Tag Archives: Fraser Macpherson


Getting things done – Tullideph Street

I highlighted at the latest meeting of Community Spirit Action Group residents’ complaints about a bad pothole in Tullideph Street along from the Tullideph Road junction.   I had reported this to the City Council.

The council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership has now advised me that :

An order has … been raised for the repair of a pothole on Tullideph Street approaching the Tullideph Road junction with a timescale for repair of approximately twenty eight days. There is currently a slight backlog with pothole repairs however additional resources have been allocated to address this.” read more

Botanica Mathematica

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

Botanica Mathematica
D’Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum
2nd – 30th June, Fridays 2 – 4.30pm

The D’Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum at the University of Dundee re-opens to the public for the summer season on 2 June and will be open every Friday 2-4.30pm until 1 September. Throughout June there will be a special addition to the displays – an exhibition of knitted artworks inspired by mathematical biology.

Botanica Mathematica is a textile taxonomy of mathematically inspired plant forms. Its creators, Julia Collins and Madeleine Shepherd, have combined ideas from D’Arcy Thompson’s On Growth and Form, computer science, fractals and hyperbolic geometry. The specimen collection consists mainly of crowd-sourced contributions of Binary Bonsai trees. 

Generative instructions and algorithmic knitting patterns are the genetic code of these creations; textile techniques are their metabolism. These patterns were released into the wild to evolve and change as makers around the world interpreted them. 

The elegant structures, rich textures and fascinating patterns that arise have been collected and classified, with the aid of taxonomist Jo Macrae, as if they were specimens in a botanical herbarium. 

The exhibition features Binary Bonsai, Fibonacci Flowers and Hyperbolic Chanterelles displayed throughout the museum. 

Madeleine Shepherd will be in the museum on 2 June to meet visitors and discuss her work. You can also find out more on her website here.
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Harris Academy FPs’ Lunch

The next Harris Academy Former Pupils’ Association Lunch is on Monday 5th June at 12 noon for 12.30pm.

It will be held in Invercarse Hotel on Perth Road and the cost per person, payable on arrival, will be £16.00.

More information is available from the FPs’ Treasurer Freida Soutar on 562788. 

You can read more about the Harris Academy Former Pupils’ Association here.

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