Tag Archives: Fraser Macpherson


Weekly Road Report – West End Ward



Riverside Esplanade/Riverside Drive (Tay Road Bridge off ramp to 75m along Riverside Drive) – westbound nearside lane closure for 30 weeks to facilitate V&A construction works.

SSE Glenagnes Cable Renewal – Lochee Road lane restrictions and closures on Blinshall Street, Fleuchar Street and Scott Street for 4 months.

Perth Road (at West Park Road) – off-peak temporary traffic lights on Friday 28 April for BT manhole repairs.

Riverside Drive (at Tesco) – overnight (6.30pm – 6.00am) contraflow and eastbound lane closure on Friday 28 April for manhole repairs.

West Marketgait (Hawkhill – Ward Road) – off-peak nearside northbound lane closure on Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 April for carriageway patching.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Riverside Approach (Roseangle/Magdalen Yard Road to Riverside Drive) – closed from Tuesday 2 May for 2 weeks for carriageway resurfacing works.
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Way Back When – A Walk along the Hawkhill

From the Curator of Museum Services, University of Dundee :
Way Back When – A Walk along the Hawkhill

Saturday 29 April 2017, 2.30pm

Meet in the exhibition, Tower Foyer Gallery, University of Dundee

Many of the photographs in Walter Simms’ exhibition were taken in the Hawkhill, parts of which were then changing beyond all recognition. 

In this special guided walk we will explore the changing face of this historic street, with the help of photographs, artworks, poetry and memories, to try to bring its rich and varied past back to life. 

The event will include a chance to see some of Duncan of Jordanstone tutor Joseph McKenzie’s acclaimed photographs of the Hawkhill, courtesy of our colleagues at The McManus: Dundee’s Art Gallery and Museum.

Free admission but please book here.
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West End Timebank

The West End’s Timebank, Time2Give, sadly disbanded over a year ago.   Timebanking is a means of exchange used to organise people and organisations around a purpose, where time is the principal currency.  

For every hour participants ‘deposit’ in a timebank, perhaps by giving practical help and support to others, they are able to ‘withdraw’ equivalent support in time when they themselves are in need. In each case the participant decides what they can offer. 

It is a great, community-based, concept and there was originally great enthusiasm towards getting the West End timebank off the ground.   It ran well for a time and it was a real pity it came to an end.

I spoke some time ago with Jimmy Mooney who runs the Broughty Ferry Timebank (Ferry Time) and Jimmy advised that some West End residents were taking part in the Broughty Ferry group now given the lack of a West End group.

Jimmy is keen to encourage more West End residents to register with the group where they will be recognised as members from the West End.

For further information, please call him on 07975 943863.
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Zoology Museum talk – Conservation in the Quarry

From the Curator of Museum Services, University of Dundee :

The next evening talk in the D’Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum will be on Tuesday 25th April at 6pm, when Jim Cook of the Dundee Naturalists’ Society will be speaking about Conservation in the Quarry: Care and Maintenance of a Small Nature Refuge.

Well over 150 members and friends of the Dundee Nats have been working at Carsegowniemuir Quarry over recent years carrying out a wide variety of conservation tasks, including planting some 1,400 trees of 23 native species. 

The site has developed and improved, with the full support of the owners, and is now starting to attract an increasing number of different species. Jim will tell us what’s involved in organising a small nature refuge such as this – what kind of tasks are needed? How can you find out what’s there to begin with and what can you do to encourage more wildlife in? 

Jim is a long-standing member of Dundee Nats and has lectured in biology for many years. He has been the sub-committee organiser for the quarry for the last 15 years.

Refreshments will be served after the talk. Please enter the Carnelley Building by the main front entrance. Latecomers may not be admitted.

Admission is free but please reserve a space here.
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