Greens offer snap reaction to #ITVDebate

Speaking from the ITV spin room, Green Party Co-Leader, Zack Polanski, gave a snap reaction to the ITV Debate saying: 

“Tonight the greens hopeful and ambitious vision for Britain clearly connected with the audience.

“We saw a battle of ideas on an equal platform.

“Voters were shown the full spread of electoral possibility.

“And while the tired rhetoric of the old parties looked isolated on stage tonight, the Greens hopeful and ambitious vision for Britain clearly resonated with the audience.

“Whether it was real investment in the NHS, an uplift in teachers’ pay or celebrating the role of immigration to our country.”

He continued, “Tonight Greens took to the national stage confident that our message of real hope and real change is resonating with more voters than ever before.

“People experienced for themselves how Greens offer a real alternative to the Conservative and Labour consensus.”

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Labour manifesto represents a diagnosis of doom for our NHS Greens warn

Responding to the publication of the Labour Party’s Manifesto that promises an “unprecedented slowdown” in NHS finances, Green Party Co-Leader Adrian Ramsay said,

“This Labour Party manifesto is a diagnosis of doom for our NHS and other frontline services.

“After 14 years of mismanagement and underfunding our health service is severely overstretched and crying out for real investment.

“Instead, the Labour Party has today promised investment of just 1.1% increase according to the Nuffield Trust, an “unprecedented slowdown in NHS finances”.

He continued, “Greens understand the severity of the crisis the NHS and have a plan to nurse it back to health.

“We are proposing a £50bn investment per year by 2030 alongside an additional £20bn capital investment fund.

“To quote the IFS “Labour continues in a conspiracy of silence on the difficulties they would face”.

“It’s time they were honest with the public.

“Our frontline services can’t keep limping on without real investment from real tax reform.”


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Green Party response to Labour’s manifesto 

Responding to the launch of Labour’s manifesto, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“Keir Starmer has today promised a change in direction. But he’s bound a future Labour government in a fiscal straitjacket which means very little will change. And there’s a glaring hole in Labour’s budget. Their refusal to increase taxes on the super-rich means they will be forced to resort to more public spending cuts. With our public services already on their knees after 14 years of Conservative government, we can’t afford to let this happen.  

“Labour is gambling on economic growth but failing to say how wealth will be shared out more fairly. Trickle-down economics will not fix Broken Britain. 

“What a contrast to our own manifesto launched yesterday where we pledged a fairer, greener tax system, to raise the funds needed to invest in nursing our NHS back to health, tackle the housing and climate crises and transition to a green economy. 

“We would abolish the cruel two-child benefit cap; Labour won’t. We’d end tuition fees and bring back grants for higher education; Labour won’t. And while Labour say they will hold the door open for the private sector in the NHS, Greens have made a cast-iron guarantee that we will fight privatisation and invest an extra £50bn per year by 2030 into health and social care. 

“The launch of Labour’s business-as-usual manifesto confirms the urgent need to elect a group of Green MPs to parliament so we can push a Labour government to be bolder and more ambitious.” 


Green Party manifesto:  

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Greens pledge ‘Investment to mend broken Britain’ 

  • Green Party to unveil Real Hope Real Change manifesto to invest to mend broken Britain  
  • Greens to propose fairer tax system to fund investment.  
  • Investment will focus on tackling housing and climate crises and healing the NHS 

The Green Party will today promise real change in a manifesto designed to “invest to mend broken Britain.”  

A fairer, greener tax system will raise tens of billions of pounds by asking super-rich multimillionaires and billionaires to pay more, equalising the treatment of income from work and wealth, and ensuring top earners pay National Insurance on their higher incomes. 

The money raised from the fairer tax system and borrowing to invest will be used for “game-changing” transformation in health, housing, transport and the green economy 

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has warned the next government will need to either cut public spending or increase taxes. The Green Party will show they are the only party being honest with voters by setting out how public services can be protected through a fairer, greener tax system. 

Green Party Co-Leader, Adrian Ramsay will say: “There is a conspiracy of silence between the main Westminster parties at this election.  

“Labour and the Conservatives would rather hide their plans for cuts to public services than confront the need for a fairer tax system that asks those with the broadest shoulders to pay more – including the very wealthiest in society, who have grown even wealthier over the last 14 years. 

“If people are to have access to an NHS dentist or a GP appointment, if we are to create warm secure homes for all and fund the green transition to tackle the climate crisis and create the jobs of tomorrow, we must be honest today.”    

