Getting things done – road safety #dundeewestend

As residents are aware, I have long campaigned for further road safety improvements in the West End including “Twenty’s Plenty” in residential areas where there is local support for this and use of vehicle activated speed limit signs.     

There are currently two such signs in the West End on Blackness Road (east of Balgay Park) and Perth Road (near Clovis Duveau Drive) and I have campaigned for more of these at the request of residents – for example on City Road and Perth Road east of Harris Academy.

I highlighted at the council’s City Development Committee recently that the council does not actually have a policy for the use of vehicle activated speed limit signs – eg new sites, priority and rotation of signs.

The Head of Roads and Transportation thereafter updated me as follows :

“I have taken on board your comments below and the matters as raised at the City Development Committee and we will be developing a procedure for recording, prioritising and rotating the Vehicle Activated speed signage.  

Some of the older signs are fixed (owing to their design) however we will look at the type and provision and design of a rotational programme of sights around the city.  

There are obviously restricted financial budgets.  However there are opportunities through funding streams such as the Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets initiative and other competitive packages that I will encourage us to follow through.”

Scottish Art 1800-1900

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

Our latest exhibition has been opened in the Tower Foyer Gallery, University of Dundee, featuring a selection of the University’s extensive collection of 19th century Scottish art. 

It includes influential figures from early in the century such as Robert Scott Lauder and David Wilkie, renowned Victorian painters like William Quiller Orchardson and examples of the famous Glasgow Boys from the end of the century. 

One of the relatively few professional women painters of this era, Charlotte Nasmyth, is also featured, as well as notable Dundee artists such as James Douglas and David Foggie. 

The exhibition is on show until 28th September and is open Monday to Friday 9.30am-7pm, and Saturdays 1pm-5pm.

Coats n Quilts

The Coats n Quilts charity helps older people who struggle to stay warm, particularly during the winter months, through donations of coats and quilts. 

For more information, see the Coats n Quilts flyer here.

Dundee Citizens Advice Bureau – Financial Health Check

The Financial Health Check service is delivered by the Citizens Advice Network in Scotland.

It aims to help low income families to seek financial advice to maximise their income by ensuring that they are not paying more for essential goods and services that they need to and that they are getting all the benefits, grants and exemptions to which they are entitled. 

Anyone can access this service by calling 0800 085 7145 to receive telephone advice or be referred for a face to face appointment :

Break-In Prevention Advice

Police Scotland reports that break-ins to homes continue to take place and that are often due to the lack of security.   These break-ins are often committed by opportunists. 

A large number of these break-ins are easily preventable. 

To read about some simple crime prevention measures you can take to secure your property, please click here.