Getting things done – Speed Street #dundeewestend

I recently received complaints from residents about potholes in Speed Street.

I reported these to the council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership who advised :

“An order has been raised to repair two potholes in Speed Street.”

The work here was undertaken immediately before the current COVID-19 health emergency which has meant non-essential works are being delayed.

Getting things done – Blackness Library #dundeewestend

Residents will be aware that I have previously asked for the railings of Blackness Library to be repainted – this is badly needing done.

In principle, it was agreed the Community Payback Team would do this, and I recently asked for an update on timescale.

I have now received this helpful response from the Project Manager :

“Due to reduced staffing in my team, client numbers and the amount of work we have on our list (most of which are projects requiring several months’ work) we were unable to carry out any work to the railings.  We are now in a better position to commence the work. 

We’re looking at April until work can begin due to the weather but it is on my schedule for then. We’ll also be meeting on site to discuss the work.”

This response was received immediately prior to the COVID-19 health emergency and, clearly, the April timescale is now not possible.   However, it is good to know the work will be carried out in due course.

Road surface – Seafield Road #dundeewestend

As residents know, I have long campaigned to have the poor conditioned road surface of Seafield Road improved.

I am therefore pleased to have been advised by the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership, in reply to my lastest e-mail regarding this, as follows :

“Seafield Road has been identified for inclusion in future carriageway resurfacing schemes, provisionally 2020-2021 subject to budget availability.”

Temporary traffic order – Nablus Avenue

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of Scottish Water manhole repair works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Nablus Avenue (at the rising bollard), Dundee

This notice comes into effect on Wednesday 8th April at 7pm until Thursday 9th April 2020 at 6am.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

No alternative routes are available.

For further information contact 433082.

Executive Director of City Development
Dundee City Council

Road/pavement works – Benvie Road – suspended #dundeewestend

I have had enquiries from residents about signage that appeared on Benvie Road last week – near the junction with Benvie Gardens – that indicated forthcoming road/pavement works.

I have spoken with council roads engineers and this work was to have been undertaken by SSE contractors to instal a new electricity supply.

However, non-essential/non-urgent work of this kind is now suspended during the COVID-19 health emergency, so the work is not now going ahead and will be undertaken at a later date.

The signage has now been removed.