Green Party Co-Leader Carla Denyer will add: “Things can only get worse under Labour unless we dramatically change our tax system to raise money from those with the broadest shoulders. 

“Young people, in particular, know just how broken Britain’s frontline services are. The economy is not working for them. They have been priced out of the housing market and are struggling to fund their education.   

“Now is the moment to be ambitious – not unrealistic – but ambitious. To be clear about the kind of country we want to live in. About how broken our public services are and the action that’s needed to fix them.” 

The Green manifesto pledges to invest in the next generation through a focus on quality housing, education and transport. 

The Green Party will also invest to protect the climate for future generations and to bring nature back to life.  

The Green Economic Transition will deliver an unprecedented retrofit programme for homes to make them warmer and cheaper to run. 

Green Party Parliamentary Candidate for Brighton Pavilion, Sian Berry, will launch the manifesto in Brighton later today.  

Sian will say: “The time for half measures and empty promises is over. Only the Green Party is offering real hope and real change at this election.” 

The manifesto also details plans to invest to nurse the NHS back to health with extra spending on health and social care rising to over £50bn per year by 2030, and £20bn capital investment to bring crumbling hospitals, primary care buildings and outdated equipment up to modern standards. 

Green Party Co-Leader, Adrian Ramsay, will say today: “Britain’s health care is broken. After 14 years of underinvestment, it now needs bold plans to nurse it back to health.  

“Greens are proud to be offering more than any other party to invest to nurse our NSH back to health. Greens will be honest about what is needed. By asking those with the broadest shoulders to pay more – including the very wealthiest – we can invest in the frontline service and infrastructure that we all rely on. 

“With more Green MPs in Parliament, we will stop Labour backtracking on any more of their promises. We will push them to be braver, to be more ambitious, and to actually do what’s necessary to fix our broken country and get us back on track.” 



  • Overall, we estimate that by the end of the next parliament our personal tax changes could raise between £50 and £70bn per year in 2024 prices. How we will make the tax system fairer: 
  • Wealth tax will be levied on individual taxpayers with assets above £10 million at 1% and assets above £1bn at 2% annually. We estimate less than 1% of households will pay this tax.  
  • Aligning capital gains tax with income tax.  In 2021/22 CGT was paid by 395,000 taxpayers which was only 1.23% of all income taxpayers. 
  • National Insurance contributions: The basic 8% rate should be charged on income above the Upper Earnings Limit.  The number of taxpayers affected would be less than 5m.  
  • Somebody earning £55,000 a year will pay £5.46 a week more in tax or £283.74 a year. 86% of taxpayers earn less than this. 
  • Somebody earning £65,000 a year will pay just under £17 a week more in tax or £883 a year. 90% of people don’t earn this. 
  • We would equate the rate of pension tax relief with the basic rate of income tax, so everybody would only get a tax relief of 20%.  Inheritance tax reform: closing the loopholes used by the super-rich.    
  • Levying a carbon tax at an initial rate of £120 per tonne, rising to a maximum of £500 per tonne of carbon emitted within ten years. It will initially align the different taxes on fossil fuels including: Fuel Duty, Climate Change Levy; payments under the emissions Trading Scheme. It will encourage businesses to decarbonise and be levied at a level that makes decarbonisation the cheaper option.  
  • We will not impose further increase on the main rates of corporation tax. We will advocate for windfall taxes where there is evidence that market distortions are creating risk free additional profits. Initially retaining the levy on energy companies’ windfall profits and applying another on Banks following interest rates rises. This could raise £9bn a year by the end of the Parliament.   

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Green party response to Sunak speech

Responding to PM Rishi Sunak’s pride in Tory achievements, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“This Conservative Prime Minister is heading for the exit because he is totally out of touch. 

“He claimed: ‘I am proud of what’s been achieved over the last 14 years’, but it is 14 years in which we broke away from our closest neighbors through Brexit, real wages fell, the NHS crumbled, and rivers filled with sewage. 

“No Prime Minister so out of touch with the hurt his government has caused so many people can expect to be re-elected. 

“So, we will have change on 4 July. The question is will it be the timid, tiny steps offered by Labour or can we achieve the real change the country needs to heal the NHS, tackle the climate crisis and give people hope that life can be so much better? 

“On Wednesday, the Green Party manifesto will offer just such a vision of real change and real hope.” 

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