Green Party has warned Labour’s plans for a green economic recovery [1] are a step in the right direction but do not go far enough.

Responding to the publication of the policy, Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley, said:

“While it’s welcome to see Labour taking this step in the right direction we need to face the reality of the task before us, and this kind of ambition simply does not go far enough.

“At the last election the Green Party pledged to spend £100 billion a year for the next ten years to create millions of green jobs. This is the kind of ambition that is needed if we are serious about tackling the climate and social emergencies on our doorstep. [2]

“We no longer have time for the half measures or the gradual realisation we are seeing from the two main parties. 

“In a climate emergency we can’t be offering a half-hearted green recovery on one hand while bailing out airlines on the other. It’s time to match the scale of investment with the urgency of the climate emergency we’re facing.”





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Greens congratulate Joe Biden and welcome commitment to immediate climate action

7 November 2020

Responding to the victory of Joe Biden in the US Presidential elections, Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley, said:

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris should be congratulated for their historic result in the electoral college, securing more votes than any presidential candidate in US history. We’re delighted that their success also means the first female Vice President of the US. 

“The intensity with which the vote count has been followed this week is a reminder of how much the world depends on stable American governance and a reliable leader. 

“We welcome Joe Biden’s commitment to immediately sign the Paris Climate Agreement. The world is counting on him to urgently pivot the USA to a trajectory of net-zero carbon emissions and ecological sustainability.”

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Greens respond to NAO report showing Brexit border preparations unlikely to be completed in time

6 November 2020

With the end of the transition period less than two months away, the Green Party has condemned the government for failing to plan for the border checks that leaving the EU makes inevitable, and treating the businesses who really need to ‘get Brexit done’ with contempt.

Green Party deputy leader Amelia Womack said: “This is not about deal or no deal: whatever emerges from the Brexit negotiations will mean massive changes at our borders. This has been clear since Theresa May decided to leave the single market and customs union nearly three years ago and yet the necessary preparations have not been made.1 The government has been derelict in its duty to prepare our borders and its own worst-case scenario shows that up to 70% of lorries carrying goods may not be Brexit ready.

“The NAO is right to point out that leaving these preparations so late means public money is being wasted on infrastructure that could and should, have been provided by the private sector if the government had planned ahead. This is nothing to do with the extended Brexit negotiations and everything to do with government incompetence.”

Molly Scott Cato, former MEP and party Brexit spokesperson added: “It was astonishing that the Prime Minister failed to mention Brexit preparations during his recorded speech to the CBI earlier in the week. Our businesses are capable of great flexibility but only if they are clear about what they need to plan for. Leaving them in the dark adds to the risks created by Covid-19 and leaves British businesses extremely vulnerable.

“We maintain our position that continued membership of the single market and customs union is in the best interests of British business. This would mean that none of these checks would be necessary and would ensure a continued smooth flow of goods in and out of the UK.”



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