Temporary Traffic Order – Hawkhill

Temporary Traffic Order – Hawkhill (this also covers Meadowside outside the West End Ward) :

Dundee City Council proposes to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for the purpose of supporting local bus services in response to the Covid 19 pandemic.     The Order is expected to be in force for 12 months from 22 April 2021.   Its maximum duration in terms of the Act is eighteen months.

The effect of the Order is to prohibit temporarily(1) all vehicles northbound except buses and cycles in Meadowside (northbound motorised vehicular lane) for a distance of 24 metres or thereby northwards from a point 17.5 metres or thereby northwards from the intersection of the extended west kerbline of Meadowside with the extended north kerbline of Bell Street and (2) all vehicles in the southmost lane except buses and cycles at West Marketgait, West Port Roundabout and Hawkhill (southmost lane) from a point 35.5 metres or thereby eastwards from the junction of West Marketgait with West Port Roundabout at its east leg, westwards for a distance of 73 metres or thereby.

Buses and cyclists are unaffected.

No diversion routes required.

Queries should be addressed to the Network Management Team, City Development Department, Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee, DD1 1LS – phone 433082.

Sustainable Wardrobe Workshop

The Sustainable Wardrobe Workshop is a Gate Church Carbon Saving Project online event a week tomorrow – Saturday 24th April – at 11am.

The project team advise :

“Join us during Fashion Revolution Week to hear how you can make your wardrobe more sustainable and why this is so important, just as all the high street fast fashion brands are preparing to reopen.

We’ll be joined by Adele The Sustainable Stylist from House of Colour, who will be sharing her tips with us on how to thrift like a pro.

We’ll be sharing information about our Community Wardrobe and other useful local tips.

This will be an interactive session and we look forward to hearing your sustainable fashion tips.”

Furter information and how to take part is available here.

Getting things done – Riverside Avenue #dundeewestend

I have received a number of residents’ concern about the width of the foot/cycle path on part of Riverside Avenue, particularly between the roundabout with Riverside drive and the entrance to Riverside Nature Park at Wright Avenue.

This comment from a resident captures the concern :

“The footpath along Riverside Avenue from the roundabout going to Wright Avenue is far too narrow for pedestrians, prams, children AND bicycles. Noticed a lady having to step onto the road while trying to move around prams and a fast moving lorry was lucky to have missed her.”

I raised this recently with the City Council’s Team Leader, Parking & Sustainable Transport who has responded as follows :

“This section of footway carries the NCN77 (National Cycle Network) and officers are aware that width is less than desirable. As part of the Spaces for People programme this winter, there has been a clearance of overgrown shrubs in this area – creating more usable space. I have asked colleagues to check whether the shrub clearance is complete – and determine whether more work to scrape back the earth/leaves is needed.

Work to widen the path or re-route this section of the NCN will be considered and may be taken forward as a future project. We would hope to be able to match our own capital allocation for active travel infrastructure against external funding sources to take projects like this forward.”

Getting things done – Abbotsford Place #dundeewestend

I have received concerns from many residents about the poor state of the roadway in parts of Abbotsford Place and raised this with the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership.

I have now received the following helpful update :

“Abbotsford Place is included in the Structural Inlay Programme for 2021-2022.

Structural inlay is reconstruction of the carriageway at those spots identified where deterioration of the road structure extends into the layers below the wearing surface.

So, yes it is a new surface but more depth of the road surface will be removed then be reconstructed to the existing road surface.

This will apply to targeted areas in Abbotsford Place so the whole of Abbotsford Place carriageway will not be renewed/resurfaced.”

Getting things done – Hillcrest Road #dundeewestend

I have recently received concerns about the deteriorating road surface towards the west end of Hillcrest Road.

This part of the road was not resurfaced some time ago when the rest of the street was given an improved surface and I therefore raised ths with the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership.

I have now had a helpful response as follows :

“An inspection has been carried out at Hillcrest Road and there are currently no actionable defects. However an order has been raised to repair non actionable defects when resources are available.

Non actionable defects are minor defects and have no specified timescale for repair. Actionable defects are defects that require intervention i.e. repair within an appropriate timescale dependant on the location and scale of the fault.”