Dundee Partnership Funding for the West End #dundeewestend

As I previously reported, the Dundee Partnership Fund is offering increased funding to the West End of £20 000 for 2021/22 for community groups and local projects in our local area next financial year.

Get in touch with Joanne Kelly, our community development worker – see contact details below – for more information.

Application forms are available here.

Getting things done – Jedburgh Road #dundeewestend

I recently received complaints from residents about the road condition in Jedburgh Road.

I raised this with the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and have now received the following positive response :

“An order has been raised for pothole repairs to be carried out.”

Flooding on Riverside Avenue – an update #dundeewestend

Residents recently highlighted to me that there’s been a load of water pouring across Riverside Avenue on and off from some form of blue pipe – about 50m east of the Wright Avenue junction.    This was causing a large puddle at times and making cycling past there really difficult.

I contacted the City Council about this and have been updated as follows :

“Dundee City Council and Network Rail are currently working together to prevent flooding of the railway as a result of a collapsed culverted watercourse in close proximity to the track. 

The water is currently being temporarily pumped to the adjacent grassed verge areas to take advantage of existing infiltration available, however after heavy rainfall overland flow may find its way onto the carriageway and this is being closely monitored by the City Engineers. 

Please note this is only a temporary measure to allow Network Rail and their appointed contractor to undertake necessary drainage works beneath the track. As soon as Network Rail have completed their track works the temporary pumps will be moved back to the wooded area.  

Dundee City Council and Network Rail are currently finalising a drainage design and we hope to have the permanent drainage works in place soon.” 

I was then further updated as follows :

“I can confirm that an engineer from my team met with the contractor … to further review the current water pumping arrangements along Riverside.  

The contractor has been instructed to relocate the pump from the existing grass verged area, back to a suitable vegetated area between the carriageway and the rail track about 50m west of the works.   

The pumping works will then continue for a period of time to allow Network Rail to complete their under-track crossing works and for the City Council to complete the permanent drainage reinstatement.”

“Dundee Decides” – Sinderins Beacon project – an update

Residents will recall that last month I posted an update from the City Council about the Sinderins Beacon public art project, the final part of the “Dundee Decides” participatory budgeting consultation back in 2018.

The other parts of the project that was supported by residents back in 2018 were other public art projects – the “Perth Road” seating at the Miller’s Wynd car park and the Eurobins artwork project – had been long-delivered.  

The “Sinderins Beacon”, the proposal for an entrance structure at the west end of the shopping area at Sinderins, has taken an age to progress and I have raised concerns about this    Residents have given a variety of views on the design but I have had real concerns about the lack of engagement – over a long, long period – as the Beacon project has moved forward and the detail in the financial outturn. 

On querying this with officers I was very concerned at the way it has been managed.    After the initial seating and artwork projects were delivered, there was just over £14 000 left in the budget.    The actual cost now of delivery of the Beacon at 2021 prices is just over £30 000 – some £16 000 over budget.

As residents will have noted, the preparatory work to construct the Beacon has now started (see photo) and I asked officers if, given the project is alarmingly above budget, if the council was legally committed to the contractor, which it turns out it is.   

I have raised questions about how this project has been managed and why a project so over-budget was “waved through” without any updates or consultation with local councillors before it was committed to.    

I have been assured that the additional £16k can be found through underspends on other projects, but that’s really not the point as there should be good financial management on each and every project.    There should also be regular updates on progress to councillors (which I have only ever received when I did the chasing) and also to the community – this project failed at the first hurdle in this respect.

The main points I have made to officers about my concerns are :

(a) any future participatory budgeting projects should have a commitment to keep elected members updated at every stage.

(b) that any material budget overshoot is immediately reported and agreement reached in a transparent way on whether or not to proceed before a project can go forward.

(c) specifically in relation to future public art projects, a proper engagement with local artists and designers is undertaken (and possible competition) so that we make use of the local talent in the city rather than the way this project was developed.   

In the case of the Beacon, the council did seek the input of three community representatives who gave freely of their time and expertise and they should be thanked for their input and efforts.   However, the council “managed” the design process inhouse and making use of the wealth of artistic and design talent we have in the city would be the best approach in my view.   Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design is literally just down the road …!

In response to my comments, I was advised by a team leader in the City Development department :

“This is the first time that officers and elected members have been part of a participatory budget process and although awards have been won, I agree that there are lessons to be learned including keeping members up to date throughout the process.   

As part of the Broughty Ferry to Monifieth Active Travel Improvements we will be engaging with suitably qualified artists to submit proposals for public art to provide ‘placemaking’ on the route.  Hopefully a number of local artists will be keen to be involved and submit proposals for this key project.”

I have been sufficiently concerned about this matter than I have taken it all the way to the council’s Chief Executive, and I spoke with him last Friday about the matter.   He has positively taken on board the points I have made about how this sort of situation is avoided in the future.     

This is important as the Scottish Government wants to see more participatory budgeting – where the public get a say on what projects get priority – and the City Council will be coming forward with further participatory budgeting in the future. 

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



West Marketgait (at West Port roundabout) – off-peak northbound nearside lane closure from Wednesday 10 to Sunday 14 March for SSEN work.