Progress with the Sinderins Beacon #dundeewestend

Residents with fairly long memories may remember the “Dundee Decides” participatory budgeting consultation in early 2018.

In the West End, one of the successful projects covered the Perth Road district shopping centre.     Some of that – for example the “Perth Road” seating at the entrance to the Miller’s Wynd car park – has been long completed but there have been repeated delays with the Sinderins Beacon, the proposal for a entrance structure at the west end of the shopping area at Sinderins.

I am pleased to say that there is finally some progress towards completing this.     The council’s Public Art Planning Officer has recently updated me as follows :

“The beacon is in fabrication and the last details for the site works are being worked on.  

I believe the aim is to complete by 31st March. 

However, I am assuming that it cannot be guaranteed as there a few different contractors involved who effected by the pandemic in different ways.”

More information is available below :

From Migration to Mobility to Climate Change- Online Open Lecture

Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education is holding this online lecture later this week.

Dr Kiril Sharapov, Associate Professor at Edinburgh Napier University, is speaking on the subject of ‘From Migration to Mobility to Climate Change: What does ‘Migration’ really mean?‘ as part of the Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education online Open Lecture Series.
All welcome to join on Thursday 18th February at 6pm and you can register here.

In D’Arcy Thompson’s Footsteps : Science, Technology and the Classics

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

I’m delighted to advise of this special event on Tuesday 16th February at 5.30pm.

It is a free online event co-organised by the D’Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum, University of Dundee and Tufts University, Massachusetts

D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson is best known for his ground-breaking book On Growth and Form, which laid the foundations for the science of mathematical biology. However that was just one of his many publications, and this special live event focuses on an exciting interdisciplinary project led by Tufts University in Massachusetts, exploring D’Arcy’s 1895 book A Glossary of Greek Birds. 

This extraordinary book combines his deep knowledge of natural history with his love for classical studies and mythology. Building on D’Arcy’s own belief in fostering diversity and dialogue among disciplines, this unique project brings together a team of humanists and scientists to uncover the contemporary relevance of a forgotten classic.


Matthew Jarron, Curator of Museum Services, University of Dundee

Marie-Claire Beaulieu, Associate Professor, Classical Studies, Tufts University

Michael Reed, Professor of Biology, Tufts University

Anthony Bucci, Lecturer, Computer Science, Tufts University

Jennifer Burton, Professor of the Practice, Drama and Dance, Tufts University

Zachary Fletcher, Senior Software Developer, Perseids Project, Classical Studies, Tufts University

The event will be held live on Zoom and to book a place, please go to

Latest update during the COVID-19 health emergency


We want to thank the great efforts of all the vaccination staff who have worked incredibly hard to get people vaccinated. 

In Scotland 1 million people have been vaccinated and the gap is closing with the rest of the United Kingdom where governments organised a faster start to the programme. 

As of Thursday evening, Scotland was still 47,814 behind where it would be if it had rolled out the vaccine at the same rate as England.  As that gap was up at 200,000 at one point this is good progress by the vaccinators.

These are official figures Public Health Scotland published this week available at


The revised timetable across Scotland is: 

Groups 1 and 2 – by now

Groups, 3 and 4

Group 5 – by end of February

Groups 6 – 9 – by early May

Group 1 – Residents in a care home for older adults and their carers

Group 2 – All those 80 years of age and over and frontline health and social care workers

Group 3 – All those 75 years of age and over

Group 4 – All those 70 years of age and over and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals

Group 5 – All those 65 years of age and over.

Group 6 – All individuals aged 16 years to 64 years with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality. This also includes unpaid carers.

Group 7 – All those 60 years of age and over

Group 8 – All those 55 years of age and over

Group 9 – All those 50 years of age and over

Regarding rearranging or opting-out of your coronavirus vaccination appointment, further information is available at (and follow the advice for the NHS Tayside area).


You can access local information on the spread of the virus in our area then choose “Dundee City” from the menu in local neighbourhoods.!/vizhome/COVID-19DailyDashboard_15960160643010/Overview


All arrivals to Scotland from outside the Common Travel Area must book and pay for managed isolation in quarantine hotels from 15th February.

Six hotels close to Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow airports with a combined capacity of 1,300 rooms will be used to implement the quarantine at a cost of £1,750 per individual traveller. Final costs for those not travelling alone are currently being worked through, as well as the details for a Managed Isolation Welfare Fund which will be launched for those who cannot afford the charge.

All arrivals must quarantine for at least ten days and will be tested twice for the virus – once on day two and once on day eight after arrival.

Existing travel exemptions will be strengthened, including limiting overseas training for elite sportspeople to athletes and coaches preparing for the Olympics and Paralympics.

A small number of arrivals will not be required to isolate, such as those involved in essential supply chains for goods coming into Scotland.

Non-essential international travel is still not permitted.


The following funds are now open for application: 

Exclusive Use Grant

Events Industry Support Fund 2

Large Self-Catering Grant

Bed and Breakfasts Paying Council Tax Grant

Visitor Attractions Support Fund

Seafood Disruption Support Scheme

Coronavirus Resilience and Recovery Fund for Legal Aid

Covid-19 Recovery Support for Scottish Recycling Businesses

Hostel Covid-19 Business Support and Continuity Fund

Community and Third Sector Recovery Programme

Seafood Producers Resilience Fund

Touring Fund for Theatre and Dance

Coronavirus Scottish Zoo and Aquarium Animal Welfare Fund!Products=/last-modified/show+25/page+1


A further £17.5 million of emergency funding has been allocated to support creative freelancers and the events sector.  £8.5 million will go towards the events sector – distributed through the Pivotal Event Businesses Fund and the Events Industry Support Fund 2 as well as targeted support. The remaining £9 million will be distributed as a top-up to the Creative Freelancers Hardship Fund.


Grants of £750 are being paid to all registered childminders.


If you are told to self-isolate through the Protect Scotland phone app you can download a certificate on your phone.  That certificate can then be used as proof when you are claiming self-isolation support, or when you are contacting your employer.

Also, the app uses an exposure notification system, which didn’t work on some older phones.  But Apple has now made changes which mean that if you have an iPhone 5S or an iPhone 6, the app will now work.


The snow has meant the City Council has been unable to empty bins for part of last this week.

Advice regarding this is available at



If you have symptoms of the virus check out this link.



UK Government news:

Scottish Government Updates:

Dundee City Council updates:

NHS Inform –

NHS Tayside website:

Helpline for those who do not have symptoms but are looking for general health advice Tel: 0800 028 2816

Health Protection Scotland Guidance –

Federation of Small Businesses:

Helpline for small businesses, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm. Tel: 0300 303 0660

Ready Scotland Information –

Tayside Cares –


This has been an anxious and uncertain time but we want you to know that we are here to try to help constituents in whatever way that we can.


WEST END WARD – Bailie Fraser Macpherson

Phone – Dundee 459378 (home)

E-mail –

Facebook updates :

Street lighting – Hillside/Glamis Drive/Hazel Drive area – further update

Further to my update earlier this week about the street lights being out in much of the Hillside/Glamis Drive/Hazel Drive area, in which I advised that there was an electricity supply problem, I have now received this further news from SSE :

“Our Network Integrity team are aware of this fault and have advised that it is high on this priority list.

We have had a number of faults on our network as a result of the snowfall which the team have had to attend to in the first instance.

Can you please share our apologies and advise that we will resolve this by next week at the latest?”

I should add that, after receiving this update yesterday afternoon, residents advised me that SSE vans had appeared, so if the lights were not back on last night they should now be back on very soon.