Update on the path from Tait’s Lane to Peddie Street #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that we have raised the poor condition of the pathway from Tait’s Lane to Peddie Street and yesterday we had a very positive site visit with officers from the council’s environment management and a Tait’s Lane resident about improving the lane.

It was agreed that the dumped items in the lane will be removed, graffiti tackled and over the winter months the weeds and overgrowth will be removed.

The resident who met us yesterday had the very positive suggestion of community use of the beds to allow local residents in Peddie Street and Tait’s Lane who are interested to tend a bed each in the lane.   

There will be engagement with neaby residents about this over the winter months too.   Meantime, if any resident has feedback on this proposal, please get in touch – many thanks.

Elliot Road tennis courts – your views appreciated! #dundeewestend

For some time, residents have raised concerns about the deteriorated state of the Elliot Road playing field’s tennis courts.

We had raised this with the City Council and, yesterday, Fraser took part in a very useful meeting including representatives from Dundee City Council, Harris Academy, sports clubs representatives and WECSH, the West End Community Sports Hub.

As an immediate step, Neighbourhood Services at the City Council will undertake some work to get rid of the weeds and roll the surface.

However, the main purpose of the meeting was to have some initial discussions about possible long-term improvements to hopefully create a multi-use games area to provide a multi-sport all weather facility.    This would, should it prove possible, benefit Harris Academy and its curriculum delivery but also have very positive West End community benefit.

We have agreed to take initial steps to look at possible partnership funding and delivery models but meantime Fraser would welcome feedback from residents on this by either Facebook message or by e-mailing him at fraser.macpherson@dundeecity.gov.uk – many thanks!

Getting things done – Riverside Drive #dundeewestend

Back in October 2021, Fraser had a site visit with a member of West End Community Council and a City Council officer about several issues on Riverside Drive.

We agreed that some cycle parking provision just east of the car park at the Bridgeview Station Restaurant would be a good idea, particularly as there was plenty space for this.

Fraser raised this with the City Development Department at the council and received a positive response.

It has taken a little time to deliver as it was tied into another project delivery schedule but we are pleased to say it has now been installed.

Dundee Art Society event #dundeewestend

This Friday evening – 16th September – from 7pm-9pm – sees the first in a series of free to attend talks by artists and speakers on varied and colourful topics showing the world of art in all its forms.

This will be hosted by Dundee Art Society at the Roseangle Gallery.

This Friday evening the talk and demonstration is by Karen van de Graaf, portrait artist.

Karen is known for her high speed portraits as an official artist at the Fringe Festival, landscapes, cityscapes and animal portraits and finds the experience she gained at the Fringe enhances the life in her paintings. 

Karen’s art conveys energy and her passion for colour. She uses different mediums including charcoal, watercolour, oil, soft pastel and inks. She enjoys making art using both a traditional approach to painting and a more abstract method.

Cost of living drop-in events

The cost of living crisis is making finances difficult to manage for many households.

To help with this, Dundee Citizens’ Advice Bureau is holding group sessions in Central Library to offer advice and information on the support that may be available the first one is this Thursday.


Thursday 15th September, 11am – 12 noon

Thursday 22nd September, 11am – 12 noon

Thursday 29th September, 11am – 12 noon

Thursday 6th October, 11am – 12 noon

For more information, phone 431500.    No booking required, all welcome!

Fraser has been in touch with Dundee CAB’s manager who advises “The library approached us to ask if we would be willing hold sessions for their service users.  They are expecting an influx of people using their services.

“So we are going to trial this for these dates and if it is successful, we would be willing to do this across Dundee for service users of other libraries. We could cover fuel poverty and the cost of living crisis.”

This is an excellent initiative by Dundee CAB and we hope that, if successful, other locations such as Blackness Library could be considered for future drop-ins.