Getting things done – Blackness Avenue #dundeewestend

Residents have highlighted to me recently that the road markings from the top of Blackness Avenue, from the junction with Blackness Road, south to just around the bend in the road by Hillcrest Road, are very worn.

There is a ‘hatchet” section in the middle of the road that has almost completely disappeared.

I raised this with the council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and have received the following helpful response :

“An order has been raised for these road markings to be refreshed as soon as is feasible.”

Getting things done – Riverside Drive #dundeewestend

Residents have highlighted with me the fact that the railings at the walkway and steps over the rail line at Riverside Drive, just south of Newhall Gardens/the Botanic Garden, are badly in need of repainting.

I have raised this with the City Council asking that necessary liaison takes place with Network Rail to get this attended to.

Getting things done – West Park Road #dundeewestend

During the significant snowfall in early February, as part of the snow clearance effort on West Park Road, a JCB was used to remove much of the build up of snow.

Regrettably, as residents have since pointed out to me, the JCB caused some damage to the road surface.

The damaged part of West Park Road is mainly at the junction of Westpark Gardens and Norwood Terrace.

I have since raised this with the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and it has been agreed that a site inspection will take place to check the extent of damage and then get repairs undertaken.

Better pothole repairs! #dundeewestend

Dundee City Council currently has on loan a demonstration model of a new pothole repair system “JCB Road Mender” and yesterday, along with some council colleagues I attended a demo of the system in action, repairing potholes in Newhall Gardens.

I was very impressed with both the speed and quality of repair – the quality can be seen in the second photo below.    

There’s obviously a significant cost in purchasing new plant like this but the quality of repair is very good indeed and certainly worthy of consideration within the council’s capital programme.

Better pothole repairs! #dundeewestend

Dundee City Council currently has on loan a demonstration model of a new pothole repair system “JCB Road Mender” and yesterday, along with some council colleagues I attended a demo of the system in action, repairing potholes in Newhall Gardens.

I was very impressed with both the speed and quality of repair – the quality can be seen in the second photo below.    

There’s obviously a significant cost in purchasing new plant like this but the quality of repair is very good indeed and certainly worthy of consideration within the council’s capital programme.