Scottish parliamentary elections – West Park conference centre voters #dundeewestend

I have been in correspondence with the City Council’s electoral registration team regarding polling arrangements in the West End for the Scottish parliamentary elections in May – particularly challenging given the COVID-19 health emergency.

The only polling place change in the West End this year is that the West Park Conference Centre is not available and electors who normally vote there vote this year in the Ballroom at the Invercarse Hotel. This affects a large number of voters in the western part of the West End Ward as it is one of the largest polling districts in Dundee.

The Scottish Government has determined that each polling station within a polling place will be restricted to 800 electors to help social distancing – each polling station within every venue will be well spaced apart.

However, my strong advice to everyone is to vote by post this year. If you require more information about this the council has helpful advice on postal vote registration and other aspects of the election here.

Scottish parliamentary elections – West Park conference centre voters #dundeewestend

I have been in correspondence with the City Council’s electoral registration team regarding polling arrangements in the West End for the Scottish parliamentary elections in May – particularly challenging given the COVID-19 health emergency.

The only polling place change in the West End this year is that the West Park Conference Centre is not available and electors who normally vote there vote this year in the Ballroom at the Invercarse Hotel. This affects a large number of voters in the western part of the West End Ward as it is one of the largest polling districts in Dundee.

The Scottish Government has determined that each polling station within a polling place will be restricted to 800 electors to help social distancing – each polling station within every venue will be well spaced apart.

However, my strong advice to everyone is to vote by post this year. If you require more information about this the council has helpful advice on postal vote registration and other aspects of the election here.

Getting things done – Victoria Park #dundeewestend

A local resident recently reported as follows to me :

“We went to visit play park in Victoria Park this afternoon. Wanted to use baby swing.

I obviously had a young child with me and my adult daughter who is a power chair user.

We were unable to access the play park as no designated access path.

Grass very wet, not pram or wheelchair friendly.”

I have taken this issue up with the City Council’s environment management and a senior service manager has agreed to take this matter up.

Getting things done – Pentland Crescent #dundeewestend

Residents at the top end of Pentland Crescent have contacted me on numerous occasions about the regularly overflowing general waste Eurobin.    This serves not just the top end of the street but is also used by some Pentland Avenue residents nearby.

I contacted the City Council’s environment management team about this and am pleased with the following helpful response :

“I have discussed this with the area supervisor and there is adequate waste capacity, but we will put an additional bin in to determine whether this results in any improvement to the situation.”

Getting things done – Milnbank Road/Bankmill Road playpark #dundeewestend

I am grateful to the residents who contacted me recently to advise that the gate to the playpark Bankmill Road/Milnbank Road (Bankmill side) won’t lock and the gate is scraping the ground when opening and closing.

I contacted the City Council’s environment team about this and have now been updated as follows :

“… it looks like we need to put in a few washers to raise gate slightly.   This is on our list and will be carried out shortly.”